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Ferengi Neighborhood Walk

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:40pm by Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth & Crewman Yaves Lasa

2,229 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III Ferengi Settlement
Timeline: MD C20

Zeke tapped his communicator to let Counselor Drylo know that the anthropology team was ready to begin their work.

Feeva ran in quickly, out of breath, to meet the others in the Transport pad. Crewman Lasa smiled to greet her, having only arrived moments before. She was excited for her first mission. The group was soon transported to the surface.

The Andorian stood nearby with her crack team of three other anthropologists (and one anthropologist to be) briefing them on what to do - chief among them learning more about the settlement. Plenty of enthnographic work consisted of fieldwork, after all. "...and we'll meet back here by evening, mmkay? Samantha, if you'll bring Nugo with you, please? Travel together always, alright, and stay safe."

"Aye aye, boss! Hey, don't worry! You'll be fine, okay? Nothing's gonna jump out at us or anything like that, at most we'll just be shooed away!" The tan-skinned human woman reassured the visibly very nervous seven foot tall bespectacled Kelpien male looming behind her like a tree. In his slender hands he held a ridiculously thick pen and paper pile of notes - in addition to the PADD sticking out of his pocket. Ivitha had invited him along to get him exposure with the first fieldwork of his training cruise, and she was going to get him exactly that.

"Okay." He replied, in a surprisingly high-pitched voice for someone of his stature. He and his human partner disappeared into the settlement while Ivitha and her partner remained behind for the time being...

Zeke stood behind the scientists, keeping his eyes and ears open. This was mostly a diplomatic and scientific expedition, but in the interest of all the security issues going on all over Campor III he was tasked with keeping the team safe, and with seeing if they learned anything that might tie into what had happened here.

Feeva hung back a little; she was unsure why she'd been asked to go along on this excursion, but here she was. She understood that part of her duties as Ship's Counselor was to also be a mission advisor, but this didn't seem like that. Still, she never questioned orders, so here she was.

Crewman Lasa was excited for her first chance to leave the ship. Captain th'Zeles sent her along on this mission to get her experience. Interacting with Ferengi was a skill all to its own. Crewman Lasa approached Ivitha. "So ma'am, what's the plan? Is there anything in particular you were looking to study?" The enlisted Bolian raised a PADD just below eye level, studying a map of the settlement.

"I think we're just meant to gather some intel at the moment," Feeva said, gently. "If you'd like, you can stick with me." The Counselor recognized the Captain's yeoman and smiled. It was nice to see the whole crew getting involved-some Captains kept their personal staff holed up in the office, but it was good for morale if they got out and got to experience the action.

"Intel isn't the main point, actually." Ivitha added. "The purpose of this trip really is just anthropological fieldwork, to study this settlement and how they've developed. We'll be doing this over a few days, actually - though I suppose if we need to gather intel-" The Andorian chewed on her lower lip. She felt bad having to lie to these poor people they were to interact with in that case - anthropological work was based in goodwill and genuine curiosity for the group you were studying, not deception. "-we can. Is everyone ready?"

"Wow! I'm so ready", Crewman Lasa replied. Her green eyes seemed large and vibrant, blinking as she spoke. "I love the chance to study. I'm going to take so many notes." She scrolled away the map on her PADD to open a new folder. "I'm sure we can keep our eyes open for anything that might be of importance. That's technically intel." A giggle of a laugh escaped her soft purple lips.

Feeva chuckled lightly. "I admire your enthusiasm, Yaves. Let's head out this way," she said, heading for a nearby market stall. "I find that observing and talking to people is a good way to break down barriers," she said.

The bored-looking Ferengi woman manning the stall in front of them instantly sprung back to life, bouncing over to the two women in heels that looked way too sparkly for her own good. "Welcome, welcome! What can I do you two strangers for? Jewellery? Dresses? Only the finest Tholian silk!" The saleswoman grinned and waved at the selection of dresses she had hanging from a clothing rack, all elegantly designed if somewhat showy.

Yaves moved excitedly towards displays of the silk fabric. Her eyes were drawn to a dark maroon dress made of the elegant material. It appeared extremely thin and form fitting. Yaves could only imagine what it would feel like to wear such clothing.

"I wish I could afford something like this", said the Bolian crewman. Her pearl white smile stood out against her complexion. "I would love to see some jewelry though!" Her eyes met the shopkeepers. Yaves knew she did have a limited amount of latinum, but hoped she could use her innocent charm to score a deal with the Ferengi.

Feeva watched carefully. "I am just observing for now," she said. "I am looking for something for my daughter, perhaps, though," she said. "A toy of some sort, or a doll." She shared.

"For you, my lovely Bolian dear, I have the perfect thing. Here-" The Ferengi woman rifled through her racks and pulled out a beautiful shimmering green dress with a low neckline, just enough to tease a little bit without being inappropriate. "Fifteen slips. You'll look like a thousand bars in this, I can just see it. And you, my Vissian friend..."

Yaves's eyes lit up as she touched the material. Her mind visualized how carefree and special she'd feel, dancing in a dress like that. "15 slips sounds fair. I would rather buy at 10 slips, but in the efforts of diplomacy, I'd love to buy it", her bright smile radiated as she spoke. Now she needed an excuse to wear it. There were always enlisted events on the schedule. She continued to touch and feel the material.

The stallholder let the Bolian fuss over the garment before pointing at another stall about fifteen metres down. "Gig over there is a toymaker. He sells the things he makes, you know, and he's so very good at it, too."

Feeva simply nodded. "Thank you, Miss, for the recommendation. I'll wait for Ensign Yaves to complete her business," she said. She didn't want anyone to be left alone. She was on alert, but relaxed.

Yaves turned at the hip to reach for a small PADD. She scrolled through it to pull up her latinum account for transfer. "I'll have to transfer the slips of latinum to your account. Send me your pin."

The Ferengi merchant was all too happy to tap her pin into the Bolian's PADD. "This dress is sure to thrill, young miss! Guaranteed! Especially if your boyfriend's under the weather of late!" The shopkeeper winked at Yaves and returned the device. "Will that be all? I'd be most glad to assist!"

Feeva simply nodded. "You have boyfriend?" She asked, surprised. "I'd like to go look at that other stall, Yaves, if you don't mind?" She said, practically dragging the Bolian away.
"I don't think this is meant to be a social thing!" She said. "We're meant to be observing!!!" She said.

The Bolian shrugged to Feeva, watching as the dress was carefully folded and put into a box. "I don't have a boyfriend.. But thanks! That will be all. I appreciate you." Turning back to Fee, she added, "I'll come with you ma'am." She followed after Feeva with the dress under her arm.

The toymaker was a stocky Ferengi man whose eyes lit up instantly as he saw the two women approached. "Welcome, welcome! Customers at last! What can I do for you both?"

Feeva regarded the man with a bit of suspicion. Her people weren't xenophobic, but her years with the Fleet had made her a bit weary of the less forward-minded Ferengi. She nodded. "I am looking for a small token for my daughter. Perhaps a doll," she said. "She's four."

"Aww, how cute, ma'am!" Yaves looked to Feeva. "I hope I can have a daughter some day." She looked over the toymaker's wares, looking for any cute toys.

Feeva nodded. "Children are hard work, but rewarding. I wish I could have another," she said. That had been her one regret-that she and Eoin hadn't had time to have a second child. "I'll take this one," she said, selecting a stuffed, cloth dolly that she assumed was a cultural design. "Leena will like that," she said. The doll had brown hair, like her, made of yarn, but blue eyes. Like her father. She paid for her purchase, and turned to Yaves. "Well, shall we go find the others?" She asked.

The shopkeeper, pleased with the sale he'd just made, scurried off to count his makings for the day.

Yaves turned to watch the shopkeeper leave, momentarily wondering what it would be like to live here. "Yes! Let's find the others." The counselors words about raising children danced around in the young crewman's head. "The thought of having children scares me.. There's the whole giving birth thing. Not to mention then, you're responsible for them. How could I balance my career and raise a baby? It would be so hard. You should be proud."

Feeva smiled. "Giving birth isn't so bad," she said. "They've got good medicine now," she said. "You learn to balance everything," she said. "It takes some time, but you do learn! And thanks. I am," she said, as they ambled along.

Ivy and Kyv, on the other hand, made their way towards the city centre, where, unsurprisingly, a majority of the settlement's commercial activity was going on. The two took a seat at a nearby cafe to people-watch for the moment.

Kyv was so starry eyed, fascinated by everything he saw. He'd ordered a small coffee like drink, sitting across from Ivy at the small cafe.

"I've been liking this place so far, and the ship itself. Been really enjoying working with the science department."

He animatedly talked as he sipped from his drink.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad that you're adapting well - seeing as this is your very first away mission and all." Ivitha smiled, antennae twitching excitedly. Ever since they'd been assigned to the Columbia together she'd been excited to work with him on an away mission beyond the confines of a lab, and this first time was as good as any to start with.

"Excited to get off the ship at all. Been couped up in the lab, which is fine but its good to get off the ship."

"Can I get you both anything? We have a killer deal on Andorian krill-beast steak! Freshly sourced!" The two were accosted by a dimunitive Ferengi male, who smiled a sharp-toothed smile at them as he balanced a serving tray on his arm - how exactly he pulled it off with all the empty glasses balanced precariously on it was a mystery. Practice, perhaps. "Or if food and drink isn't what you want, I'm sure I could provide you with information!" The waiter pressed with the very same enthusiasm.

"I'd would love more of this coffee beverage, if you could and perhaps a piece of that cake I saw earlier."

The Andorian asked kindly.

"Cake? We have several varieties for our customers' enjoyment! For a limited time only we have caramelized slug cake! Very popular among the locals - and offworlders!" The waiter grinned an enthusiastic sharp-toothed grin.

Kyv did not like the sound of slug cake.

"The chocolate cake please."

He repsonded kindly, trying to not let his face betray his feeling of the slug cake sounding horrific.

"And you?" The waiter grinned at Ivitha.

"Get me a slug-o-cola, please and thank you, and that'll be all." Ivitha smiled as the waiter trotted off into the cafe. "We can't stay too long, lest we sample everything on the menu. We're here on ethnographic work, remember." She said.

Feeva dragged Yaves back to the meeting place. “Gods, are they eating? She gave an exasperated sigh, but spoke into her COMMs. ==/\==Ensign, doc?==/\== She said. “Drylo and Lasa are ready to return,” she said.

=/\= "Kyv here, go ahead lietuenant" =/\=

Crewman Lasa opened the box to take one more look at the dress as she waited for the response to Feeva's call. Its faceted gems looked intricate among the design's overall simplicity. She quickly covered it back up. "I'll have to try this on. If not, I'm sure I'll find a tailor back on the ship." Yaves had a bubbly voice. Large, animated irises looked up happily towards Counselor Drylo.

Feeva nodded. "Aye, or I can help you. I sew things for my daughter sometimes," she said. She tapped her Comms badge once more as the others filed back. ==/\==Six to return to the Columbia. ==/\==

In a moment, the group disappeared and re-appeared in the Transporter room. Some interesting things had been learnt.



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