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Crossing Mutara - Part I

Posted on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 2:49pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Sun Aug 27th, 2023 @ 3:29pm

1,096 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: MD 26, 0740 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Ryhl sat in the central command chair on the bridge of the USS Columbia, his golden eyes sweeping over the array of stations that encircled him. To his right front, the helm station stood ready to execute course adjustments with swift precision. Opposite it, the operations station hummed with activity, displaying vital data and maintaining seamless communication with the rest of the starship.

Behind him, the tactical and science stations loomed large, their sophisticated displays a testament to the ship's advanced capabilities. Arrayed on the sides were additional stations, each representing a different facet of the Columbia's intricate operations. From communications to engineering and intel, each console was a nod to the ship's multifaceted nature.

Ryhl's attention turned to the imposing view screen, its expanse dominated by the swirling mass of the Mutara Nebula. Shades of red and violet intermingled in a mesmerizing dance, a celestial spectacle that hinted at the enigmatic forces at play within. The nebula's vastness was both awe-inspiring and humbling, a testament to the wonders of the universe that the crew of the Columbia was poised to explore.

As the ship approached the nebula, Ryhl's anticipation grew. The early morning hours had brought with them a sense of quietude, allowing him to fully appreciate the impending journey into the heart of this cosmic phenomenon. The massive expanse of the Mutara Nebula promised a voyage of both scientific discovery and inherent challenges, a duality that underscored the essence of space exploration itself.

"Sir, we are approaching the Mutara Nebula", said Zek, the Bolian ensign at helm. Lieutenant Razka had finished preparing the Holana and was waiting on word to launch.

"Bring us out of warp", Ryhl said to Ensign Zek. "Move to one-quarter impulse speed. "Let's check on the Holana." They would stop temporarily to launch the modified Danube class runabout.

The bridge was currently a mix of Alpha and Beta shift officers. It was still over an hour before the scheduled transfer. Alpha shift officers had been summoned early for this challenging leg of the trip.

They had been given the prior day's shift off to rest and prepare. Now it was time to finally cross the dreaded Nebula.

Commander th'Zeles tapped his commbadge. =/\=th'Zeles to Razka, how is everything coming along with the Holana? Ready for launch?=/\=

Lieutenant Razka's voice came over the COMM

=/\= We are prepared. The Holana will be on manual so Ensign Zek will have on his toes so to speak. I took the liberty of assigning a second helmsman to assist in navigation. I have faith that my staff will guide us through to the otherside=/\=

Ensign Veers sat at an auxiliary station at and began to setup the navigation display. He'd spent the last week going over every possible scenario, he was surprised Razka gave such an important assignment and he wasn't going to let anyone down.

=/\=Excellent, Mister Razka. Launch when clear, take up your position in front of the Columbia at one-quarter impulse. Set the synched entry heading and wait for word from the Columbia before we jump to warp. Your fighter escort should be joining you shortly.=/\=

=/\=Aye Sir=/\=

The Engineer sat at her console, deft fingers flying, blue eyes tracking, and eidetic memory recording everything. "Dock is ready, Razka," she said, clicking some buttons. Her team had prepped it beautifully. She was pleased.

=/\= Thank you, I'm departing the bay at one-quarter impulse=/\=

=/\= The computer has analyzed known courses of ships plotted through the nebula. It has triangulated a basic starting heading and route to follow. It should work well with your guidance system. I'll check back in with you once you're in position.=/\=

The Columbia drifted towards the nebula. The small runabout had to speed up immediately after launch to overtake the Columbia. It slowed back to one-quarter impulse once it was in position.

Zek stood to let Ensign Veers sit at the helm. The Bolian moved towards the Navigation panel, tapping Edwin on the shoulder happily as they switched.

Ryhl tapped his commbadge once again. =/\=Columbia Actual to Ghost. You're clear to launch when ready. Join up on the Holana, which is just moving into position.=/\=

Ensign Croft acknowledged. The fighters normally take more communications from Flight Control officers posted in observation of the shuttlebay. These were extenuating circumstances.

Ryhl stood, knowing it would still be a few moments. He turned his head, twirling antennae searching along with his eyes. He spotted Paisley and walked towards her.

After looking over his shoulder to check the viewscreen, he said, "Lieutenant F'Rar.. I want to thank you for coming to the bridge once again. I know you and Miss Lyngstad worked on the Holana together. I'd appreciate both of your input as we get underway."

"Also", he told Paisley through a growing smile. "Don't worry, you won't always have to be on the bridge."

She laughed. "I hope not, sir, I like to be in the action!" It was true-she was very much a hands-on kind of department head. She'd rather be on the ground, assisting her team in their tasks or on the docking pad, unhooking hoses and streams, that kind of thing.

"You're welcome. I don't mind helping out. My boys can handle themselves," she said. Her team was male-heavy at the moment-something she hoped to remedy in the future. Mostly just so they could, you know, MEET a female besides herself. "I will assist Johanna however she needs!"

Hearing her name got Johanna's attention. "Telemetry established with the Holana. We will be able to match her course and speed precisely." With that task out of the way, Johanna would be able to focus more on scanning the Nebula itself.

"Lt. Harper," Chalan called out to the operations officer who was manning his station. "I know I don't have to tell you to stay sharp. Have the auxiliary stations checked in?"

Without lifting his head from the console, Harper nodded. "Yes, Commander, all checked in. Extra eyes and ears assigned to monitor systems on all decks. Looking good so far."

"Excellent", Ryhl said to Johanna as he listened into Kendri's conversation with Harper. "Forecasts show proximity scanners should still work if we stay close enough to the Holana." The Andorian was pleased Johanna had already linked tracking. Even if the sensors started to fail, the computer's algorithms should help.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia


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