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Medical Inventory Meet & Greet

Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2023 @ 5:50pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D.
Edited on on Thu Jul 20th, 2023 @ 5:52pm

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 31, Lower Cargo Bay Level 2, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 1550 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Deck 31 of the USS Columbia buzzed with activity as enlisted crew members from various departments worked diligently to unload and organize the massive shipment of medical supplies destined for Campor III. The spacious 'Lower Cargo Bay Level', with its rows of storage containers and crates, was a hive of coordinated movement and purpose.

Different from a cargo bay, much of this deck was converted into storage for large items. In essence, it was the largest bay on the ship. Commander th'Zeles stood on a platform, watching the grand scale of it. The Chief Medical Officer was set to arrive shortly, only traveling from Starbase 74 momentarily.

Medical personnel, engineers, and logistics specialists worked in unison, carefully unloading the crates as they transport in from the Starbase. Each crate was labeled with its contents, indicating the specific medical supplies it held, ranging from dermal regenerators to bio beds and everything in between.

Enlisted crew members, clad in their respective uniforms, moved swiftly, their teamwork evident as they coordinated the logistics of the operation. They skillfully maneuvered the anti-gravity pallets, guiding them along designated pathways toward the allocated storage areas. Working in perfect sync, they navigated the bustling cargo deck, weaving through the organized chaos with practiced ease.

The air was filled with the hum of activity, punctuated by the occasional clatter of crates being unloaded and the hushed conversations between crew members. The energy was palpable as each individual played their part in this crucial mission to provide much-needed medical supplies to the colony of Campor III.

Ryhl read through a PADD to pass the time. Located on its logs was a list of everything set to be stored on Deck 31. The scale of the medical supplies was massive. This was a shipment the Federation had been preparing for some time. The Columbia is the perfect ship for the operation.

The doors of the large cargo bay opened and a small woman walked in. Her short blue hair stood out against the rest of the crowd, she was also wearing a light blue overcoat. Her Starfleet Medical uniform was a little tighter around her stomach as she walked. It was only when this woman turned slightly, would one noticed that she was actually pregnant, from observations one would presume around five to six months.

The woman carried the rank of lieutenant commander, and the medical logo embroided onto her overcoat showed she was part of the medical department. This woman, new on board today was the one and only Rikka Takanashi, the ships new Chief Medical Officer.

Commander th'Zeles noticed her moments later. He first thought she looked a little different than her personnel file and wondered why. From the angle she passed, he could see she was pregnant. This must have been the 'difference' he noticed.

"Doctor Takanashi", Ryhl called out as he approached her. "So glad to see you here." He held one of the newer, streamlined PADD models in his hand.

"How was your voyage here? I take it the both of you faired well throughout the trip?" Ryhl smiled as he hinted at the pregnancy.

An Orion crewman operating an anti-grav sled carrying containers of antibiotics, anesthetics and antiviral medications. A look of fulfillment crossed her verdant face as she hustled quickly past.

Rikka turned to the Andorian. "Oh erm..." she seemed a little more nervous than she looked. "Ah yeah. The trip was uneventful..." she noticed the three rank pips on his collar. "Commander... er..."

"Sometimes uneventful trips can be for the best", he said warmly, bass of his voice echoing across the high-ceilinged cargo level. Her anxiety reminded him of his early days aboard new ships.

"I just wanted to fill you in on the upcoming mission to Campor III." An outstretched blue hand offered her the PADD as he continued. "This is the supply manifest for the operation. All of it is being stored right here."

"Have you taken part in many colonial medical missions?" Ryhl was extremely grateful to have such an experienced medical officer assigned.

Rikka gently took the PADD and skimmed it over quickly. "A few yes." She replied quietly. "I only arrived today. So I have yet to report in. I was assigned here at short notice," she explained sheepishly.

The impish Andorian snickered as he thought of the rush which brought them both here. "That would be my fault", he admitted. "I too found out of my command at short notice. The first thing I did was to petition Starfleet for an experienced doctor. I convinced them to send somebody here immediately."

"Anyway", he continued. "You are probably wondering what's happening on Campor III. Well, they are expanding the colony. Their medical network needs to expand from that of a frontier outpost closer to that of a Federation city... Err, cities."

"All of this equipment is a start.. There are also a few lingering illnesses and medical concerns they hope to address with you", said Ryhl. "How do you feel about this upcoming assignment?"

"So, they've outgrown their needs?" Rikka asked curiously. "Why did they not ask for help before?"

That's one way to say it", Ryhl said, turning to watch an Operations Ensign scan a container to study its contents. "The colony is growing exponentially. It started as a place for Federation ex-patriots. Then the Klingons showed up. Locals found the place and stopped by. Ferengi came, looking to profit from the situation. Now Romulans are showing up en masse."

The situation was a lot to take in. There really was a lot happening on Campor III. "Things have a way of slowly getting out of hand. Based on what I've read about some of their governors, I imagine some of them may have been too proud to ask for help."

"Lieutenant Lyngstad is our Chief Science Officer. Feel free to reach out to her if any local concerns need investigating."

"You'll have a good seven weeks before we get there to get everything in order." His eyes took on a look of knowing, almost as if some thought came to him suddenly. "Surely sickbay will face the post launch rush of officers coming for their physical."

A look of warmth washed over him as he visualized the busy ecosystem of the Columbia at work.

"Most likely..." Rikka replied. "Seven weeks huh..." she pondered for a moment. "That should put me at about 30 weeks upon arrival. It'll be tough, but I think I should be ok."

"I wanted to ask", said the Commander sheepishly. "We will take things slowly. I don't want you to exert yourself. Your role should be mostly advisory. When you need time to yourself, just let me know."

"Others can cover down for you", he said reassuringly. He didn't want to place demands on her, but also didn't want to be too restrictive.

"I'll be fine," Rikka said. "Yuuta will help me, he's arriving today too."

"Ah.. He must be your partner, yes?" Ryhl used an Andorian term to describe her boyfriend. Their culture formed bond groups of formed of partners from four sub-genders.

"I never took the time to settle down", the Andorian said as he watched a nearby shuttle power up, preparing to launch. "I hope Yuuta and yourself will find a fine home aboard the Columbia."

Much of her work would likely be limited to advisory roles, negotiations or inspections. There were plenty of officers to take care of the legwork. Rikka could delegate many tasks to junior Medical officers.

Rikka nodded. "It's one reason why we chose this assignment. A ship that allows families and is safe," she paused. "Well, as safe as a Starship can be I guess..."

There was an audible rumble and whirr emanating from deep within Ryhl's stomach. This was the first time he'd felt anxiety as a Commander. Tough decisions were ahead. Ryhl knew things might end up more dangerous than some of the officers might realize.

Commander th'Zeles faced the reminder that the he was responsible for the lives of many innocents as well.

He put on a smile, reassured by Doctor Takanashi's bravery. "The Columbia is a fast ship.. A strong ship.." Leaning closer, Ryhl said, "We're also putting a spectacular crew together. If any ship can get through its challenges, the Columbia can."

A sprawling batch of cargo containers appeared in the shimmering blue light of transporter beams. The stacked containers spread far outwards along a distant part of the deck. Several crew members slowly headed towards them.

"Well Doctor, I just wanted to meet you and acquaint you with the mission's inventory", Ryhl said, turning to watch those working to inventory the bay. "I hope everything here is to your liking. I won't keep you. You must be quite busy", he said with a smile. He returned eye contact and offered a curt nod.

The two officer exchanged their goodbyes and continued to briefly explore the area. Ryhl couldn't help but to have been reminded of his two children, Thrita and Tath.

He made a note to call them later in the day, once his schedule opened up.


Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia


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