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Posted on Wed Jul 12th, 2023 @ 3:29pm by Crewman Yaves Lasa

1,403 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Enlisted Housing Section - USS Columbia
Timeline: MD1, 1005 hours


Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa eagerly stepped into her new suite aboard the USS Columbia, her eyes bright with anticipation. As she entered the central living area, she was greeted by her two quirky roommates, Crewman Apprentice Malaanara, a green-skinned Orion, and Crewman Apprentice T'lek, a logical and stoic Vulcan. They were in the midst of a lively debate about the best use for the extra room in their suite.

They introduced each other by name and rank.

Crewman Apprentice Malaanara, known for her exuberance and love for festivities, argued enthusiastically for transforming the room into a space dedicated to music, dance, and parties. Her vibrant personality was reflected in her fiery red hair and mischievous grin. "Come on, guys! Just imagine the room filled with music, a dance floor, and dazzling lights! We could throw the best parties on the entire ship!" she exclaimed, swaying her hips to an imaginary beat.

Crewman Apprentice T'lek, the epitome of Vulcan logic and precision, countered with a calm yet firm voice. Her dark, serene eyes and composed demeanor were characteristic of her species. She was especially young for a Vulcan at 20 years old. Her family advised her that forming enlisted roots before attending the Academy would make her a more well-rounded applicant and cadet.

“I believe a more practical use of the space would be to convert it into an art studio and game room. We could engage in creative pursuits and strategic games that stimulate the mind, fostering personal growth and intellectual development," T'lek suggested, her hands folded behind her back.

As Yaves joined the conversation, her dark green eyes sparkled with excitement. "Why not have the best of both worlds?" she chimed in, her enthusiasm evident. "We can create a multi-purpose room that combines music, art, dance, and games! We can have jam sessions, painting sessions, dance-offs, and game tournaments! It would be the ultimate creative and recreational hub."

The trio engaged in a playful back-and-forth, each presenting their arguments with zest and conviction. It became evident that their shared enthusiasm for their chosen paths would make their suite an exciting and dynamic place to live.

Career-wise, Malaanara aspired to become a communications specialist, utilizing her natural charm and persuasive skills to excel in interstellar negotiations. T'lek, on the other hand, had set her sights on the sciences, specifically in the field of astrophysics, where her logical approach and thirst for knowledge would undoubtedly thrive. Yaves, true to her Bolian roots, had a passion for organizational logistics and administration, eager to ensure that the operations of the Columbia ran smoothly.

As they continued to debate the room's purpose, their laughter and camaraderie filled the air. It was clear that their differences only served to enhance their bond as roommates. With their infectious energy and vibrant personalities, the trio looked forward to creating memories, fostering creativity, and supporting one another on their shared journey aboard the USS Columbia.

Crewman Apprentice Malaanara playfully nudged Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa. "You're so lucky, Yaves!" Malaanara exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement. "A yeoman? That's impressive! Can you introduce me to the captain? I'd love to make a good impression," she added, giving a playful toss to her vibrant red hair, as if trying to make herself look even more alluring.

Yaves chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, Malaanara, you always know how to make things interesting. I'm afraid I can't introduce you to the captain, but I'm sure you'll make an impression all on your own," she replied, her voice carrying a note of affectionate sarcasm.

T'lek's serene expression shifted to a more serious demeanor as she listened to Malaanara's playful talk of meeting the Commander. "Malaanara, it is essential to maintain a level of professionalism aboard the ship," Tthe Vulcan began, her voice steady and composed. "Flirting with Commander th’Zeles, even in jest, can create misunderstandings which compromise the integrity of our work environment."

Malaanara's eyebrows shot up in surprise, caught off guard by T'lek's sudden change in tone. "Come on, T'lek! I was just joking," she protested, a hint of defensiveness in her voice. "I'm not actually planning to flirt with the Commander. Lighten up a bit, will you? It's illogical to not get a joke," she added, her tone a mix of playful exasperation and genuine confusion.

T'lek crossed her arms, her Vulcan features displaying a mixture of sternness and patience. "I understand the concept of humor, Malaanara. However, it is essential to exercise caution and sensitivity when it comes to our interactions with superiors. Maintaining professionalism ensures a harmonious working environment and upholds the principles of Starfleet," she explained calmly, her logical mind seeking to impart her understanding onto her roommates.

Yaves, sensing the tension, interjected with a light-hearted tone. "Alright, alright, let's not turn this into a full-blown debate," she said, her voice infused with a gentle humor. "Malaanara, let's just focus on enjoying our time together and fostering a positive atmosphere. T'lek, we appreciate your logical perspective, but a little bit of levity can go a long way too."

Malaanara nodded, her vibrant red hair bobbing as she acquiesced. "You're right, Yaves. We'll keep it light and fun, but always mindful. No harm done, T'lek. We're all on the same team here, after all," she said, offering a conciliatory smile.

As the tension dissipated, the roommates settled back into a more relaxed atmosphere.

As Malaanara's stomach grumbled, she moved toward the central living area, eyeing the replicator with anticipation. “Anyway, I think I need a snack to fuel my creative mind,” she said with a wink.

With a few swift commands, Malaanara activated the replicator, requesting her favorite Orion delicacies. The replicator hummed to life, materializing the delectable treats before her eyes. She eagerly grabbed what seemed to be some sort of puffed pastry and savored the flavor. Her eyes closed in bliss.

Yaves smirked at her roommate's food-induced satisfaction. "Enjoying your food, Malaanara? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you accidentally leave a few crumbs on your uniform," she teased, glancing mischievously at the vibrant golden and black fabric which adorned Malaanara's figure.

Malaanara, her mouth still half full, managed to playfully roll her eyes before responding. "Well, at least my uniform isn't as prone to showing crumbs as your crisp red one. You'll have to be extra careful during mealtime”, she quipped, mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Yes it is!” Crewman Apprentice Lasa burst into laughter. Both fleeters knew how stain resistant these uniforms were anyway.

As the tensions subsided, the conversation among the roommates turned towards the upcoming destination of the USS Columbia, Campor III. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and it was Yaves who mentioned it first. Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I can't wait to see the wildlife on Campor III! Being an aquatic person, I'm thrilled at the chance to study what lives in the waterways there," she shared, voice filled with enthusiasm.

Malaanara's eyes widened with curiosity as she leaned forward, eager to join in on the conversation. "Oh, you're studying aquatic life, Yaves? That's so cool! But wait, have you heard about this really adorable species of forest creature living there? They're supposed to be the cutest creatures you've ever seen!" Malaanara exclaimed, her Orion charm shining through.

T'lek, ever the logical observer, listened intently before adding her own thoughts. "Indeed, Campor III presents a unique opportunity for scientific exploration. I am particularly interested in studying the wildlife from a scientific perspective, observing their behaviors, adaptations, and ecological interactions," she remarked, her Vulcan calmness contrasting with Malaanara's excitement.

Yaves chuckled and nodded in agreement. "That's the beauty of Campor III, isn't it? It offers something for everyone. From the scientific study of the wildlife to the sheer joy of discovering cute and adorable creatures, we're in for quite an adventure," she said, a smile playing on her lips.

The roommates shared a moment of anticipation, their individual interests converging on the promise of an extraordinary encounter with the wildlife of Campor III. They imagined the lush landscapes, vibrant ecosystems, and the potential for new discoveries that awaited them on the planet's surface.

As they continued their conversation, sharing stories and speculations, the room buzzed with an air of excitement. The unity forged through their differences was once again evident as they bonded over their shared sense of wonder and curiosity.


Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia


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