Vaction interrupted
Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2024 @ 10:22pm by Rear Admiral Jarred Wallace & Captain Jason Elliot
860 words; about a 4 minute read
A new era - Time for change
Location: Jason's house - East Village, Ramsey, Calgary North America
Timeline: Day 8 0855 hrs
The early twentieth century house in the East Village area of Calgary was far from quiet in the early part of the morning, Jason had been up for about two hours doing some yardwork and general upkeep of the house he'd bought, with plans of leaving starfleet. Now it was home when he wasn't being Captain, something he still hadn't quite adjusted to. He tossed a few branches into a bin when he heard a voice.
"So this is what a man who didn't want to stay in starfleet does when he's not aboard his ship." the new arrival said
"Admiral!" Jason said as he scrambled too his feet
"At ease Jason, this visit is off the books." Read Admiral Jarred Wallace said
Jason was puzzled as he stood, "So I assume that we should get indoors before we talk?" he said as he gestured too the house.
The two men walked towards the house, "So decided to pay a visit to the old city today?" Jason said asking the first part of phrase
"I don't get here very often, I should though, I hear there's some amazing hiking nearby along with some spectacular views of some ancient glacial lakes." The admiral replied speaking the counter phrase.
Business is picking up he thought. "So Can I interest you in some coffee?" the last passage of their exchange.
"Black with raw sugar." Jarred said not his actual preference was actually just black, hoping that Jason would pick up on the message.
Jason poured the coffee, taking the two mugs too the admiral, oddly enough to the casual observer the coffee cups were not with a starfleet logo, they were both black the last part of the exchange of code phrases, "So are things that bad?" cutting too the chase
"Fleet ops were less than thrilled when you objected to the fleet formation systems, although I do get it." Jarred said as he took a sip of his coffee.
Jason smile behind the mug "It's a bit too borg for my liking, plus I don't need starfleet knowing exactly where I am at times."
The admiral looked around, "So how long did it take you to find all of their surveillance devices?"
"An hour, they were dumb enough too do it while my neighbors were home, seven different devices including one in the master bedroom, I used the tricorer you gave me to find them, so who planted them?" Jason replied setting down the mug
"That's three more than they put in my house in San Francisco, They're desperate to find out who was behind the changes in orders concerning you." Jarred said sitting back in the chair, "Things are tense within certain inner circles within command, it might be wise to get that refit finished and get the hell out of Dodge, do you think Commander Tirado can be trusted?"
"I'm not 100% sure, she's a good officer and likely going to get her own command soon enough she's good." Jarred said taking another sip of his coffee.
"High praise from even you, so the next question is can we see if she can be trusted incase things go off the deep end?" Jarred asked as he looked at his cohort, "I want you guys out of here as soon as the medical situation is sorted out, also do you ever hear from the girl?"
Jason felt his eyes sink slightly "I haven't spoken to her in weeks, not that I think it's a good idea, she got suspicious after the Ivor mission."
Jarred swore under his breath, "It might be wise to keep your distance too, for now we need to keep a low profile again."
"We're scheduled to do a patrol along the Tholian disputed zone when we depart, I think that's far enough out." Jason said with a crooked smile
Jarred pondered his coffee for a second, "Do you think your senior staff can be trusted with this?"
Jason looked out the window, he measured his reply knowing what he does about the senior officers he has currently, "When the time comes it might be time to bring them in, if they demonstrate they can be trusted." he paused knowing what he wanted to say "The chief Science officer might be easier to sell on this since she's got a level head."
The admiral stood, "Should i pay her a visit?" he paused as he downed the coffee, "She's in Sweden visiting if I remember, I haven't been to Stockholm in a few months I might pay a visit."
Jason stood the shake hands with his guest, "I hope this doesn't escalate, but I'll make sure we're ready if it does."
The two men shook hands and the Admiral left, Jason put the two cups into the sink to wash, he didn't want too start bringing to many officers in on this, but with all of the bizarre events over the last few years he has found himself questioning many things with the Federation, Star Fleet and life in general, he knew what he had too do, and that started with a partially planned trip.