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Crossing Mutara - Part II

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:02pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:30pm

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Following Part I

=/\= On =/\=

Turning back to Paisley, Ryhl added, "We'll be moving at low warp speeds. That should leave us with a power reserve, in case we need to crank power to track Mister Razka."

She nodded. "I'll make sure the streams are prepped," she said. She tapped her badge to call down to her team.

Commander Chalan's words and Lieutenant Harper's response reminded th'Zeles of something important he needed to state.

"Great work staying on top of things, Mister Harper", Ryhl said as he rapidly approached the center-front of the bridge. "Let's bring the ship to yellow alert." He stopped and turned back towards Tactical as he spoke.

“Yellow alert, aye, sir,” responded Tomm as the bridge illumination dimmed slightly as the ship’s readiness alert changed.

Ryhl studied Ensign Veers at the auxiliary station and thought for a moment. "Mister Veers, I'd like you at helm. I wasn't sure if you'd be available, but since you're here.. I'd like you at helm."

"Aye Captain," Veers said.

Ryhl knew staff assembled at the auxiliary stations were waiting for the yellow alert to alert them of entry into the nebula. The safeguards were the prudent idea of Commander Kendri.

The effect of the nebula on ship sensors and shields was well known to trader and bandit alike. There was a great chance an aggressive vessel could be waiting for them on the other side of the swirling scarlet and indigo mass. Sixteen Type-XIV phaser arrays and eight torpedo launchers might caution potential brigands to stand fast.

Commander th'Zeles approached Commander Kendri, warmth in his voice as he spoke. "Thanks for your help in getting the departments prepared", he said quietly. "How are you this morning, Commander?" There was an earnestness in his voice that showed his concern. He knew Kendri had been working extremely hard over the past few weeks.

"I'm doing quite well, Captain. The crew has made getting to this point easy," she responded. "And yourself?"

Ryhl smiled wide and proudly, "Yes, this crew truly is spectacular. Everybody has gotten so much done to get us ready for this moment. I'm looking forward to exploring the nebula with the team."

Jason emerged from the turbolift, Annika trailing close behind clutching a pad. He made his way over to a station, quickly logging in he pointed out some details to the ensign on one of the displays, Annika took a seat next to him and started to pull up similar display overlays, although she wasn't sure what to look for yet.

The commander turned as the Intelligence officers entered the bridge. He extended his smile in their direction and nodded.

"Good morning, Lt. Elliot, Ensign Wiseman," Kendri said as the intelligence officers took their stations. "Can you pull up a report of the last known ships in this sector?" she asked.

Jason didn't even flinch as he keyed up a movement chart and put it up on the main viewer, "USS Henshaw is completing a mission to Mulzirsk, some native plant life in advertently caused some medical issues for a small farming areas, they've rectified the problem and are on a return trip to Starbase Sierra." scrolling to the next ship "USS Bondar is outbound to do a study of a Blue giant, there's also some freighter traffic and I believe USS Wellington is on it's way too Hellguard to participate in the repair of the subspace relay station."

As Kendri checked in with the new arrivals, Ryhl approached the large navigation scanner display which sat between the Helm and Ops stations.

He looked up to verify the position of the fighters and the Holana on the circular screen.

As the fighters formed up in an overwatch position behind the Holana, Ryhl tapped his commbadge. =/\=Alright, Mister Razka... The Columbia and the fighters are linked to your telemetry. Take us through the nebula... Warp 4.=/\=

"Helm, set the computer to jump the ship on Mister Razka's mark",

=/\= Engaging in, three, two, one =/\= Lieutenant Razka Kas was broadcast over the massive bridge as the Holana, four fighters and the Columbia leapt into warp speed.

The blackness of space was replaced by the bright swirling masses of crimson and lavender. Darker shades of the colors formed rich lines making up a sort of diagonal, twisting horizon.

Ryhl turned to Lieutenant Lyngstad from his central vantage point. "Are you excited to take an up close and personal look at such a notorious nebula?" She sat further away from him than on a normal bridge.

"I've been through a simulation or two, but it pales compared to the real thing." Johanna's eyes were locked into her sensors. She took just a second to look at the view screen. The view was absolutely spectacular. It took an effort to get her back to the sensors.

Paisley couldn't help herself as she looked over at Ensign Veers. "And be CAREFUL with my baby," she said. "The paperwork if you knick her is gonna be hell," she said. She closed her eyes. One of the youngest Engineering department chiefs ever and she was NERVOUS to mess it up. "Sir, my team assures me that undocking went smoothly," she shared. It had only been a few days, but already, Engineering and Ops were working together like a well-oiled machine. She needed to make sure to touch base with the Chief Ops person, but she'd been busy with administrative stuff and last minute launching stuff.

Ryhl laughed as Lieutenant F'Rar spoke to Edwin. "You can blame me if anything happens to the Columbia", the Andorian said as his antennae rocked back and forth in waves. "I really hope it doesn't.. Just a quick few hours and we'll be on the other side."

"Not to worry, Lt. Razka had me go through a similar nebula on our way to the Columbia," Veers smiled "He also put me through ten hours of training on the holodeck."

"That is comforting", Ryhl said to Edwin with pride. The commander had a great deal of faith in the Flight Control department and its senior officers. This was especially true for Lieutenant Razka.


Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Kobi Tomm
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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