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Captain's Debriefing

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 3:46pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri

1,647 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1 - Ready Room
Timeline: MD 12, 1057 hours

First Officer Chalan rang the chime to the Captain's Ready Room, needing to give him the latest update on the collaboration between Intelligence and Security.

Ryhl had been in the midst of enjoying a warm, tuber-root based Andorian beverage. He sat back at his desk, across from a large sectional sofa and with a small meeting table on the other side of the room.

"Enter", Ryhl said, seemingly startled as he looked up suddenly.

"Good morning, Captain," Kendri said cheerfully as she stepped into the Ready Room. "You wanted me to keep you updated on the work that Security and Intelligence was doing on Campor III and the surrounding region." She had caught the Captain's startled expression when she had first entered. "Is not a bad time, Sir?" she asked.

"Commander Chalan", Ryhl said as his features relaxed. "Not at all." He lifted his mug, emblazoned with the hull insignia of the Columbia. "It's this tuber-root drink. Kind of puts me on edge."

He motioned towards the plush sectional seated across from his small desk. "Please have a seat. So, how have things been progressing with Security and Intel?" He leaned forward and listened intently, antennae focused in position.

"Oh, they are progressing. I think it's time to get engineering involved," Kendri explained. "There's something suspicious about the reports intel has been able to get on the pirate attacks. Did you read the reports from Voyager, and the trouble they had with the Vidiian ships?" Kendri asked. "It's looking like these pirates have similar technology, but unless intel can pull off some kind miracle in the next few weeks, we won't know until it's too late how sophisticated it is."

"I remember seeing a few schematics of Vidiian ships when studying some of Voyagers old reports", Ryhl said as he reached for a PADD. "I'm sure I can pull up more information on it."

He looked down as he ran a database search on the technology. "This is worrying indeed", Ryhl said, looking up as the reports compiled and slowly loaded. "We can't let a dangerous ship like that lurk around." He looked down to open a report and start reading.

Kendri nodded in agreement, "Our Security Chief mentioned pulling in Lt. F'Rar now to try to get ahead of this before we get into their space. I would have suggested the same thing if hadn't beaten me to it," Kendri said. "We need to have shields reinforced from multiple angles: protection from hackers, and the ability to change our frequencies quickly and unpredictably."

"We shouldn't need to rework the ship too much to accomplish this sort of thing", Ryhl said as he looked up. He would have to read about the capabilities later. "The Columbia really is made to rumble. Our multi quantum spatial shield system is an improvement upon the regenerative shields of the 60s, and even the multi layered system of the Sovereign."

"Having said that, we will need to rapidly cycle shield integrity between segments. If they overwhelm one spot, our shields will still fall. We need to find a way to rapidly cycle and rotate power between each shield generator array faster", he said anxiously. The tuber-root was really kicking in. His left antenna twitched away from the other.

"If we could keep at least one section up between us and them, they'd take a battering from our firepower." Ryhl added. Odyssey class starships packed sixteen Type-XIV phaser arrays and eight torpedo launchers with rapid fire capabilities.

"If we see them coming," Kendri answered. "The problem with these reports is they aren't firing. They are bypassing shields, presumably by matching frequencies, and then boarding before the crew of the ships even know that anyone is there," Kendri explained. "I agree, I think the ship is well-equipped to get us where we need to be, but we don't normally use our shields offensively like this. However, I think that's what we're going to need to do to minimize the threat."

Ryhl leaned forward as he listened, clasping his hands in front of his face. "We definitely want Engineering working alongside the team.. Let's get Lieutenant F'Rar involved... Oh and that Vulcan.. Ensign Sar. He's a propulsion specialist, but he's a good problem solver."

"Ops will need to be involved as well, once we have a little more information. Have the team prepare a report. There will come a time to brief the crew." Ryhl said. "I'll call Starfleet and see what other Information I can dig up."

"That was going to be my next question, Captain," Kendri commented. "Should the teams working on this keep it to themselves until Command is prepared to issue a formal briefing?" she asked.

"This is a reality that the crew will have to confront", Ryhl said as he sat up. "Let's keep info guarded for the next few days. If boarders are a major threat, we must prepare each department to repel them. I'll put out a memo ensuring officers' phaser qualifications are up to date before we even release the information."

"Let's try to find out more information on their attacks. What sorts of weapons do they use when they board? Tactics and procedures.. If we can't stop them, maybe we'll devise a way to lure them.. If we're unfortunate enough to run into them."

Kendri nodded. "Thankfully, Lt. Elliot got this information early. We're several weeks out from being near their space, so we should have time to prepare." Kendri paused a moment before asking. "Is there anything else we should discuss while I'm here, Captain?"

"There is", Ryhl said. "We will be crossing the Mutara Nebula in about ten days. Our ship is going to be incredibly vulnerable. We need to make sure the crew is aware of the risk we'll be undertaking."

Looking into the Executive Officer's eyes, he said, "We're worried about our shields being breached by pirates off Campor.. Our shields will be down as we cross the nebula. Raiders have been known to camp out there in the past."

"I still think we can outrun most threats. Having Mister Razka lead us in a runabout will slow us down, until we can load his shuttle. We need all departments ready for this part of the mission. This will not be a routine nebula crossing. The interference is a serious issue."

"I am grateful that Science and Engineering were able to coordinate with Mister Kas." Ryhl thought highly of his crew, knowing what it was like to work with less motivated starship crews. "Let's just keep up the intensity with preparation for this first leg of the trip."

Kendri nodded in thought. "Understood, Captain. It sounds like we might want tactical manning all auxiliary stations in case we have to defend ourselves the old-fashioned way."

"That's right", Ryhl said, brow lowering at the thought of combat. "We'll at least go into yellow alert before we enter the nebula. That'll send them to their stations. We'll let them know in advance, so they can prepare."

"Otherwise, I know you've been busy. I appreciate you XO. I won't take up more of your time."

"Thank you, Captain. We should schedule a senior staff social soon. I think it would be good to build some camaraderie among the leadership team. Sava cooks." Kendri suggested with a smile as she slipped out of the door. She had noticed the Captain was a little more aloof than some others she had worked with. She had plenty of access, and no complaints. But she didn't see how it would hurt to get him out of his shell every once in a while.

"Ah, a budding chef", Ryhl said, not realizing Kendri had assumed he wasn't social. She didn't realize the space that existed between the Commander and the crew existed for a reason. Ryhl noticed it from the moment he arrived. Sometimes it even seemed like people avoided him. "I'll have to try her cuisine. I'm sure it's quite unique."

Ryhl believed the officers under his command understood where he was coming from. Many were probably glad to have him out of their hair. Commander th'Zeles knew Kendri had been building a rapport with the crew. Ryhl was taking a different path along the same route.

"It really would be nice if we could schedule this social after the arrival of my daughter", Ryhl said with a gleam in his eye. "She is my world.. A Thalassan like her Shen, you know."

"Oh! There's one more thing you should know about", the Andorian said as his antennae stirred to action excitedly. "Many of our senior staff have been in holding positions in Starfleet, waiting for senior roles to open up. I just received word from Admiral Bremer that a slew of promotions are being fast tracked."

"But I do agree we need a senior staff get together sooner." Ryhl thought for a moment. "I have an idea. There's an Andorian holonovel I've been wanting to try out. It explores the story of Ankord of Jonava.. The early Andorian Medieval Period. I think it would be a fun diversion."

"What do you say?" Ryhl's antennae spread into a more open posture as he asked the question.

"A holonovel," Kendri nodded in approval. "Let's make it happen. That's a lot of exciting news. The crew will be happy to hear about the promotions. And, I'm looking forward to meeting you daughter," Kendri said with a smile.

"We'll work it in here in the next few days", Ryhl said as he stood. "I'm going to get back to the bridge. Thanks for stopping by, XO."

"Thank you, Captain," Kendri commented, bowing her head as a sign of respect as she dismissed herself from the Captain's Ready Room.

Commander th'Zeles returned the bow with a smile.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendra
Executive Officer
USS Columbia


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