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Lieutenant J.G. Ayesha, Tactical Officer

Posted on Mon Aug 14th, 2023 @ 2:32am by Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Commander Chalan Kendri

1,443 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 15 Security Complex
Timeline: MD 13 0630 hours


First Officer Chalan Kendri stepped off the turbolift and onto Deck 15, where the security complex was located. She was hoping to check in with the Chief Tactical Officer to get ahead on staffing schedules for the exposure the ship would be facing in the Mutara Nebular.

She hadn't taken into account how early it was. The complex was quiet as delta shift was winding down. She was turning to leave when Lt. Ayesha showed up in the door behind her, arriving early for her duties on alpha shift.

"Good evening, Commander." The lieutenant snapped sharply to attention before the First Officer in perfect military bearing. The Pharaoni officer cut a regal figure, with her aquiline features, creaseless uniform and flawless complexion. A Claw of Sekhmet, after all, needed to be well kept at all times; beauty on the battlefield often led to excellent results when it came to intimidation. "How may we be of assistance?"

"You can relax, Lieutenant Ansapata," Kendri stated, thankful that her Cardassian genetics had given her a nearly eiditic memory. It was helpful with a crew compliment of nearly 2,000. "I didn't realize the early hour, I was going to check in with your Chief about the upcoming detour through the Mutara nebula," Kendri explained. "You are on tactical's alpha shift, what brings you in so early?" Kendri asked.

"It is the way I function, Commander. Suppose a threat were to arise between shifts - it would not make sense to have a lull in readiness just because one shift is handing and taking over from the other. Besides. It is just thirty minutes." The Pharaoni's aquiline lips turned upwards at the corners in the beginnings of a smirk. "The Chief Tactical Officer should be arriving shortly. I believe you will not be kept waiting." She added. "In the meantime, is there anything I may be of assistance with?"

"I suppose you are right, Lieutenant," Kendri commented in agreement. She was a touch amused by Ansapata's response, officers were encouraged to arrive 5-10 minutes before shift to avoid any lull. She also made a mental note of the Lieutenant's early arrival, as well as her comment as to her own work ethic, it was worth keeping an eye on for future promotions.

"Well you've been aboard a couple of weeks now, how are you finding the assignment so far?" Kendri asked.

"It has been acceptable so far. I have encountered no difficulties in my work or interactions with the crew, save a few ogling gazes." The tall woman replied, seeming mildly amused at the very idea. Indeed, she'd encountered one or two jaws hitting the floor as she passed by; what it normally took for that person to swiftly put their jaw back where it belonged in their mouth was a withering gaze, and that would be that. "Elsewise, I am pleased to be assigned here. Any Odyssey-class vessel is an honor to serve on."

"So what have you been working on lately?" the commander asked? walking toward the tactical stations set up in the security complex.

"Small unit tactics, for both security and tactical officers. And a refresher on escort protocol." Ayesha followed behind with slow, measured steps. "Simple, but tough training. Thankfully most of the ensigns seem to be taking it well - some complain of fatigue sooner than others."

Kendri took on a straighter posture as she questioned the lieutenant further. "And what is your assessment as to why that might be, Lieutenant Ansapata?" she asked.

"Ayesha. Ansapata was my father's name, may he live forever in Osiris' kingdom." She corrected politely. "As to why some of my juniors tire more easily than others? Simple. A lack of consistent training and readiness. If it were up to me, we would be drilling twice daily, as I did with my sisters on Pharaoni Prime."

"Do you go by Lt. Ayesha? Or are you just giving me permission to refer to you in the familiar?" Kendri asked for clarification.

"I go by my first name, yes. All my people do." Ayesha answered plainly. "All of us take on our father's name as our last name."

"Apologies," Kendri said. "I'll make sure your file is notated more clearly on how to address you for future reference." Kendri looked at Ayesha thoughtfully. "You don't think the difference in stamina is connected to strengths and limitations of different races we have serving in the department?" she asked.

"The difference was noted even between individuals of the same species, Commander. I had taken that into account for my assessment." Ayesha answered plainly. "I do still believe that there is more to do, however, when it comes to improving the fitness standard throughout the entire department."

"What type of drilling regimen did you have on Pharaoni Prime?" Kendri asked.

"The kind which would make most Starfleet tactical officers balk in its difficulty." Ayesha answered coolly. "I assume by that statement that you are aware of my past life on my home planet, and the scope of my job there." She added, raising an eyebrow. Her past as a Claw was written into her personnel file, of course, but she'd never thought that anyone reading it would know what being a Claw of Sekhmet entailed.

"I have read every officer's file," Kendri said nodding. "You also mentioned feeling the training programs here are lacking. I am just wondering if you felt that way at the Academy once you entered into your specialized program, and whether your suggestions for improvement would be realistic for Starfleet personnel to undertake."

"Starfleet personnel are not commandos, commander, as you know. Crawling under disruptor fire and hand to hand combat with real knives or marching seventy-two kilometres with fifty kilograms of equipment on their bodies would likely be far too much for them to handle." Ayesha responded coolly. "They are not expected to be the lethal arms of a goddess of war and plague. I did find the Academy's training lacking; but only before realizing that Starfleet does not train Claws of Sekhmet." The tiniest smirk curled her immaculately shaped lips upward.

"As to improvements. Merely an increase in intensity of training - in progressively increasing amounts. Of all the things my sisters among the Claws did one of them was to never throw a prospective candidate into the deep end."

Kendri pondered what the officer had just said. "Given what you have just told me, is Starfleet enough for you? Do you have job satisfaction here?" she asked.

"I do. My service thus far has led me down several fascinating paths I would have never known were possible. Ra and Khonsu have been kind to open this door for me, and I shall gladly follow it to wherever it takes me." Ayesha replied. "And it seems that my Lady Sekhmet is also keen to support this endeavor of mine. You know about my achievements in battle, of course. My file says it all."

Kendri nodded, "Yes, you came to us well-decorated. Perhaps you should talk to Chief Tomm about the possibility of working with volunteers to develop and train an elite squad of tactical and security officers who could be dispatched on missions where conditions are particularly harsh?" the first officer suggested.

"The thought never occurred to me. Perhaps I shall." The Pharaoni woman's lips curled into a smile, an actual one. "I shall bring the idea to him when he arrives for his shift. I am sure he would be pleased to hear it. I will gladly take charge of their training and development - though, of course, I will not be creating new Claws of Sekhmet. I hope that is acceptable."

Kendri stifled a laugh. "No, I wouldn't expect that. I don't believe that would be an approved Starfleet division anyway. I was thinking more like a special forces unit," Kendri clarified.

"I will consider it." Ayesha replied . A special forces unit of her own making. Her sisters in the Claws would've been proud. "Is there anything else I may assist you with, Commander?"

"Not at all. It was nice talking with you today," The Commander replied. "I'm glad I had an opportunity to meet you."

"As I you." Ayesha nodded, just as the door behind her hissed open, revealing her chief standing beyond.

"Good morning, Lieutenant," Kendri nodded on her way out. "Catch up with me after you've read your morning briefing and had a chance to talk to Lt. Ayesha."

"I'll talk to you both later," Kendri said as she let herself out.


Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Ayeshe binte Ansapata
Tactical Officer
USS Columbia


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