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Pip'n Ain't Easy, Part III

Posted on Sun Sep 10th, 2023 @ 2:41pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Sava

1,226 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 3, Shuttlebay - Main Floor
Timeline: Following Part II

=/\= On =/\=

The gathered officers were in the midst of a conversation, discussing the responsibilities which accompanied their promotion.

Jason smiled, "It just means I'll be that much more busy some days, not a bad thing either."

"I think your department might be a little more full as well", Ryhl said to Jason, arriving from the drink table with a surprisingly early glass of ale. He took a hearty sip.

Kendri walked around to mingle with the crew. She spotted Johanna, and went up to say hi, "How are you feeling, Commander?"

It took Johanna a second or two to recognize that Kendri was talking to her. It took a few more seconds to form a sentence. "I'm just astounded. It took eight years for me to make JG and nine more to make full Lieutenant. I have always been in positions that really don't give me a chance to shine. I don't expect things to go right. It is...incomprehensible." She stopped for a moment. "This isn't a holodeck sim, right?"

"Of course not," Kendri reassured her. It's a shame that some ships overlook science officers - that may be when it's time to ask for a transfer. Engineers may make the ship go, and operations may make our computers keep systems up and running, but when there is a problem that needs to be solved, or a crisis with no clear solution, I always want a team of scientists working on it, and I know the Captain feels the same way." Kendri looked her in the eyes and spoke solemnly as she said this. "I mean that. You all are trained to think differently than the rest of us, and that is why you are so very important. Not to mention that we are explorers, and when we do get the exciting opportunity to come across something new, you and your department are the ones we expect to keep us from... you know doing something stupid," she added with a light laugh.

The First Officer's laugh helped the situation. "Thanks, XO." said Johanna. "I really needed that."

Ryhl walked by, overhearing the conversation. "Science officers are critical", he added. "You shall see, Commander Lyngstad. I'll be asking you for advice constantly."

Paisley couldn't go too far with Ivy; they did have to work, but no one would miss her face for a few minutes, right?!

Ryhl made his way through the officers. "Congratulations again. I know you'll all live up to the task. Thanks for attending the ceremony." He continued to speak as he moved through the crowd.

He approached the Chief of Security Lt. Cmdr. Kobi Tomm. "I'm really excited to have you on the bridge, Commander", Ryhl said to him. "I know things have been routine so far. They won't always be like this."

“Understood, sir. But know that we’ll be ready for anything. If there’s anything I’ve learned at all during my training is preparedness. No need to concern yourself about us, Captain.”

The Andorian lifted his glass. "I have a great deal in your capability", he said with a warm smile. "I am lucky to command a crew of fine officers like yourselves. So tell me.. Do you have any recommendations for the Campor security plan? Something is up. I want to make sure we keep a perimeter going around the areas any of our officers stay at."

“I haven’t read the briefings yet. But I do have some ideas. Besides setting up a modular shelter, which could be an option, but it depends on how conspicuous you need the team to be. Sensor nets, portable shield generators, power dampeners, are all options.”

Both antennae spun wildly at LCDR Tomm's suggestions, some of which he hadn't thought of. "Right", he said. "Well to be very brief, there are four different main settlements split between differing races.. I'm sure you've heard that part. But each settlement has been running into an increasing number of difficulties maintaining their equipment."

The Captain seemed to be deep in thought. "We need to keep a low profile, just so any malicious onlookers don't know we're onto them. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't back off of their activity while we arrived. I'd like your team to investigate for signs of sabotage, in addition to the security plan."

Ryhl waved over Jason, taking a step towards him and turning towards the center of the trio.

"We were just talking about the security plan", Ryhl said to Jason. "I'd like you and Miss Wiseman to keep your eyes open as well. Something seems off on this colony. They shouldn't be experiencing so many widespread problems. Starfleet finds the matter worrying." Ryhl spoke of ongoing communications between the Admiralty, colonial leaders and himself which has lasted months.

"I'd like you both to keep an eye on the locals. Lieutenant Elliot, I'd appreciate any tactical insights you had for the mission as well... Considering a low profile, investigative approach."

Jason had to process for a moment, "Let's not get to heavy handed on our approach, it's advisable to start with the simple stuff, that might have to include a more 'Hand up not a hand out' approach, get the ships running where possible, maybe look into things like improving shelter or power supply first, I'd also like to reach out to a contact who might be on the colony, they might be able to point us in a more practical approach which might win over the population easier."

"I think you're misunderstanding me", Ryhl replied. "We don't have to win over the populace. They may be standoffish, but they're on our side. There are elements on the planet that seem to be working against the colonists." Ryhl sipped from his synthehol glass of Andorian ale quickly before continuing.

"You see, it isn't the colonial government or people that we need to worry about. Maybe different groups are working against each other", Ryhl said. "The differing groups are quite varied. Maybe some outside element is working to fulfill a hidden agenda. All departments will be working with the colonists. Any approach our security officers take will be mirrored by associates within colonial forces."

"That's why I'm speaking of an investigation and stepping up security around their facilities", Ryhl said as he looked from Jason to Kobi.

Jason looked around to Kobi "I'm going too look into cause, I'll leave the rest to Lieutenant Commander Tomm on beefing up the effected security issues."

“Be happy too, Commander. As Security and Tactical Head, I would appreciate being involved in any tactical action plans. Our respective team members can share information as we go. Sound reasonable to you, Jason?”

Jason smiled "I think so, there's plenty of resources to go around." Jason already had a plan and if it ruffled some feathers he didn't give a damn, what he knew had been going on was wrong, morally wrong.


Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia


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