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Take Us Out - Part I

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 7:19pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Crewman Yaves Lasa & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 2:38am

1,904 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 1, Main Bridge, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD 10, 1822 hours

=/\= On =/\=

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles emerged from his ready room, stepping onto the bridge of the USS Columbia. The vast space before him was a marvel of advanced technology and efficiency. At the front, flanking the central view screen, were the helm and ops stations, ready for precise navigation and information management. The bridge's layout was well-organized, with tactical and science stations positioned behind the commanding chair, providing crucial data and insights.

The same color scheme of much of the rest of the ship applied here. The walls were a rich khaki color. The carpeting on the floor was mostly black. It did have lots of red detail and piping which matched that red carpet found throughout the Columbia’s corridors.

To the right of the central commander's chair sat the XO's seat. An advisor's station occupied the left side, offering valuable support and counsel to the commanding officer. Ryhl was considering letting the ship’s Intel officer sit here for the time being. The sides of the bridge featured rows of versatile, wall-mounted consoles that could be customized for different departments. It allowed for the bridge crew tailored to be tailored to any situation. Specializations most often represented here include Communications and Engineering.

Holographic displays adorned the bridge, providing supplementary information and enhancing situational awareness. Alongside these displays, touch panels facilitated swift access to critical ship systems. The view screen stretched across the front, displaying the breathtaking expanse of space which surrounded them. Ryhl felt as if the view was calling him to explore the cosmos.

As the Ryhl settled into his command chair, a spark of excitement ignited within him. The anticipation of the upcoming mission to Campor III sent a surge of energy through his veins. He couldn't help but feel a growing sense of eagerness as the moment for their departure approached.

The proximity of the beta shift crew swapping out with senior officers only heightened Ryhl's anticipation. He knew that once the senior officers arrived, they would set the Columbia in motion towards Campor III. Commander th’Zeles stood, glancing at the rear of the bridge. There were more holographic readouts and stations there, seemingly linked to some of those on the side.

“It will not be long now, ladies and gentlemen”, Ryhl mused to the officers present. “It will not be long now.”

First Officer, Lt. Commander Chalan stood to the far right of her posted station so she could see the entire Bridge without blocking anyone's view. "Ready to see what she can do, Captain?"

"Certainly, XO", Ryhl said as he looked over to the Lieutenant Commander. Although his cerulean face was cracked with laugh lines and wrinkles, there was still an air of childlike excitement about his angular features. "We're setting off on quite the run."

Sava was among the first out of the turbolift. She'd heard many stories about the Odyssey class' massive bridge, but no amount of words, verbal or written, could adequately communicate the sheer size of the metal cavern she stepped into. Her eyes widened as she took it all in, hands clasped together. "Oh, my word. It's beautiful." She breathed. "I- I've only ever heard of this, it's- it's maasive, I-" She walked towards her station dazedly as if in a dream. Or high. She was probably both, really.

The bridge of the USS Columbia was indeed large, being at least twice as large as that of a Sovereign class vessel. There was also an upper level "Observation Bridge", with auxiliary stations and a transparent domed viewport that sat in the center of the ceiling, looking upwards into space above.

Commander th'Zeles couldn't help but notice an extremely tall Kelpian. She stood out when Ryhl viewed the security officer's files because she was so unique.

"I am," Ryhl replied. The Andorian approached her, looking up. "You must be Lieutenant Junior Grade Sava", he said with a look of warmth. "I requested you here as bridge security. How are you settling onto the Columbia?"

It took Sava about a second and a half to process that she was being spoken to. When she did she smiled at the Andorian officer and nodded her response. "I am settling in well, sir. Thank you. I've yet to explore the entire ship, but I'm excited to see all of it! How are you?"

"I'm doing well", Ryhl said as he stood tall. His shoulders always seemed pinned up or held tight, giving him an air of military bearing despite his relaxed attitude. "There is a great deal to explore here."

Ryhl turned as a whisking noise drew his attention.

The lift doors opened and Kas walked confidently onto the bridge, he took everything in as he moved toward the helm station. this was the largest bridge he'd ever seen. The sights sound and scents were a little overpowering. He took a deep breath and sat at his station.

"Walk with me, Lieutenant", Ryhl said to Lt. JG Sava. "Let's talk to the one behind getting us to Campor III."

Ryhl led Sava through the large central opening which surrounded the three central chairs. The bridge of the Odyssey was unique in its oval-like construction. The taller ceiling also warped its projection.

Ryhl spoke as the pair approached the Helm/Navigation station where Lieutenant Razka Kas was reviewing his controls. "Lieutenant Razka... How does the morning fare you? Are you excited to once again sail among the stars?"

An impish grin spread across the commander's face, his dark golden eyes expressing less emotion.. They appeared focused, with determination and excitement surrounding the trip ahead. He fought to compose himself, shifting his upper lip back downwards.

"It's an excellent morning to begin a voyage, Sir." Kas grinned.

"Lieutenant Razka, Lieutenant Sava... Lieutenant Sava, Lieutenant Razka." The commander motioned to each officer as he spoke their name, introducing them.

"I've already had the pleasure, it's good to serve serve with you Sava." Kas nodded.

"We've met. I'm glad, too." The Kelpien smiled broadly.

"Miss Sava will be providing bridge security for the time being", Ryhl said to Kas while turning between the pair.

Ensign Th'Kaasnik, often called Ensign Kaas for short, turned in his seat at ops, an eager expression on his face, his antennae moving in different directions in response to the different officers moving around and speaking. "Systems are all operating within normal parameters, Captain."

Commander th'Zeles walked between Sava and Kas, towards the Andorian Ensign. The Ops station was to the right of the helm.

"Ah, Mister Th'Kaasnik.. Very good." Unfortunately, Ryhl had found himself distanced from much of the crew during the loading of the Columbia. He hadn't learned of his nickname. "I'll need your sharp eye when we get to the Mutara Nebula. Let's hope our systems don't take too much of a beating from the interference."

"Aye, Captain," the ensign responded. "I'll stay alert, sir," Kas responded seriously.

Turning on his heel to face the trio, he added, "Speaking of which... Mister Razka, plot the long course to Campor III. Finish your pre-flight checks and bring the engines out of standby mode."

"Aye Sir," Kas nodded and moved to his station. It takes a moment to adjust to the telegraphic controls. However at the end of the day calculations for calculations and space was space. He smiled wondering how many other people on this ship will be able to calculate the course without the fancy equipment?

"Miss Sava, please acquaint yourself with the Tactical station", Ryhl said while looking up at her, antennae twitching curiously. "I understand that you aren't a tactical officer. Consider it a good opportunity to study for the days when you reach that assistant chief or chief role..."

Ryhl gestured towards the station with a nod. He moved back towards the open space surrounding the Command chair and its two flanking seats.

The tall, pretty Carjoran Chief Engineer walked onto the Bridge, ridged nose bent over a PADD, and coffee in her right hand. She was tapping away with her left thumb, the machine propped precariously between forefinger and middle finger. She finished her task, and righted the computer, settling herself into the Engineering console. "Hello," she called out. She was very friendly-sometimes TOO friendly-and before turning around, she smiled at everyone.

"Lieutenant F'Rar", Ryhl replied with a nod as he stood in the center of the bridge facing her. "Great work on the engines over the past few days."

"Thanks!! She's ready for launch," Paisley said, confidently. Her team was the best, and they were, indeed, ready to pop hoses, slip some streams, and haul their metallic nacelles deep into space.

A whisking sound drew Ryhl's attention to the doorway.

Johanna arrived on the bridge, coffee cup in hand. She quietly took her station on the bridge. Yes, she had been in simulations before, but now it was the real thing!

"Ah, Lieutenant Lyngstad", Ryhl said in a voice underlying with military bearing. "Glad to see you on the bridge. Bring sensors online and keep an eye out for any phenomena."

"Aye aye Captain." The Captain was sounding more formal, as expected during a launch. She did a routine sensor scan. All clear from this end, she thought.

Ryhl turned and sat in his seat. "Let's just hope we don't encounter anything too strange out there." He gazed at the wonders showcased by the viewscreen.

The bridge door slid open once again, revealing a young Bolian woman. She walked quickly and appeared out of breath. "I'm s-sorry, sir. I'm running late. I don't know what happened", she said in a huff.

"Miss Lasa, all is well", Ryhl said while looking back in his chair. "Take your station at comms. You aren't late at all."

"Aye sir", she said, clearly embarrassed. "It's just that... I planned to be here thirty minutes ago."

"There's still time", Ryhl told her. As a wide smirk crept across the Commander's lips, he focused on the shape of Starbase 74 in the distance.

"Helm, let's warm up the impulse engines. Bring us in a close loop around the Starbase. Make it tight, but not dangerous. Let's give them one last good look at the Columbia. Then line us up on course." The ship was currently facing SB74 in the distance. "Miss Lasa, send a request for departure", he said to his Yeoman.

"Take us out", Ryhl said, voice echoing across the empty central space. Technology allowed the officers to be heard clearly, even at distances 2-3 times as far as that of a typical bridge.

"Aye, Aye, Captain." Kas smiled. He bowed his head and made a symbolic gesture before turning to the controls.

Technically Rikka didn't need to be on the bridge as her primary duty station was in sickbay. However the commander had requested her to see the launch. So she stepped off the turbolift and was in awe at the sheer size of the room. It showed just how far the Federation had come in technological advancement.

Commander th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Chalan Kendra
Executive Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Rikka Takanashi, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Junior Grade Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia


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