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The First Gathering - Part I

Posted on Mon Jul 17th, 2023 @ 12:19pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Tue Jul 18th, 2023 @ 5:03pm

1,605 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Main Briefing Room - USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 2, 1310 hours

=/\= On =/\=

The USS Columbia seemed to have the feeling of an un-lived in home, or a brand new residence. The ship was extremely new. This meant it was more automated than some ships have been in the past. A little more than a skeleton crew currently mans the ship, as the Columbia took on its first crew.

"Senior Officer Team Alpha, report to the main briefing room", Commander Ryhl th'Zeles announced over his commbadge. Current groups of senior officers were split into groups for away missions. It was a style Ryhl wanted to test out. He would start with those participating in the ship's first major mission.

Receiving the message was Lieutenant Razka Kas, Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad and Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi M.D.

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri and Lt. JG Jason Elliot sat with Commander th'Zeles in the briefing room where they waited for the others.

Rikka finally arrived. It took a while for her to rush anywhere these days, at nearly six months pregnant mobility wasn't her strongest asset at the moment. She bowed polietly at the captain and first officer before lowering herself into a nearby seat.

"Are you ready for this?" Commander th'Zeles carried an impish grin from chin to chin. The Andorian offered a curt nod to the doctor, before turning back to the Executive Officer.

Excitement seemed to bring a youthful glimmer to his eyes as he told them about the first mission. "Right now we are on our way to one of the far borders of the Alpha Quadrant. We'll be a stone's throw away from Breen space. We've spoken about everything before.. But it appears the time is here. What are your concerns? I know you need a solid refresher with everything that's been going on."

The First Officer eyed Commander th'Zeles, "Concerns? Near Breen space?" Kendri took a heavy breath. "What could be possibly have to be concerned about," she commented sarcastically, a dry look on her face.

At the core, the Columbia was headed to Campor III to ferry much needed industrial supplies. The crew will work with the colonists to implement and install the important equipment. Each department would work with a different element of the populace.

They have been waiting years for Federation assistance, leaving some to worry about a potentially chilly reaction.

A restrained chuckle escaped Rhyl as he tried to focus on the situation. He understood Kendri's humor and responded with news that would not dissuade her concerns, "Trust me, XO.. You don't know the half. Breen starships have been harassing the few Federation vessels in the sectors close to their territory.. Following them... Forcing close passes."

Commander th'Zeles leaned forward in his chair, dark golden eyes glinting in the room's light. "Other reports say Breen attacks on non-Federation merchants and colonies are up. Campor III hasn't been hit yet."

"It appears we will both likely spend lots of time planetside for this mission..." Sensing his own bit of dry humor, Rhyl added, "I hope you've brought your hiking boots."

The cheesy expression on his face seemed to hide his laugh lines and bring back some of the youthfulness of his expression.

Jason overheard most of the conversation "Make sure we have a few dozen phaser rifles handy too, Camor Five reported quote, an aggressive raid by unknown forces. Then seventy two hours later raiders were sited in the Suvin system, which is close by to the Campor colony."

Ryhl lifted a PADD from the table and double checked the location of Campor V. Indeed it was fairly close. "Thank you for the Intel. Keep us updated on more attacks in that area throughout the trip. We'll plot them on a board and check for patterns."

The location of the attack was near Lurian and Lissepian space.

Johanna's bad luck continued. She was right in the middle of a shower when the call came from the Captain. She finished as quickly as she could and get dressed. She headed to the briefing room. She walked in. She recognized the Captain and the XO. She nodded to them as she took her seat. Her ponytail was still a bit damp.

The Commander turned to the Chief Science Officer as she entered. "Miss Lyngstad, welcome. We'll be starting shortly. Did you find time to visit any of the labs yet?"

"No Commander, not yet. Had to stow my gear and such. Was gonna have lunch. I guess I can grab something right now, if the meeting hadn't formally begun."

"Certainly", Ryhl said before gesturing towards a replicator in the corner of the briefing room. "Everybody, feel free to help yourself to something from the replicator. The meeting will be starting soon, but there is time for a snack."

Johanna went to the replicator and got a typical lunch for herself. Peanut butter with lingonberry preserves on white bread. And a glass of cold half percent milk. She sat back down as the XO started speaking.

The Cardassian/Bajoran First Officer spoke up as more of the senior staff gathered. "The weather should at least be pleasant. The climate is temperate, and where we will be going it is the warm season, average temperatures are 27 degrees at the moment. I'm at least looking forward to it," Lt. Commander Chalan commented with a smile. Standard Starfleet temperatures were a bit on the chilly side for her comfort.

Ryhl couldn't help but smile at the thought of being planetside. "I'm looking forward to the foliage", said the Commander. He found himself increasingly more interested in horticulture recently. The trees.. Some are so tall and old... The flowers are so colorful. So.. Alien."

That temperature just bordered on uncomfortably warm for the Andorian. Ryhl saw it as an upcoming change of pace from the perfectly controlled climate of a starship.

"It won't be all paradise though", Ryhl said. "The latest group to settle on the colony are Romulan refugees looking for a new home. At first they were welcomed. There have been hostilities between the groups. Things were a little more balanced before their arrival."

"Any ideas from anyone on how we could ease tensions amongst the groups?" Notes they may have seen earlier on the planet shows the makeup of the colony is a mix between Federation offworlders, Klingon settlers, Ferengi traders, passing locals to the Sector of space and... The Romulans.

"Do we know how the people on the planet govern themselves?" asked Johanna. "We may have to organize a sort of colonial government. Much like the United States did in the beginning."

"Great question", Ryhl exclaimed. "There are three major factions. They seem to be more at odds with each other than trying to work together.. At least from my perspective."

"The Klingons are operating in what's essentially a tribal council", Ryhl started. "Representatives from various Klingon Houses make decisions collectively. Their decision-making processes are often based on consensus, with each House having an equal say in important matters. This system often leads to slow decision-making."

"Many of the colonists subscribe to a party called the Technocratic Union. They rely on a council of experts in various fields.. Technocrats.. They make decisions on behalf of the entire faction. The focus is on efficiency, rationality, and scientific expertise. This system can sometimes lead to a lack of representation and exclusion of marginalized voices."

"Namely, the Romulans", the Commander continued.

"As a Science officer, you might find this next group interesting.. Miss Lyngstad." Commander th'Zeles spoke through a restrained grin. "The Agrarian Cooperative practices a form of communal governance. The cooperative is centered around the principles of collective farming and shared resources. Decision-making is often based on the needs of the community. The emphasis is on equitable distribution of resources."

"You will be working with this faction", he said "They can use the help of the science department with their crops. See what you can do to help their resource needs. There seems to be a fungus spreading through some of their vegetable plants."

"Lieutenant Elliot", Ryhl said while shifting his gaze. "I want you to start researching the leaders of each faction. Identify the players. Dive as deep as you can into their holdings and connections. Starfleet believes something is out of order. Too many resources have been mismanaged recently. We need to ensure that will not happen with our shipment."

"I'll get on it soon as possible." Jason said scribbling down some notes.

Kas had entered the room and quietly and taken his seat, he listened patiently to the officer's discussion. He sipped his coffee and contemplated the issues. "I can escort the supply shuttles in the Holana, she's been modified in ways that make her an excellent support craft." The hybrid said with confidence, "I volunteer to negotiate with the Klingons, they won't like me. However, in situations like this, I can use that to my advantage, Sir."

"Excellent, Mister Razka", Ryhl said warmly to the Klingon/Bajoran Chief Flight Conn. "We can definitely use your help working with the Houses. I understand that this is a delicate situation."

With a look of reassurance, Ryhl added, "some of the Klingons here have been shunned from Qo'nos for various reasons. I'd like you to meet with their elders. Let's ensure the needs of the marginalized Klingons are also being met."

To be continued...

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendra
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant JG Jason Elliot
Chief Intel Officer
USS Columbia


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