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Sava's Baseline Physical

Posted on Sat Aug 5th, 2023 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Sava

1,351 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 12: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD 11: 0700 Hours

Lt. J.G. Sava walked into the Medical Bay to report for her initial physical. A requirement for all Starfleet officers every time they start a new assignment.

"Ah, Lt. Sava, how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence," Nurse Kerr said cheerfully. "Are you ready to get your physical out of the way?" she asked.

"Ready as can ever be." In truth, Sava wasn't any more eager to have herself examined than the next officer (or non-officer, for that matter) - but there was always the added bonus of meeting someone new in the process, usually the nurses first and foremost. The bonus on top of the bonus was usually that the nurses were cute. This Orion girl did not disappoint in that department.

"So. What's your name?" She smiled sweetly at the shorter, green-skinned woman. Why were Orions green, and not blue or red or any other color, she wondered to herself. Plants were green, which implied that Orions were in reality partly plant. Which wasn't quite possible, was it?

"Daisheliss Kerr, but everyone usually calls me Lissa or Liss," Lissa told her. "Let's go back into an exam room and get you on a biobed, it should only take a minute," Lissa said, continuing her cheerful demeanor as she led Sava to an open exam room.

Sava followed the nurse compliantly, and sat down on the biobed with her long, slender legs dangling off the side, hooves and all. "So tell me about yourself, Lissa. Anything at all." She requested, smiling a craggy Kelpien smile at the young green-skinned woman.

Lissa was walking toward the back wall for a medical tricorder, she paused and looked over her shoulder, "I think I'm supposed to as you the questions today," she said her tone a cross between playful and stern. She continued walking to get the tricorder, "My father is human, from Earth he is still in Starfleet, my mother is Orion, a civillian. I grew up on Starships mostly."

Lissa returned with the medical tricorder. "I graduated a couple of years ago after doing my clinicals with the interspecies medical exchange program. Just came from the Verity with Commander Chalan. I'm working on my medical degree now. I was too eager to get in the field to just stay and go to medical school. It takes up some of my free time, but I enjoy it."

By now, the medical tricorder was ready to go, but Lissa set it on a bedside table and took out a PADD. In a friendly voice she asked, "Was that enough of an intro to help you feel relaxed today? Because now I have a few questions, I need to ask you."

"More than enough. Goodness gracious, am I not allowed to be curious?" Sava's tone was playful. At least the Kelpien wasn't too displeased with that initial reply. "Ask away, dear, I don't have anything to hide when it comes to my health." At least, Sava liked to think she didn't. She exercised very regularly, ate and slept as well as she could within her duties and had no underlying health conditions - at least, to her knowledge. By many of her colleagues' standards she was in good health, or at least she was usually told.

"Alrighty, then lets get started," Lissa smiled as she looked up from her PADD, then back down again.

1. Any changes in medicines? Including any herbal remedies or supplements?
"Not at the moment."

2. Any changes in appetite?
"If you mean discovering how to fry beancurd and eat it in cubes for a snack of late because of how moreish it is? No, not really." Sava smiled.

3. Are you eating a well-balanced diet?
"Of course".

Lissa looked up from her PADD, "More than fried bean curds, I hope?" she asked with a teasing smile. "So do you have a kitchen set up in your quarters? I don't know a lot of people who still cook. My mother does." Lissa offered.

"I promise I eat more than fried beancurd. I know, I look quite thin, but I assure you that I'm quite healthy. I try to eat filling meals when I can, though, of course, sometimes having something quick and easy is better for my needs." Sava smiled. "And yes, I do cook my own meals whenever I'm able. I could even make you something if you want." Sava did not comment further on that topic, except add a smile to her statement.

Lissa tapped the biobed that Sava was sitting on, "I know, you are a healthy weight for a Kelpian your size. Just making conversation," she said with a wink.

4. How are you sleeping?
"Very well, six to eight hours a day. Some days I sleep less if I have a ton of work to do, but that's all of us, I suppose!"

5. How much exercise are you getting per week?
"Oh, I try to visit the gym at least thrice a week if possible, if not I go for a jog." The Kelpien standard of a jog would leave most humanoids winded, of course, but Lissa didn't need to know that.

Lissa looked up thoughtfully, "That's good," she said nodding approvingly. "Are you happy with that? I know Kelpians are naturally athletic."

"I'm happy with it, yes. I do very much enjoy it; it helps to take off the steam, if you know what I mean."

Lissa nodded, "Oh certainly. Just making sure you felt like you were getting enough time for yourself in that regard. Starfleet officers have a tendency to get into habits of all work and little play, it's up to us medical officers to watch out for that. But if you're happy, I'm happy."

"I'm happy, too." Sava smiled at her.

6. How is your mental health? On a scale of 1 -10 would you consider your mood and energy level: generally low, its hard to get motivated to do anything; average, I have energy to do something things, but not as much as I used to; or a 10 would be: I've never felt better, I feel great, I have a lot of energy, I'm feeling very social, and and loving everything about live right now?

"I'd like to say it's quite good, about a nine or ten? The ship is new, everyone is new, everyone's excited to see what comes next."

7. Have you have any thoughts of harming yourself or others?
Sava stared at the young nurse as if she'd said something ridiculous. "No! Obviously not! Why would I do that?" She asked, genuinely incredulous.

Lissa gave her an apologetic look and a comforting pat on the arm. "I'm sorry, we have to ask that every time. Nothing personal, just on the list here." Lissa lifted up the PADD.

"Alright," Lissa said picking the medical tricorder, "The biobed got your baseline vitals, I'm just going to use the tricorder to do a more detailed cellular scan. Again, it's just protocol, I'm not expecting to find anything." Lissa began waving the tricorder over Sava's body, head to toe, reading the results as she went.

"And that's it!" Lissa said happily. "I'm not seeing anything of concern, but the Doctor will have to officially sign off on the report. All of your scans seem in line with your last physical, so I wouldn't expect to hear from her," Lissa said with a smile.

She held out a hand indicating that Sava was free to get off the biobed as she pleased.

Sava hopped off the biobed and stretched once, secretly glad that it was over. Sure, she did quite like using her physicals to meet new people, but she liked being questioned about her health and personal habits no more than, well, most of her colleagues. "I suppose I'll be seeing you around, then, Lissa." She remarked breezily. "Hopefully for the right reasons, hm?"

"Absolutely. I look forward to seeing you around," Lissa said with a wave, before uploading the results to the PADD for submission to the CMO.

Lt. JG Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Ens. Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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