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The First Gathering - Part II

Posted on Tue Jul 18th, 2023 @ 5:12pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,713 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Main Briefing Room - USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 2, 1325 hours

And now... The continuation...

=/\= On =/\=

The group sat, listening to Commander th'Zeles as he briefed Lieutenant Razka on the situation. A PADD sat in front of each crewmember, full of notes on the operation.

"Travel time to the planet will be Just over seven weeks. We will save nine days by cutting through the Mutara Nebula", said the Commander. "The Columbia will be vulnerable. Mister Razka believes we can make it. The nebula is indeed fairly well charted. Some of our sensors will be affected by the ionization within it. We'll basically be flying through dead reckoning."

"I want to open up the floor. What are the concerns of your departments. XO? What's on your mind about this mission? What do you all need from me, as far as support.. Equipment? Staff?"

Ryhl leaned back in his chair momentarily, rocking in it through tension. His right arm sat on the table as he spoke, cerulean hand loosely clenched.

Johanna spoke up. "I think we are OK in Sciences as far as staff goes. I have been able to review the personnel in my department and I think we have all the specialties covered."

The Andorian nodded. "And you have been set up with your department's shuttle, as well. It may help you conduct surveys from the air... Though I'm sure you'll want to get your boots planet-side."

"Mister Razka, Mister Elliot, Doctor Takanashi.. Do you need anything from Starbase 74 before we leave? Gear? Staff?"

Rikka nodded simply. "I would only request a fully stocked medical department. Best to be prepared... Please?"

"Supplies we'll have", Ryhl began. "Some officers are still yet to be assigned. You should still have several medical officers and a full enlisted support staff behind you, Doctor."

The Commander looked towards the gray-clad Intelligence officer next.

"I've forwarded staffing requests too Intel's sector office but it'll be a guessing game if I get any staff right away." Jason commented.

Ryhl nodded, knowing that a lot of what happened at Intel took place internally. "Let's hope for the best in that regard. I wanted to tell you", Ryhl said to Jason. "There is a special Type-8 shuttle aboard. It carries sensor dampening equipment, as well as a lot of sensitive technology. You are likely to work with it in future operations.."

"I'm excited to see it myself", Ryhl continued. "We should take it out for an inspection flight and go over its capabilities.

Turning towards Lieutenant Razka, Commander th'Zeles said, "Speaking of special shuttles... I'd like a quick update on the shuttle you've been working on... Tell me more about the Holana's modifications."

"Of course, Sir." Kazka nodded. "My people the Quath'Mar have always had a good relationship with the Federation. Starfleet gave a number of Danube class vessels several years ago and our engineers made a number of modifications. We've used them as scooting and spear vessels, I negotiated with our clan leaders to give five of the vessels back."

Kas shifted in his seat, before continuing. "The chief shaman insisted on gifting the Holana to me. The Holana has special sensor arrays allowing it better navigation in Nebulas and our space hazards, the controls allow for greater maneuverability and the shields can be adjusted on the fly. The communication array can mimic call signals of other ships and can emit a jamming signal that is often mistaken for interference. They also added a rear torpedo launcher and a plasma anti-ordnance cannon.

Kas shrugged, "We were still voyaging near the Cardassians at the time so our scout ships were ready for hit-and-run cavalry tactics as well."

Ryhl looked down at his trusty PADD, pulling up specifications for the runabout. "That sounds like it will be a useful addition. I shall update the ship's manifest." He was interested by the Quath'Mar and their way of living. "The Solana should work well with the science shuttle."

"Tell me, Lieutenant", Ryhl said to Kas. "Why did the Chief Shaman insist on gifting the ship to you?"

Kas looked out the window at the stars, "The Holana belonged to my daughter's mother, she named it after a river on Bajor. The shaman gave it to me as her next of kin and it befits my place in our clan."

"I understand", Ryhl said, realizing Kas must have lost his mate. "That shuttle carries a lot of meaning. We'll make sure to keep it well maintained." The Andorian looked up as the door opened.

A crewman handed a PADD to Jason, his reaction was borderline annoyed. "Sector operations must have goofed, an Annika Wiseman RN was transferred to intel effective tomorrow morning." Jason said, setting down the PADD on the table.

Johanna looked over to Jason. Her sister was also named Annika.

"Goofed?" Ryhl turned to the Intel officer. "Perhaps you need to review her case file in more detail." His features warmed as he added, "Give her time. Train her. Sector likely wants to bolster the Intel teams with medical staff."

The Commander glanced back down at his PADD and scrolled through it. "We don't have any Security officers or Engineers here", he said. "But I can take time to fill you in on their mission."

Ryhl cleared his throat before continuing, feeling parched. "Security will establish posts where they can coordinate their efforts. They will escort community outreach teams and work with local law enforcement. It should be noted that we are not bringing them weapons of any kind. All of you will likely work with security officers while on the planet."

"This brings up a very good question", Ryhl continued. "Is Campor III dangerous?" His dark-golden eyes scanned the room before continuing. "The answer is that it can be. This is why we will be taking precautions. There have been a rash of incidents lately. Protests. Vandals. Just keep your guard up."

Ryhl felt that he might as well push through the briefing at this point. "Before I take questions, let me also go over Engineering's efforts. Our propulsion specialists will likely be working with their ships. Some of them are getting older now and can use repairs. Engineers will also work with architects and city planners on building projects. Our team will help plan the layout of the colony's future cities."

"The task ahead for this mission is enormous", Ryhl told the gathered crew members. "Our work will come together to make a serious impact on this planet and its people. I know its a few weeks ahead.. But we'll be planetside before you realize it."

"Are there any final questions? XO.. Have anything to add?" Ryhl looked over his officers proudly. There was something special about the group assembled before him.

"To properly navigate the nebula I need to work closely with the science department,' Kas explained. "Our sensors will be more useful than you may realize."

"Remember, Mister Razka.. The nebula will stop our sensors from operating normally. It will also affect our shields." Ryhl carried a fairly stern expression. "We are risking a great deal by bringing this ship through the Nebula."

He paused for a moment in thought before speaking again. "Frankly, many Commanders would avoid the nebula and travel the extra nine days."

"I have faith in you and your people", Ryhl told Kas. He knew the sensors would not function in a traditional way. Perhaps Kas could still find a way to draw information from them.

The Commander knew they would have to pull up data from previous trips into the nebula. There should be enough markers to navigate by using dead reckoning. The Columbia would travel from marked point to marked point. The ship would also have to trust its initial heading into the nebula, preparing the course before entry. The speed of the Columbia should help it evade any potential ambush, since its planned to travel at Warp 9.5 through the nebula.

"Work with Miss Lyngstad to help prepare the ship for the nebula. See if you can modify our sensors into working more like the Holana's."

"It may be easier to have the Holana lead and the Columbia use her sensor data," Kas explained. "That would be slower but we'd still shave a whole week off our arrival time."

"That sounds like an interesting idea. Keeping a lock on the Holana might be problematic for the same reason it has to lead. Precisely mimicking its movements would be critical." added Johanna.

"This is not going to be easy", Ryhl said through building anxiety. The Columbia will be extremely vulnerable during this time. The Columbia will also not be able to conventionally track the Holana, meaning the Odyssey class starship would need to follow the tiny craft manually.

"Remember. The Mutara Nebula is an exceptionally large and dangerous nebula. We'll give this a chance", the Commander said. "I still want the Holana's sensors to be studied. Any upgrades may not be ready in time for this mission, but could prove useful in the future."

Ryhl took a pause, looking around for more questions.

"Commander," Chalan interjected, "Perhaps this goes without saying, but our teams must be cautious to preserve the environmental resources on Campor III. Unfortunately there are factions who would strip the land of every resource - to the detriment of plant, animal, and even sentient life in the region."

Ryhl nodded and glanced in Kendri's direction. "The Agrarians would be very happy to hear you say that, Commander", he said smiling. "Deep planetary scans by Technocrat scientists revealed large reserves of duranium." The material is a naturally occurring ore used in starship construction. "The problem is that extracting these ores would damage underground aquifers above the deposits."

"This is just one of many issues we'll have to settle", Ryhl said as he looked over the crew. "I hope this initial briefing sheds some light on the mission ahead. Feel free to stay if you have questions... If not, consider yourselves dismissed."

"See you on deck", Ryhl said in determined fashion.


Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendra
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant JG Jason Elliot
Chief Intel Officer
USS Columbia


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