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Back on Duty

Posted on Sun Jul 9th, 2023 @ 4:34am by

900 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: USS Holana
Timeline: Before the Columbia's launch

Kas sat up in the pilot seat of the Holana, he nodded approvingly at the young ensign in the copilot seat. "You've done well, Veers. Rodriguez will relieve you in a moment, we will be at Starbase 74 in an hour."

Kas said as he checked the bearings, they were heading to their new assignments on the USS Colombia. Kas has spent several months with his people, the Quath'Mar. He'd been getting to know his daughter before taking full custody. He was a father now… Well, technically, he'd been a father for seven years… He just didn't know it…

"Hey Veers, I can take over now. Unless our fearless leader is going to give me the helm," Rodriguez smiled as she entered the cockpit

"I'm fine, Thank you," Kas chuckled.

Veers smiled and got up from his seat and exited.

Rodriguez sat down next to Kas, "did you sleep here, Sir?"

"Yes," Kas yawned.

"I'm sure Veers loved that vote of confidence, Sir," Rodriguez said sarcastically.

"It had nothing to do with him," The Hybrid sighed. "I even gave him full control from his console. Sometimes it is easier to sleep here. Besides the Holana is my lady"

"Did you tell him that Sir?" She asked.

"No," Kas nodded. "Point taken."

"He's a good kid, he'll do well under your command, Sir. I did." Rodriguez said softly.

"Your talent was already there, I simply guided you," Kas smiled.

"Bella?" a small voice said from behind them.

A little girl stood in the archway. She had a high forehead with faint cranial ridges and distinct ridges on the bridge of her nose. She was wearing a nightgown and was clutching a stuffed animal. Kas smiled at the sight of her thick frizzy red hair, ' just like her mother. The girl yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her crystal green eyes.

"Yes Keena," Rodriguez turned and smiled at their small passenger.

"When will we arrive on our new ship?" the small child asked.

"We will be at the rendezvous point in a few hours," Rodriguez said. "You okay?

"I'm good," Keena hadn't looked at or acknowledged Kas once.

Kas' mouth twitched, such disrespect would be harshly corrected on Quath'Mar ship even from someone so young... However… He was not his stepfather.

Kas said. "Get dressed Keena and entertain yourself. I will brush and braid your hair the way Nanee showed me."

Keena nodded, paused as though she had more to say, then turned and left the cockpit.

"You want to talk about it, Sir?" Rodriguez asked.

"Let's drop the formalities Bella," Kas sighed. "Right now let's be equals. I can't talk to subordinates about such things."

"Alright Kas, are you sure this is a good idea?" Rodriguez sighed.

"Keep your voice we don't her hearing things she shouldn't," Kas said

"This is why you should have learned Spanish," she teased. "We'd be able to communicate with privacy."

"I wouldn't count on that, she's got my ear for language," Kas smiled. "She's already picks up everything she hears."

"I see, maybe I should teach Keena Spanish then we can have our girl talk peace," Bella laughed.

"Now to your question, yes, taking custody of Keena is what's best. My people would have raised her, but I can't have my child growing up wondering why her father never cared."

"Easy," Bella said, putting a hand on his arm. "I meant getting back on duty with your new responsibilities. I'm proud of you for taking custody of your child."

"I need to work and Keena has spent most of her life in space so this should be good for both of us," He explained.

Bella paused for a moment. "If you're worried about being your father, don't be. It's hard to be like someone you barely know."

Kas shook his head. "My father, Toq, knew he had a child and he never came back. I wasn't informed but my absence in her life seems to have had the same effect."

"So, you're angry with her mother?" Bella asked.

"There's no point in being angry with Rahl, she's gone," Kas said, staring out at the stars. "I don't know why she kept her from me, I guess it doesn't matter."

"Emotions are often pointless," Bella said quietly.

"I'm not my father," Kas said. "I love Keena and I have some good memories of Rahl too, I will try to keep her memory alive for Keena."

"That's good to hear," Bella said. "Did they tell her anything about you?"

"According to my aunt, she was just beginning to ask the tough questions when they established contact with me," Kas explained. "She's had a hard time accepting me… I can't say I blame her."

"I could take care of her hair if you like," Bella offered.

"Thank you for the offer," Kas smiled. "However, I need to take care of my daughter."

"She needs space and time," Bella said. "This is just as hard for her as it is for you."

"You're right," Kas nodded. "Thank you, I think she'd like to have you help her."

Bella got up and put a hand on his shoulder, "you're going to be okay. She needs father's love and you're the only one that can give it. She'll see that in time"

Kas nodded and turned his attention to the console, they'd be dropping out of warp soon.


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