Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

Name Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

Position Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

Rank Ensign


  • 18 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:40pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 110 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ivitha strongly resembles a human woman of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean (or perhaps a mix of both) heritage with slightly darker than normal blue skin and white hair and quintessential Andorian antennae. Short in stature but curvaceous and lithe she draws eyes wherever she goes with her easy smile and expressive antennae, which seem to come to rest in a loose heart shape by default.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Sharan Ch'aqirharh, Lt. Cmdr (Imperial Guard) Kanaoss Th'rinnihr
Mother Ivrythaa Sh'kothek, Oselia Zh'taonnahr
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family The entirety of an extended family that comes from having four parents. In short, many. Like, many, many cousins of mixed genders (and of late, species).

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ivy seems much more Deltan than Andorian, having spent much more time around them than her own parents as a child. Carefree, sensual and flirtatious she is usually quite well liked by those around her. Put her to any task, work related or otherwise, though, and one sees her throw herself into it till the task is complete.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Passionate
+ Hardworking
+ Excellent with people

- Often works to burnout
-/+ Applies herself to every task assigned to her fully and with every ounce of energy she has.
Ambitions * Raise her own family - be it with a bondgroup of other Andorians or not.

* Get back at her hard-nosed thavan.
Hobbies & Interests * Cooking
* Andorian lute
* Experiencing the pleasures life has to offer - in all its forms, including food, art, music among other things.

Personal History Ivy was born on Duo III, a Deltan colony, to merchant parents. She would grow up in a relatively carefree household, leaving her plenty of space to explore and develop her interests while her parents worked to support them. Her thavan, a hard-nosed and by-the-books Imperial Guard officer would be largely absent from her life as he served as first officer aboard the IGS Shr'vek.

She would spend a great part of her life being educated amongst humans and Deltans at the colony's local schools, where she was encouraged to discover herself as a person. In this same line she discovered aged nine that she didn't very much like fighting or combat. Rather, her interests lay in science and art, which angered her thavan greatly. He, unlike the rest of his more open-minded bondmates, very much wanted for her to become an Imperial Guard officer, and would accept nothing less from her. Whenever he WAS back with the family he would personally oversee her combat and fitness training, often pushing the young zhen to her limits with harsh punishment and training.

Aged seventeen Ivy had had enough. She moved off world with friends to Earth, greatly angering him. During her year on Earth she took time to travel the globe and experience every bit of culture the planet had to offer, which ignited in her a passion to learn about people and the societies that they formed, which was what led her to pursue a career as an anthropologist with Starfleet. Being able to pursue her passion, as well as travel the stars - what wasn't to like?
Service Record 2392-2396: Cadet, Starfleet Academy