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Ice, Ice, Party - Part III

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 2:42pm by Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth & Thren ch'Yalorn
Edited on on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 4:22pm

1,873 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 10, Ice, USS Columbia
Timeline: Following Part II

Nurse Kerr, an Orion/Human hybrid who had just arrived on board to days earlier decided to stroll in and see what the rumors were all about. She was always up for a social gathering, and wanted to hit the ground running when it came to meeting new people on this very large large ship. She was wearing flowing pants in a shade of mustard yellow and an over-sized black sweater that fell off her shoulder and large black hoop earrings.

When she spotted a younger male Andorian sitting at the bar talking to an older male, who seemed to be the evening's host, she couldn't think of a better place to start making rounds, so she walked up to the both of them and introduced herself. She held out her hand in a human greeting, "I'm Lissa, one of nurses on board, I just got here a couple of days ago. And you handsome gentlemen are?" She asked with a playful and confident smile.

"Oh yes", Thren said, turning towards the newcomer with a pearlescent grin. "A charmer indeed. I was just getting acquainted with Mr. Th'kaasnik myself."

"But what about you?" asked sweetly. "I didn't catch your name, is this your place?"

"Yes, I am Thren.. Chef here at Ice", he said as his antennae slunk wide backwards in a relaxed manner. "I hope this place can be your home away from home", he said to Lissa. "We Andorians are a very passionate people. I hope this is reflected in the food and camaraderie here. Is there anything I can bring you? I was just about to bring an order to the kitchen."

"Oohh! Surprise me?" Lissa asked. "Or is that annoying when people ask Chefs that?"

"Annoying? Never", Thren exclaimed with a relaxed posture. "Perhaps, maybe, I have a habit of speaking a little too much of my food. "I shall take care of this table."

"Mr. Th'kaasnik, do you have a first name?" Lissa winked at him.

Thren offered a nod to each person seated at the large crystalline table. He patted Shanir on the arm before retreating towards a cove-like tunnel into the kitchen.

Shan looked down at the bar briefly as his antennae lengthened as to not miss anything in the room. Looking up he said, "It's Shan, Ops. This is my first official assignment, though I just finished a rotating internship, so I've been out for a year. And really lucky to be on a Bridge rotation right now. I thought it would be at least a few years. Trying not to mess that up," Shan said with a dry laugh.

Lissa gave him an understanding smile. "I think they beat that into us at the Academy."

Shan gave her a funny look.

"That feeling down in our guts telling us, 'Don't screw up,'" she said. "Trust me, we all feel it. You are not alone. And I'm sure you are doing great," she said giving him a reassuring pat on on the arm.

Paisley watched in interest as she sipped the blue liquid. "Have you met anyone cuter than these Ferengi and Andorians yet?" She asked. Not that they weren't attractive-they were. She just had a thing for the likes of Romulans and Vulcans, and the occasional human.

Ivitha looked over, interested to hear more about this. Not necessarily about the cuter part - but moreso to meet more new people.

Paisley left Ivitha's side for a moment, heading straight for the Orion. She had some goals for the evening-one being to find someone nice to take "home." The other to meet as many people as possible-she'd have to work with just about everyone aboard at one time or another, and likely sooner than later, and so she liked to know ahead of time.

The gray skinned Chief Engineer walked up to the bar where Lissa and Shan were talking. Lissa didn't know most of the people on board yet, but she had made a point to at least memorize the senior officers by face, name, and position. Lissa stood up and at attention out of deference for the officer's senior staff position.

"Good evening Lieutenant F'Rar," Lissa said respectfully.

Shan successfully held back a smirk, as he stayed seated. "Good evening, L-T," he said, before hiding his amusement by pretending to take a drink of his synthehol.

"Hello, you can sit, that's so silly. We're off the clock," she said. Plus, she was only a Lieutenant-yes, a department head but still more or less a regular crewman, or at least, she felt like it. "Just came over to say hello. You look lovely," she said, focusing her attention on Lissa. Then she turned to Shan. "Paisley F'Rar, Chief Engineer," she said. Her tone was more matter-of-fact than bragging; she didn't like to draw attention to the fact that she was a younger department head. Because she was afraid to mess it up royally, really. "Did the chef come by here?" She asked the two. To the bar tender, she raised her glass. "Can I have one more, please? Springwine!" She clarified.

"Sorry," Lissa said blushing as she sat back down. "Force of habit. My last ship was formal like that. Anyone Lt. Commander or higher, or any Senior Staff member. Ensigns and J.G.'s kinda learned to keep to ourselves."

Paisley nodded. "Yeah, my first ship was like that. Very first day, I got my chops busted for not saluting long enough. BUT...I don't really mind. Like I said, I am very informal," she said. "I won't bust you down for not standing when I walk past. In fact, the opposite is probably more true," she said. She took the glass of Springwine. "Feel free to join our group over there," she pointed, using the stem of the glass to tip it forward instead of one of her leather-like fingers, "we're just all talking but it's good to mingle. Looks well on you," she said. She gave them both a smile and a wink, then turned to return to the other group.

Shan felt bad for laughing now. "Man, seriously? That sounds like a tough break. My internship assignment was intense work, but everyone was chill off-duty. Seems to be the same way around here," he commented. "Thanks for the heads up. If I ever get reassigned, I'll know to watch out for that."

Lissa took a baited breath. "Yeah really. You know, I never did order a drink did I?"

Eveza turned, serving a Lurian security ensign named Vak another glow-ale. She sped over to Shan and Lissa as Paisley left. "Sorry about that", she said with a giggle. "Busy night. Can I get you something to drink? I know Mister ch'Yalorn is in the kitchen preparing something special for you."

"What about an Andorian sunset?" Lissa said, a blissful smile on her face as she ordered.

"Sure thing, hun", Eveza replied. She didn't actually call her 'hun'. When translating between Andorian into Orion and back to Federation Standard, this was the closest approximation.

"After I get my drink, do you want to go see what the other group is about?" Lissa asked. "At least until our food is done"

"Why not?" Shan said agreeably. "He had met the Andorian already, but Lissa seemed cool to hang out with. He didn't get the vibe that she was being flirtatious, and that made him comfortable sticking with her for the time being.

Paisley made her way back to the group of Andorians. There was a distinct lack of Romulans and Vulcans on this ship, and she was sad about that. There was one under her, but he was only an Ensign and she didn't want to get in trouble for fraternization. PLUS she knew literally nothing about the man, except his name. "Hey, what did I miss? I needed another drink," she said, waving the glass around.

Eveza stood behind the sleek, crystalline bar counter. Her short perky hair caught the glimmering light that permeated the lounge. She reached for a shaker, the cold metal meeting her delicate cerulean-hued grasp. Into the shaker, she poured a generous measure of Andorian gin, its azure color matching her own complexion.

Next she added a dash of frostberry liqueur, the deep purple liquid swirling into the mix like a nebula against the clear backdrop of ice. With a deft hand, she added a splash of tangy vareth berry juice, its vibrant flavor contrasting with the gin's cool, smooth taste. A squeeze of zesty Vrunderian lemon completed the blend, infusing the drink with a burst of citrus freshness.

Eveza placed the lid on the shaker and gave it a few vigorous shakes, flashing a wide pearlescent smile. Ice clinked and rattle in somewhat of a rattling melody. As she opened the shaker, the scent of the Andorian sunset filled the air, a tantalizing mix of floral and fruity notes that promised a delightful taste experience.

Carefully, she strained the liquid into a chilled, crystal-clear glass, watching as the deep blue elixir settled like the evening sky after sunset. To garnish, she floated a sliver of frosted lemon peel atop the drink, its gentle curves mirroring the contours of her own delicate antennae.

With the drink prepared, she placed it on a shimmering coaster and slid it across the bar, her vibrant eyes sparkling with warmth and a touch of mischievousness. "Enjoy", Eveza said.

"Did you need anything else?" Eveza looked to Shanir, knowing he had been here for a little bit.

Shan shook his head, "Sticking to synthehol tonight. I'm good I think. Thanks though," he said with a smile.

Lissa carefully took the drink from Eveza, showing it off to Paisley. "We were getting ready to join you, I was just waiting on this," she said before taking a long sip. "Mmmmm, so good! Thank you!" she called out to Eveza.

Paisley smiled. "I understand. This is Ivy, my new friend," she said, introducing Lissa to Ivitha. "Ivy, this is Lissa." She said. Her blue eyes sparkled. She was having a good time.

"Hello, Lissa. Aren't you a cute one." The Andorian smiled flirtatiously at the nurse, blue eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and mischief. "Where do you work on board? I'm afraid I'm stuck in the labs most of the day, working on some paper or another... which means not quite enough time to get out and about and meet new people."

"Sickbay for the most part," Lissa responded. "Unless we get called out for anything. Thankfully no one has hurt themselves so far. I'm told we usually make the most house calls to engineering," she joked.

"Well, the do seem to be the most accident prone," The Andorian joked lightheartedly. "No offense to my Engineering friends of course, but they do really need to learn to watch themselves. My classmate in Starfleet Academy managed to burn all five fingers at once on his left hand, can you believe it?"

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist
USS Columbia

Chef/Owner - Ice
USS Columbia


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