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Classroom Scuffle

Posted on Sat Aug 12th, 2023 @ 4:44pm by

898 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 11 1100 Hrs.

Kas sat in his office doing paper, he'd assigned Ensign Veers to bridge dudy. The man showed a good deal of promise, however Rodriguez was on call in case he needed any assistance. He was going over the supply plans for the upcoming mission and things were shaping up nicely. The COMM. chirped.

=^= Classroom three to Kas

"Razka here, go ahead." Kas said with a little worry; that was Keena's class.

=^= I'm sorry to bother you Mr Kas, your daughter has been in a fight with some other children.

"Is she hurt?" Kas said with concern

=^= No Mr Kas perhaps you should come to the classroom.

"My surname is Razka, Ma'am," Kas said in an irritated tone. "I'm on my way, Razka out."

Kas made his way down to the civilian part of the vessel, he found the classroom and his heart when he saw both a nurse and security officer. As he entered the room he could see the nurse was examining a boy's bloody nose and there was a second child with an ice pack on his arm. Keena was standing in the corner. A small woman with blonde hair in civilian clothes approached him.

"Mr. Razka, I'm Audrey Keena's teacher," the woman explained. "Your daughter was in a fight with these boys. 

"What was the fight about?" Kas asked

"It was over a toy she brought with her,"  the teacher explained.

"I see, why is she in the corner?" Kas asked.

"She injured two students," Audrey said. "She refused to apologize."

Kas raised an eyebrow, "who threw the first strike?"

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't matter she can't injure her classmates," the teacher replied.

"I will speak to my daughter." Kas said in an authoritative tone. "I will hear her truth before anything else."

He turned away from the woman and walked over to Keena. "Come, my dear one."

Kas spoke in a low tone that the others couldn't hear as he picked up his little girl and wiped the tears from her cheeks. For the first time since they'd left their people, she wrapped her arms around him. Kas carried her into the teacher's office and locked the door. 

He crouched down to her eye level."Now tell me what happened,"

"They took GoBa from me and called me a baby." Keena said with righteous anger.

"I see, did you ask them to return her?" Kas inquired.

"They laughed and the tall one pushed me! I stuck him with my head and took GoBa from the other one.' Keena crossed her arms. "Then that Kossta took Goba and put me in the corner. I want to go home Papa!"

Kas's heart leaped at the sound of his daughter calling him Papa, he could see tears brimming in her eyes again. He reached out and held her, he could feel her quivering in his arms. 

"I will get GoBa," Kas said softly. "Do not call others names.  That's a sign of weakness and you are stronger than that, Keena."

"You're not mad at me?" Keena asked.

"Of course not," Kas said. "You are my little star."

Keena seemed to relax in his arms, so he put her down and looked her in the eye. 

"I will put this right," Kas said with a smile. "Wait here I will speak to Miss Audrey"

Kas opened the door to find the teacher in an animated conversation with the security officer. "I will be taking my daughter with me, we can discuss any issues at a later time."

The security officer stepped up to Kas, "Your kid broke my boy's nose. I demand an apology!" 

"My daughter defended herself and retrieved her property," Kas said calmly. "Now step aside."

"Gentlemen, this is not the place for this." The Teacher said. "Mr Razka, please set a good example for the class and have Keena apologize." 

"We are Quath'Mar, our possessions are few and precious, we respect those who respect us." Kas looked at the security officer. "Teach your son not to take things from people or hit those smaller than himself and such unpleasantness won't happen. Now my daughter and I are leaving."

Kas motioned to Keena she stepped forward and took his hand, Kas moved to the door of the classroom.

"This isn't over, I'll take this up with command!" the officer shouted.

"That is your prerogative," Kas said without looking back.

As they got into the corridor Keena wrapped her arms around her Papa's waist, Kas picked her up with a smile. Keena was normally too independent to allow herself to be carried. So he carried his little girl to his office and got her a snack.

"You and GoBa will have to entertain yourselves while I do my paperwork." Kas smiled.


"Yes Keena."

"Are you in trouble?" The child asked.

Kas put his work aside and looked his daughter in the eye. "They don't understand our ways, I'll put the situation right. You don't need to worry about that Keena."

"Why can't we just go back and live with Nanna?" 

"I gave Captain th’Zeles my word we will voyage with his crew." Kas said. "We will be alright here you'll see, My Little Star."

"Okay," Keena nodded. "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?"

"We'll talk about that, after talking to your teacher." Kas said. "I'll sort this out."


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