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Comms protocol, what protocol

Posted on Mon Aug 14th, 2023 @ 10:18pm by

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Outside USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 2
Tags: intro post


“Columbia Approach, Columbia One, Request Docking ” Jessica opened the comms channel as she approached the USS Columbia her new home.

The response she got back was “... who the hell is this, why is there no video feed?”

With a sigh, Jessica politely said “Columbia Approach, I’m currently delivering your compliment of Valkyries, there is no video feed as this is an audio-only channel.”

Jessica hears “... some goddamn space jockey, claims they’re delivering some fighter or other to the ship…” They were turned away from the console and talking to someone else in the shuttle bay control room.

Jessica keeping her cool stated “I’m currently at bearing 036, flight level -45, one-quarter impulse, requesting docking” After waiting a few moments “I say again, Columbia Approach, Columbia One, Request Docking, Over.”

“... Do you start getting pushy with me you damned…” was the start of an angry response when it suddenly stopped another voice said. “Columbia One, Columbia Control, come to bearing 149, flight level 149.5, maintain one-quarter impulse, shuttle bay is open for you.”

As Jessica responded to the order by tapping the changes in and saying “Roger, Columbia Control, bearing 149, flight level 149.5, one-quarter impulse.” she also relayed the order to the other 5 fighters in formation.

The 6 fighters made a grateful swing upwards and towards the right, where they could see a big shuttle bay open with space for their fighter to land. On touching now Jessica started powering down her fighter and doing post-flight checks.

A few minutes later the canopy of her fighter opened and an orange-furred caitian stuck his face in, “So who are you? You managed to piss off the boss”

Jessica with a look of surprise on her face said “How did I piss off the Captain? I’ve not spoken to them yet.”

The caitian laughed “Sorry not the Captain, the Shuttle Bay Chief, he just transferred from an Akria he believed he was getting away from you fighter pilots lot.”

With a shrug, Jessica replied, “Well all I know is I’ve been post to here, we don’t have a Squadron Leader or Group Commander but then we only have 6 fighters, we are not even a full Squadron.” with that Jessica indicated for the Caitian to move back, they pulled herself up and over on the stairs waiting so she could climb down.

Once on the ground, Jessica nodded to orange-furred caitian and headed for the door, thinking ‘First stop find my bunk, then get cleaned up and report to the captain.’


Lieutenant Junior Grade Jessica Croft
Fighter Pilot
USS Columbia


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