A new era?
Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2024 @ 6:34pm by Captain Jason Elliot & Commander Zera Tirado & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Bellona Juventus & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
1,261 words; about a 6 minute read
A new era - Time for change
Location: Briefing room
Timeline: Day 1 1344hrs
Columbia hovered inside the shipyard drydock, a small number of workbee craft along with shuttles buzzed about towing parts into the various shuttlebays, while overlooking earth off in the distance still looked massive. In the briefing room Jason walked in looking out the windows he felt uneasy with the idea being the one in charge. the few remaining officers had been asked to join, he watched as a shuttle flew by.
Jorel walked into the Briefing Room and saw that Jason was already there and admiring the view outside of the ship. It was nice to be back in dock and getting some overhauls of the ship. Not only that though, it gave Jorel the moment to get all the updated information about what has been going on in the universe at large.
Jorel walked over to the table and took a seat, trying not to disturb Jason. But, it didn't go that well and once Jorel knew that Jason saw him, he smiled at him and said, "Good morning, sir."
"Morning...Good to be home." Jason replied "Have you had a chance to review the overhauls schedule?"
"I've been knee deep in diplomatic reports from the Diplomatic Corps down on the planet at HQ. I haven't had much chance to look them over unfortunately. How about you?" Jorel asked, scratching some final notes onto his PADD.
Jason smiled, "Well you'll get plenty of planet side time, we're in drydock at least three months, computer overhauls, life support upgrades, the engine retrofit and the damn fleet formation system, another concoction from the damn engineers, plus we're light crew wise with the ones that took the new assignments and those who've already left." he paused "I'm setting up shop on earth at the house I own so i only have to be around for system tests for a bit."
"I've got my old apartment set up back on Earth when I was working for the Diplomatic Corp before I was assigned to the Columbia. It's not quite as nice as my quarters on the Columbia, but it's still quite nice and I think I'll enjoy it while we set up everything onboard," Jorel replied with a smile.
"I was supposed to meet with Admiral Whittman but that's been delayed until the day after tomorrow again, which translates too we're on our own for now, and before anyone asks I got stonewalled by Admiral Wallace as well, so I have no clue what's going on." Jason said the frustration was audible.
Johanna walked into the Briefing Room. She had her guitar case and another small suitcase with her. "Well, I just wanted to say see both of you in a few months. I am heading back to Sweden while the refit is going on. Staying with my folks."
Jason smiled "Well, you're welcome to meet up in Calgary anytime, I'm in the old city, plus I think I have a meeting with a new Chief engineering candidate in Gothenberg next week."
"That's only a hop, skip and a jump from where my folks live in Boras. It's so close that you tram from here to there."
"Before you depart Doc, have you had a chance to review the equipment changes for sick bay and medical sciences?" Jason said not wanting to keep the Doctor too long.
Johanna looked around for the Ship's Doctor. "Are you talking to me?" She was the Science Officer.
"Oh..." Jason smiled "Yeah, until we get a new Medical chief I need someone to just sign off on the medical and science stuff including the two new chemistry science labs." Jason said sliding the PADD across "After that you are on leave, deal?"
Johanna nodded. "OK, Commander. You got a deal." Johanna headed to Sick Bay to review the equipment changes.
Zera entered the room with a PADD in hand. She looked over towards the new Commander before making her way over. "Here," she said holding out the PADD. "Here are the reports you asked for."
Jason looked at the cover summary, "They're going need an additional six days for the life support upgrade?" he paused almost with a sigh approving the additional time "What are your plans for the extended lay over commander?"
"Stay here," Zera replied simply. "I fully intend to ensure that the work gets completed on schedule. Plus, I was an engineer before going into command. I might just get my hands dirty around here."
Jorel had been sitting at one of the chairs at the conference room table, listening to everything that had been happening. When Zera entered and said something about getting her hands dirty, Jorel said, "If you need help down in Engineering, I did get high marks on my engineering proficiencies back at the Academy. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help out!"
Jason smiled, he'd been lucky being able to retain several officers, "I'll be back and forth throughout the layover excluding the four days the life support overahaul is scheduled, my understanding is they'll want the shipboard complement down too the technical crew and absolute essential personelle."
"Well, the good thing is that it'll let me catch up on everything as we are down there on Earth. Just let me know if you need me back here before everything is completed," Jorel offered up, knowing how hectic stuff like refitting a ship could be.
Another crewman entered with a pad, passing it too Jason, "Well the meeting with Intelligence has been rescheduled, strange..." Jason paused "Its no longer at the main Intelligence headquarters, it just has a To be determinded for location."
Zera thought that sounded a little fishy. "Well, I'm sure there's a good reason. I don't like getting involved with Starfleet Intelligence... No offense..."
"None taken.." Jason smiled "This was a routine meeting, who's doing what, where is the next possible hot spot, nothing exciting or cloak and dagger, but these are rarely rescheduled, at least not as long as I've been around."
"If it's alright, I would prefer to remain on board." Bellona stated as she walked into the room. She seemed a bit subdued if anything - somewhat disquieted. Nonetheless, she remained regal and poised in demeanor as she approached the group; fitting for a Magna Roman. "I have nowhere else to go. Not currently. And someone must stay with the ship, or have ready access to it at all times, no?"
Looking over too Bellona "That's fine although I will be expecting everyone to attend all of their briefings that are scheduled for planetside when needed." he paused slightly for effect "In the meantime I'll find out what this one being rescheduled is about."
Meanwhile, Johanna arrived in Sickbay, PADD in hand. She started reviewing the medical equipment and science equipment. She had been cross trained in Medical on her first post of duty. Everything seemed to be in order. Now, she headed for the new chemistry science labs.
Jason stood up, "It looks like the next twelve weeks should be enjoyable and productive."
Once she had inspected the new chemistry science labs, Johanna reported to Commander Elliott. "OK I am done here. Everything is order it seems. I will see you in 12 weeks." Johanna headed for the shuttle bay.
"Okay, I'll see you then." Jason said "I'm going to finish packing myself."
Jorel just chuckled and got up from his seat before heading over to Jason, handing him a PADD. Jorel said, "Just don't break my Diplomatic Offices too much!"
Jason laughed "We'll try."