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Study Break

Posted on Fri Sep 22nd, 2023 @ 10:29pm by

838 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: C1 1630

Lissa was a few weeks into her studies for her second year of medical school and decided that she needed a change of scenery from her room if she was going to keep going any longer. She meandered toward a spot with a view of the arboretum - she wasn't inside it, more overlooking it. She had a PADD, and a three-dimensional holographic projector and was memorizing the steps to a surgical procedure.

Keena had snuck out of daycare and had begun walking the decks and she made her way to the Arboretum. She'd been here with her Papa he'd been teaching her to climb she loved climbing trees. She jumped grabbed a low-hanging branch and lifted herself into the tree. she didn't notice the woman watching at her.

Lissa saw the child peering at her through the tree branches and looked around to see if she was with an adult. "Does anyone know you are out here climbing trees?" she asked the child.

"You do." The child said. "Papa will come find me when it's dinner time."

Lissa giggled at the child's response. "Don't you think he'd like to know where you are now? So he doesn't have to look for you later?" She asked.

"He knows I'm safe on the ship," Keena said as she climbed to a higher branch.

"Well this isn't a holodeck," Lissa warned as she watched the child climb higher. "So there are no safety protocols if you fall. Perhaps you shouldn't climb so high there."

"These trees smell better," Keena said as swung from one branch to another in a tree closer to the woman.

Lissa laughed, the child's simple observations bringing her joy. "That's because they are real, which is why you need to be very careful," Lissa cautioned her. "My name is Lissa, what's yours?"

"I'm Meressa Keena," The child said as she dropped out of the tree and rolled to break her fall. "You may call me Keena."

Lissa had to look down to see Keena who was now on the ground. "Are you okay, Keena? I'm a nurse, I could help you if you're hurt," Lissa offered.

"I'm okay," Keena giggled. "I still can't roll onto my feet like my Papa, but I'm getting better."

The girl looked at the grass stains on her clothes and furrowed her brow. Then wiped the dirt on her hands off on her pants.

"Maybe I should call your papa and tell him where you are? He might be looking for you," Lissa suggested.

The little girl paused for a moment before speaking, "I guess that's a good idea."

Keena gave her a guilty look and sat down next to her.

Lissa tapped her communicator. =/\= Nurse Kerr to Commander Razka, I think I may have found someone who belongs to you. We're sitting on a bench at the port side of the arboretum. =/\=

"Have you had fun on your little adventure today?" Lissa asked her in an almost whisper while she waited for the Commander to respond.

"Yes," Keena smiled.

=/\= Acknowaged Nurse Kerr, I'll inform the daycare to call off the search, I'll be there in a few minutes.=/\=

Kas spoke in a neutral tone that Keena knew well. She was probably in trouble.

"A search?! Miss Keena, you had a whole daycare looking for you? Why did you sneak off like that?" Lissa asked.

"The other kids don't like the games I like to play," Keena said looking at the ground.

"What games don't they like to play?" Lissa asked sympathetically.

"I don't know the words to the songs and they can't keep up with when I run." She folded her arms, "Papa said we have to stay here. I wish I had friends."

"You could practice the words to the songs," Lissa said. "But you won't learn them if you keep running off." She gave the girl a look that a protective big sister might. "And it's okay to run slow when you are playing a game together. You might find you enjoy the company more than running as fast as you can."

"I can try," Keena smiled.

Kas walked up behind the ladies, he had caught some of their conversation. It broke his heart to hear his daughter was having such a hard time. His face softened. He spoke to Keena in their language. The child started at the sound of his voice. The Little girl turned to Lissa and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Miss Lissa.' Keena before she jumped p off the bench and ran to Kas.

"Wait outside, I'll be there in a minute," Kas instructed.

"Am I in trouble?" Keena asked.

"Well talk about it at home," Kas said he watched her move out the door.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on her," Kas smiled. "I keep telling her not to wander.

"She was very sweet to talk to, Commander. It was a nice little break from studying."

"I'm glad, I'm sure I'll be seeing you," Kas said simply before exiting.


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