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Captain's Away: Part 2 Adjusting Plans

Posted on Fri Sep 22nd, 2023 @ 7:23pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,766 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge USS Columbia
Timeline: MD, C2 After Part 1

Kendri turned around and caught a quick glance at the Security Chief, the other senior officer on the Bridge, before looking ahead at the main screen.

Commander Tomm acknowledged Kendri with a nod, in silent agreement that he would be prepared for anything.
Their budding friendship facilitated the trustful non verbal communication between them.

"Commander," she said, indicating the view screen. "Here we are," she said.

A Ferengi appeared on screen, tattoo on his brow, with a gold shroud surrounding the back of his skull. Prominent orange-pink lobes formed a great deal of the short man's facial features.

What first looked like a scowl twisted into a devious grin. "Captain! Welcome to Campor III", he said in a mostly amicable voice. "I am Daimon Kratagg of the Marauder Biratis. Allow us to be the first to welcome you to the sector."

After a brief pause, Kratagg added, "have you made catering arrangements?"

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Daimon Kratagg," Kendri held her wrists together briefly, in view of mainscreen for the Daimon to see. "I am Commander Chalan Kendri, we sent a small team down to get straight to work this morning. We were not expecting to entertain guests this morning, but it would an utmost honor to arrange a time in which we could prepare a proper reception for you and your distinguished guests. I will need to see what other work assignments we have on the planet, but perhaps we could tentatively plan for tomorrow during an hour we call brunch, say 1100 hours?"

To the inexperienced Bridge crew, Kendri's tone may have come across as ingratiating, but it was how the Ferengi conducted business, and business was their first language.

"Brunch it is", Kratagg replied excitedly. "We would be happy to offer you a taste of our completely organic, fresh food... grown and raised on the planet we call home."

A slightly taller, lanky Ferengi pushed his way into view. "Perhaps if our goods are pleasing to the palate of your crew, we can provide more of our foodstock.. For a nominal fee, of course."

Kratagg quickly tapped the other's shoulder, hinting at him to keep that part low-key. 1100 hours it is", the Daimon said.

Kendri gave a deferential nod to the Ferengi crew, "We will look forward to it. If you could send us your guest list so that we may ensure that an appropriate space and meal are prepared that would be most helpful," Kendri responded, continuing in her deferential and ingratiating tone.

"Certainly", said Kratagg. "We'll send the names over. Expect myself and five associates." Kendri's tone had put the Ferengi at ease with her and the Columbia. They were anxious to speak to the crew. "We look forward to seeing you tomorrow", the Ferengi said in a quacky voice.

Sarah, for her part, said nothing, but simply shrugged. She glanced back at the two senior officers. What had just happened?! "Ma'am...uh, sir? Should I close the channel now?" Her nerves were beginning to subside, and she was remembering her skills she'd learned. Yes, dummy, close the channel. She clicked some buttons, and the Ferengi captain disappeared.

"Do you want a channel to the Captain?" She asked.

"Yes, close the channel, Ensign," Kendri said in the affirmative. "Not just yet. The Captain is with the Romulans now. We'll wait until we can speak with him privately. We don't want to give the Romulans the impression that the Captain's - and our away team's attention is divided from them."

"Tomm, get us everything you can find on those names, and everyone else on their crew manifest," Kendri said, looking back at the security chief.

“You don’t have to ask me twice, Commander. Checking the guest list and manifest against Federation databases. Cross referencing non-Federation resources as well,” Tomm said calmly. He wanted to perform a thorough vetting as ship security was high priority.

A few moments later, Kobi had his results displayed on his monitor. “Commander Kendri, analysis complete. It appears they all are whom they claim to be. Two male Ferengi have minor offenses for public drunkenness and one female Yridian operating a gambling establishment without a proper license or documentation. Other than that, nothing we can’t handle.”

Crewman Yaves Lasa continued to monitor ships as they moved through the near orbit of the planet. Nothing else seemed to out of the ordinary. "A huge merchant vessel just dropped out of warp, ma'am", the Yeoman informed Commander Chalan and the bridge crew.

Scans might reveal that part of the ship's cargo bay carried sensor-blocking inhibitors. Some vessels used such technology to throw off raiders. Smugglers were also no stranger to these devices. Crewman Lasa was unable to scan deep enough to notice this, though Lt. Cmdr. Tomm was likely moments away from this discovery.

“Reading some kind sensor dampening system over there, Kendri. Had to employ a wavelength stretch-out to find it, but it’s there. And it’s not state of the art, either.
With a little nudge and the proper frequency, we can knock it out. Make it useless.”

The large, saucer-shaped vessel possessed as much inner storage space as a Nebula class starship.

Sarah pressed some buttons. "I can activate our shields...send out a probe." She said. Things were getting real and she was a little nervous.

Crewman Lasa could tell how anxious Ensign bet Ira was. She turned to the Ops officer, offering a smile worn under softened facial features.

"Not to worry, ma'am", Yaves said to Sarah. "It looks like routine traffic." There were several freighters and transports in orbit, each representing one of the unique cultures present on the surface.

Yaves cobalt complexion was darker than Ryhl's, the bridge's illumination glowing off of her forehead.

"That's right, Yeoman," Kendri affirmed. "It's a busy area, Ensign. Nothing to be alarmed about. Our Security Chief is keeping a close eye out for any hostile posturing. Ensign bet Ira, have our crew made it to the airfield yet? They should be getting close." Kendri inquired.

Sarah nodded. "Thank you," she said in a stage-whisper to Yaves. "Yes, ma'am. See there?" She pointed to the screen, realizing too late that the woman couldn't see her console with Sarah sitting in front of it. "Yes, ma'am, they have." Sheesh. "Sir, Ma'am. Anything else?" Please save her from embarrassing herself further.

Kendri nodded, "This would be a good time to check everyone's bio signs, make sure all are accounted for and healthy. They took quite a hike through some foreign vegetation so it would be good to check that," Kendri reminded her. "I also want to know how many others are with them. We haven't received any reports back, but if will be helpful to see if our scans align with their reports later."

Kendri realized she had become somewhat of a teacher on the Bridge this morning. She hadn't quite anticipated it, but she was enjoying it. She looked back at the security chief again and smiled, remember when she was a young and naive officer once herself. She took a seat again and waited for the Ensign's report.

The ship's sensors would soon show the small signature of a Romulan fighter taking off, away from the gathered life signs. It seemed like only moments later, the little blip disappeared. An audible warning and red flash marked an explosion.

Yaves gasped as she noticed, looking over to Sarah.

A call from Captain th'Zeles arrived soon afterwards.

=/\= th'Zeles to Chalan, we've had a situation. A Romulan fighter just had an accident. Stand by for updates.=/\=

=/\= Understood, Captain, standing by. We're getting as much information as we can from up here.=/\= Chalan responded.

Kendri ran up to take the secondary security station beside Commander Tomm where she would have more access. "Let's get secondary ops, helm, and security officers reporting to the Bridge in case we need backup," Kendri told Tomm, typing in the orders.

"Ensign bet Ira, remember what I asked you, check on our people, and I want to know how many other people are on the ground with them and who they are," Kendri ordered. "You can do this, just take a breath and keep working, they need us." Kendri was also working on the same data just in case, having noticed the Ensign's nerves, realizing this could be potentially crucial data if there was sabotage. However, she wanted to give the Ensign the opportunity to try. From her record, this would be Sarah bet Ira's first time on duty working through a potential crisis point.

Not long afterwards, a second comm call came. This time Ryhl spoke to Lt. Cmdr. Tomm.

=/\= This is Captain th'Zeles to Commander Tomm. Please send an investigations team down to my position in Duveek. We just had an explosive situation. =/\=

The Trill Chief of Security sent his reply.

=/\=Are you alright, Captain? Dispatching teams now. Should we take the ship to yellow alert?=/\=

Ryhl tapped his commbadge, thinking of the ship. =/\= Everyone is well here, Commander. Thank you. The fighter's accident is looking a little more... interesting. We might want some investigators looking into this.=/\=

Kendri was still standing next to Tomm at the second security panel, the backup officers that the First Officer had ordered filed onto the Bridge from the turbolift and stood before the First Officer waiting for their assignments.

=/\= Captain, this is Commander Chalan, since we don't seem to be the target, we'll keep quite up here for now to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. If things change, let me know and I'll call for yellow alert. Be safe, Captain. And don't get on any ships. And one more thing, Captain. We had some Ferengi inquiring about a visit. They seemed ... eager to meet with us. I had suggested tomorrow, but I can hold them off. =/\+

Yeoman Lasa worried about the Captain's safety as she heard his voice over Commander Chalan's commbadge.

=/\= Sounds like a solid course, Commander. I'll have the officers here look into the incident, along with Commander Tomm's security team. Now.. Ferengi, hmm? Well... Let them know what's happened. Maybe there's some other way we can accommodate them. These next few days may be a bit hectic. =/\=

Kendri looked down at her team from the upper deck of the team. So much for a routine day of Bridge duty.

Captain Rhyl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer, USS Columbia
Also writing Daimon Kratagg

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer, USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Security Chief, USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Ops Officer, USS Columbia

Crewman Yaves Lasa
Yeoman, USS Columbia


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