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Pip'n Ain't Easy, Part II

Posted on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 2:21pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 2:26pm

1,403 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 3, Shuttlebay - Main Floor
Timeline: Following Part I

=/\= On =/\=

Ryhl was also not one for ceremonies and wanted it to be done quickly. He read the names together and planned to quickly move down the line. The officers all had a lot to do to prep for the mission at Campor and the Captain wanted to get them on their way.

But they deserved this moment in the sun. These were not ordinary officers assembled here. This was a prize crew, many finding themselves suddenly thrust into positions of higher authority than they expected at a relatively young age.

Ryhl and Kendri moved to Kobi Tomm next. He smiled as Kendri moved in position to pin him.

"Lieutenant Commander.. It is an honor", Ryhl said to the Chief Security officer with a wide smile.

“Thank you, Captain, Commander. The honor is mine to serve.” Tomm beamed as he shook hands with both Rhyl and Kendri.

Kendri took the security chief's additional pip from the box that the Captain held and pinned it to the newly appointed Lt. Commander Tomm's collar. "Congratulations Lt. Commander Tomm," Kendri said winking at him before she moved on.

Ryhl shook Lt. Commander Tomm's hand enthusiastically. "Well deserved", Ryhl told the Chief Security Officer before moving along.

As Kendri and Ryhl moved to Paisley, Ryhl beamed. "Lieutenant Commander! Congratulations.. I know you're looking forward to getting back to Engineering." He laughed a little.

"It has been such an honor to serve with a fellow Carjoran, and an even greater honor to pin you today," Kendri said as she added the pip to Paisley's collar. "Congratulations."

She smiled. "Thank you, Sir. Congratulations to you, too," she said, touching his collar lightly. "Guess we're all stuck with this." To Chalan, she smiled bigger. "Thank you!! Let's party about it later!" She said.

Ryhl laughed awkwardly at the comment about their partying. He was glad the crew had connected over the long flight. He hoped to interact more socially with the crew, fuzzy memories of dancing still ringing in the Captain's head.

When they moved on, she glanced to her right, and smiled at Jason. Sheesh, that was nerve wracking. Luckily, the CO wasn't one who stood too long on ceremony, apparently, and would have them out of there quickly, by all appearances. The boys were NOT going to let her live this down, she just knew it.

The Captain and Executive Officer moved to Johanna next. "I know you didn't expect this promotion. It comes with the increased responsibility you'll be in for. ." Ryhl smirked and nodded, turning to watch Kendri move into position. "But congratulations!"

Kendri took the pin from Captain th'Zeles and added it to Johanna's collar. "Congratulations, Lt. Commander. You've taken on the responsibility anyway, might as well take the pip," she said with a wink.

Johanna froze completely. Words completely failed her. She was absolutely stunned. She managed to mouth 'Thank you.' She came close to crying; she was so happy.

Ryhl could sense Johanna's emotion, antennae buzzing with activity as he moved closer and smiled. "We're glad to have you as a member of the team", Ryhl said quietly, but excitedly.

"Not to be left out, I now pronounce officers Elliot and Sava promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, for their years of dedication to a grateful Federation." He lingered for a few moments before lingering on.

Ryhl carried a smirk as he approached Jason. "Here we are, Lieutenant.. I know this is coming as a surprise to you, but you're about to take on a lot more responsibility." Ryhl winked, knowing certain plans were in motion.

Jason suddenly felt the mood change, maybe just his mood, the realization his days as just an analyst were about to become more chaotic, either way it was time to...what exactly. He was a full officer now, he just stood at attention.

Kendri stood in front of Jason and nodded at him as she reached to his collar and removed the second pip from his collar before replacing it with one that was solid gold. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Elliot," Kendri said offering him a brief smile before moving along.

Finally Captain th'Zeles and Commander Chalan came to rest in front of Sava. "I'll be seeing you a lot planetside, Lieutenant." Ryhl looked up to the strong officer, proud of her military bearing and professionalism. Ryhl seemed to often trust her as his personal guard.

As Kendri approached Lieutenant Sava she did the same as she with Jason, removing the second pip from her collar, placing it inside the box that Rhyl held, and replacing it with a solid gold pip, branding her as a full lieutenant. "Congratulations Lieutenant Sava," Kendri said enthusiastically. "Last, but certainly not least."

"Thank you, Commander. Captain." Sava stood perfectly still as Kendri pinned on her new solid gold pip. The more pips on your collar, the more responsibility you had, of course - nothing she wasn't prepared to shoulder. "I am truly honored. As to seeing me planetside, I'm sure I'll be around quite often." The corners of her mouth quirked upward at that.

"Indeed", Ryhl said before nodding to her with respect.

As rehearsed, Captain th'Zeles and Commander Chalan snapped to attention. They executed an about face so that they were facing away from the formation. In time, they walked at different angles and speeds so that Kendri ended up centered in front of the formation, with Ryhl stopping just in front of her.

"Assembled colleagues of the Columbia crew", Ryhl said loudly as he looked out to those gathered in the shuttlebay. "I present to you your newly promoted senior officer staff."

Applause rang out from the twenty or so people who had time to attend. People began to cheer and shout congratulations as they stood.

Ryhl turned back to the formation. "On the command to fall out.. Fall out. You are dismissed." The officers would still be free to spend time here if they had time. A table offered drinks and snacks for those gathered.

Jason stopped to process things, he saw a small crowd around Paisley congratulating her. He just smiled, a crewman offered him a coffee that he accepted, he found himself in a slight daze the reality of life moving forward was a bit more complicated.

Her team had come by to congratulate her, and she took their wishes with a smile. She excused herself to them, asking them to return to their assigned tasks about the ships, and went off towards Jason. "Congrats, L-T," she said. "I have a feeling that this promotion is going to come with a LOT more paperwork," she made a face. Standing nearby was Kobi Tomm.

He leaned in with a half hug and said. “Congratulations, yourself….Commander.” She smiled lightly.

"Thank you. Excuse me," she said.

She smiled. "Commander," she said, moving very close to the Trill. "It's not fraternization now," she said, her voice low. "With Kendri," she said, jerking her head in the woman's direction.

“Pais-wait…..wait….! We’re just….oh, boy.” Kobi said as Paisley ran off with an Andorian woman. He couldn’t remember her name, but he noticed they were happy to see each other.

She was pulled away then by Ivy, but laughed as she left. If only she'd known at sixteen that just ten years later, she'd be this popular, she would've left Cardassia sooner.

Ryhl watched an Ensign pulling away a newly promoted Lieutenant Commander and looked away. He sighed heavily, turning towards the drink table. He set down the coffee and picked up a rather early glass of golden Andorian ale."

Ryhl recognized that Andorian Ensign and would ensure she would be subject to extra duty. If she Ryhl noticed more between the pair, he might have to intervene and reassign one of the officers to another ship.

He sipped silently to himself for a moment, trying to fight off his disappointment. Ryhl returned to the crew moments later.


Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia


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