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Pip'n Ain't Easy, Part I

Posted on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 2:12pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 2:14pm

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 3, Shuttlebay - Main Floor
Timeline: MD C1, 1430 hours

=/\= On =/\=

The shuttlebay of the USS Columbia had been meticulously prepared for a momentous occasion. In the vast expanse of the cavernous bay, a section had been meticulously cleared to make way for a ceremony. A gleaming, polished platform dominated the center, adorned with the Federation emblem, and flanked by towering banners that bore the ship's insignia. The Columbia had arrived in orbit of Campor III approximately two hours earlier.

Campor III, a colorful jewel nestled amid the cosmos, hung in the distance. The colors of its gold, scarlet and emerald forests could be seen through the colossal open bay doors. Starlight cast a warm, golden glow upon the proceedings and highlighted the diverse crew of the Columbia.

As the Beta shift quietly began to assume their duties for the evening, Ryhl stood at the forefront of the stage. Several officers gathered before him, each carefully chosen for their outstanding service and commitment to the values of the United Federation of Planets. They stood in formation, backs straight and expressions a mix of anticipation and pride. Their commendations and exemplary records had earned them this moment in the spotlight, just as it had earned them their postings on the Columbia.

As the ambient hum of the ship's engines resonated through the shuttlebay, Ryhl took a moment to address the many crew members who sat before the stage, watching the proceedings. His voice, clear and resonant, filled the space. It carried with it the weight of tradition and honor. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and friends.. Today we come together not only as officers of the USS Columbia but as representatives of the ideals we hold dear. We stand before you to recognize and celebrate the dedication, courage, and unwavering commitment of our fellow crew members."

Onlookers might notice something different about Mister th’Zeles’s uniform. The fourth pip denoting him as a Captain now adorned his collar.

Ryhl stepped from behind the podium and approached the crew. They stood in a single formation, with Lieutenant Commander Chalan in front of them. Behind her were Lieutenants Razka, Tomm, F’Rar, Lyngstad and Lieutenants JG Elliot and Sava. Captain th’Zeles carried an open container, holding 6 sets of rank pips.

“For her hard work and dedication to this crew and others before it.. I hearby promote Chalan Kendri to the rank of Commander, with all the rights and privileges included.” Stepping forward, Ryhl reached into the container he held with his left hand to grab the set of Commander pips. He lifted it to her collar and finagled her pips off and into his palm while sliding on the new rank with one hand.

“I now ask that Commander Chalan pin each officer with their new ranks”, Ryhl said. As rehearsed, Commander Chalan would now turn to join Ryhl as they started to move towards the crew.

Paisley hated the pomp and circumstance BS that were promotion ceremonies. Couldn't they just, like, shove her PIP under the Engineering Office door and beam over a pizza?! She'd be much happier. Still, she supposed she was proud of herself-one of the youngest Chief Engineers in the Fleet, and already a Lt. Commander. Her father would absolutely lose his MIND if he heard. WHEN he heard. She had no doubt he would, though not from her. They didn't speak much, and when they did, it was about him and his accomplishments. He hadn't even made her Academy graduation. She'd be surprised if he came to her wedding-if she ever had one. Oh, crap, she better pay attention, and look alive, because the Command staff were on the move. She plastered a smile on, and waited.

Sava had, honestly, no clue as to why she'd been asked to come. She hadn't served for that long, for one, and two, wasn't she literally just doing her job? Rank didn't matter all that much for security officers, did it? She had come nonetheless, though, to see what lay in store. She clapped politely as the First Officer was promoted.

Jason hated, no loathed most forms of ceremony, He just stood there, with a practiced diplomatic smile, he caught himself glancing over at Paisley, trying not to give away too much, he then laughed internally, his promotion with intel was a bottle of whiskey and the pip box on his desk. He just waited for a proper moment too congratulate those who had been promoted.

Kas stood with a neutral expression on his face as he watched the proceedings. The Hybrid was wearing his dress uniform for the occasion, he also wore a black leather headband with a green gemstone in the center. His hair wear was in two rope braids fastened with leather straps similar to his headband. His goatee was in two braids secured with green beads. Kas's clan's mantel was draped over his shoulders, he had an almost majestic air about him. He was grateful that Starfleet's traditions were much shorter and less involved than his people's.

Kendri took a step toward Kas and smiled at him, he'd become a cherished friend. She turned to Captain th'Zheles and waited for his declaration.

"I now pronounce officers Razka, Tomm, F'Rar, Lyngstad hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, for their years of service to a grateful Federation. Ryhl would announce the former Lieutenants JG next, just before pinning them.

Kas looked the Commander in the eye and smiled, he was glad to receive his pips from a friend.

"Well deserved, Lieutenant Commander", Ryhl said to Kas with a look of warmth underneath his military bearing.

Kendri took Kas' additional pip, black with a gold ring around it out of the box and pinned it to his collar. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander," Kendri said giving him a solid nod of respect.

"Thank you, I will serve with distinction," Kas said.

"We have faith that you will", Ryhl said with a respectful glance.

Johanna smiled at the people getting promoted. Her very recent promotion to full Lieutenant was still fresh in her mind.


Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia


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