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Greeting The CSO

Posted on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 9:21pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Edited on on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 10:42pm

1,611 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Shuttlebay - USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 1225 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles found himself standing in the serene atmosphere of the bustling shuttlebay aboard the USS Columbia. The quiet hum of shuttlecraft engines provided a melodic backdrop to his thoughts as he patiently waited in the corner. Transporter pads were absent here, replaced by rows of docked shuttles, ready for deployment when the need arose. Ryhl leaned against the bulkhead, his eyes focused on the comings and goings of crewmembers moving with purpose.

Shuttlecraft arrived and departed, their elegant forms gliding smoothly across the deck. Every few minutes, a new vessel touched down, and Ryhl quietly observed the efficient operations in motion. The shuttlebay served as a gateway, connecting the starship to the vastness of space and facilitating essential missions beyond the Columbia's hull. Amidst the activity, the Commander found solace in the tranquil anticipation that permeated the air, knowing that each shuttle carried its own story and purpose.

Ryhl had reports that the Chief Science Officer would be arriving soon. He had read that she declined to use the transporter on Starbase 74. Not only did he want to welcome her and start talking to her about the mission.

There was something in the Columbia's lone shuttlebay for Lieutenant Lyngstad and the science department. A recent tracking note on Ryhl's PADD told him Johanna's shuttle was inbound. It wouldn't be much longer of a wait for the Commander.

The shuttle landed in the Columbia's shuttle bay without incident. The door opened and Lt. Lyngstad exited. As usual, her long blonde hair was in a ponytail. She visually scanned the shuttle bay and spotted the Captain, Captain th'Zeles. She had been practicing his name while en route to the Columbia. Her own name was often mispronouced as ''Ling-stad". It was properly pronounced "Ling-shtat".

Johanna, and her full backpack, approached the Captain. She was holding her orders in her hand. "Captain th'Zeles, Lt Johanna Lyngstad requesting permission to come aboard and reporting for duty." Having served on a Starbase for eight years, Johanna could be quite formal. She didn't know how formal this Captain was, so better safe than sorry.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant Lyngstad." Ryhl had studied the languages of Earth for some time. When understanding the Scandinavian roots of her name, the subtle differences of her name pronunciation stood out more to his alien ear, than it might have for a human more comfortable with their own native language. It did help to hear her pronounce it though, truthfully.

"There was something I wanted to show you", Commander th'Zeles said with a smile. Laugh lines and wrinkles furrowed his brow. His facial features were finally showing signs of age.

"I know you arrived on a shuttle ferry.. I wanted to present you with this.." The Commander turned and gestured towards a Type-12 shuttle in the distance. "I've set aside that shuttle for your department. Consider it at your personal disposal."

He studied her reaction, glad to meet someone he'd be working closely with. "How was your journey? Also... Are you looking forward to working on the bridge? You'll still get plenty of lab time as well."

Johanna was surprised. A shuttle for the Science department? This was certainly unexpected. "Thank you, sir." Johanna paused for a moment. "In regard to my journey, it was routine. I know the science station on the Columbia is probably much more sophisticated than other Science stations I have worked on. Being brand new and all. I am also looking forward to using the gym here as well. I believe in balance. Work hard, play hard, sleep well. I play basketball mostly." Johanna stopped suddenly. Why am I telling him all this, she thought. Andorians are mostly interested in war. Like Vulcans are mostly interested in logic.

"Basketball is fun", Ryhl said. "I'll have to admit to not being very good", he added sheepishly. "But I guess that depends on who you compare me against."

A toothy white smile contrasted against his complexion. "Anyway", Ryhl said. "You will find the Columbia does indeed posses a wide range of science labs. We have botany bays and an arboretum. We've got astrometrics labs... Biology. Advanced technical labs meant to break down and study samples... Science is at the forefront of our mission", said the Commander..

"It's good to know," began Johanna, "that Science is at the forefront of the mission. Every posting I have had so far, Science has been an afterthought. On my first assignment on the Wayans, I doubled as a nurse."

"I do agree with your 'play hard' mentality, Lieutenant", Ryhl continued. Although Commander th'Zeles did have a warlike mentality, his hobbies and interests were quite diverse. "Sports are important.. They can be great for building teamwork, not to mention breaking the ice."

"I hope to build upon our recreation schedule as we get underway", Ryhl said. "Athletics, music, art." He saw what appeared to be a case for a small stringed instrument. "Do you play an instrument?"

Johanna was happy to know that her new CO thought sports were important. She smiled as he mentioned it. The Academy had had a co-ed team and she had been able to hold her own. Mainly because she was the only one with real experience.

Johanna took her guitar case out of her backpack. "Yes, I play guitar and piano fairly well, though not professionally. My mother was a music teacher; I can play basic tunes on most instruments. I sing too. Music is a passion of mine. Everything from Bach to Klingon opera. Haven't studied Andorian music though."

"Andorian music could be described as pensive.. Even brooding." He looked upwards for a moment as he remembered his homeland fondly. "Plenty of time to study one's thoughts when surrounded by a chilly wilderness."

At least that was one of the stereotypes around Andorian music. "I tend to listen to a wide variety of alien music. Right now, something called 'heavy metal' has been fascinating me. I play a little guitar, an Andorian instrument or two..."

"So tell me", Ryhl said. "Are you looking forward to bridge duty? We've got a fairly long trip out to Campor III. I'm sure you'd like to test out the Columbia's powerful sensors."

"Yes, I am, Captain," replied Johanna. "It certainly will be interesting being a department head for the first time and testing Columbia's sensors." Johanna smiled at him. She, of course, was familiar with the 20th century (21st, for that matter!) music known as heavy metal. "How long are we looking at, Captain? A few days? Several weeks?"

"It should be just over eight weeks at top speed", Ryhl told Lieutenant Lyngstad. We're currently sitting at the lower half of the Beta Quadrant, just on the border. We've got to basically cross much of the Alpha Quadrant to get to the upper border regions".

If the Odyssey wasn't able to sustain travel above Warp 9.8, this trip could have taken months. The truth was that Commander th'Zeles planned to push the Columbia to make the run as fast as possible.

"Among the many missions taking place on the colony is a science survey. Starfleet wants an updated report on everything ranging from the planet's atmospheric conditions to the its ecosphere. They want to study the impact of the settlement on the planet. They even want recommendations on if any terraforming work can be done to improve living conditions."

Nodding respectfully with a warm expression across his face, "it will be an intensive study." He figured the idea of exploring a new planet, complete with all its life might make for an interesting prospect. "I might have to take part myself."

"Very interesting, Captain. A completely new planet to explore. Are you a former science officer?" Johanna tried to conceal her excitement. Assignments like this were a dream for a science officer. She would have to see what her staff was like. Her own specialties were in botany and zoology.

"Sadly no", he said. "I was an engineer. I'll be planetside working with the engineering teams. There should still be time for me to tag along on a science expedition or two."

Commander th'Zeles had an adventuring spirit. He couldn't imagine missing the chance to explore this barely traversed world.

"I've always found science interesting. I noticed we'll be passing an anomaly along the voyage.. The Mutara Nebula. Perhaps we'll run a passing scan."

Johanna smiled. The Mutara Nebula. Possibly one of the most famous nebulas in Starfleet.

"Well, I am sure you're on your way to check into your quarters. I don't mean to keep you. Welcome aboard the Columbia once again. It will be a pleasure working with you", Ryhl said.

"Thank you Captain. I'll be looking for you at the gym." Johanna started to leave, then remembered something. "Oh Captain, one more thing. I prefer Miss Lyngstad over Mister Lyngstad." Johanna was old-fashioned in that regard. "I don't mind being called by my first name." Johanna turned and left the shuttlebay.

"Understood", Ryhl said just before she left, watching her walk away. At first he wondered if he had offended her. He soon realized she meant in the way some female officers prefer being called sir over ma'am. The same was true with Miss and Mister, it seemed.

Ryhl turned back to the busy shuttlebay. He watched the busy crews load and unload the passing shuttles set on ferry duty from the starbase. The Columbia's own shuttles sat quietly in their own parking spaces.

The Commander took out a thin PADD from his pocket and checked who else was set to arrive today.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia


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