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The Longest Goodbye

Posted on Fri Jan 26th, 2024 @ 4:05pm by

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: F'rar's Quarters
Timeline: MD20

Paisley was on the couch, a bottle of beer on the table in front of her, legs wrapped around Jason's body as they lay together, enjoying the quiet. It was a rare day that either got that, and it was nice. Discarded clothing littered the floor from doorway to bedroom and back again, peppered with the occasional screw that had fallen from her pocket, or a tricorder on the floor-a proof of life lived in between these interludes. It had been going well.

"So, you wanted to talk? WE did..." She said. She hated that word. It was loaded-usually with not-good news. She righted herself, pulling on his t-shirt as she did so. "You, first!!" She was sure her news was better-he had look on his face that she'd come to recognize meant he didn't want to tell her something.

I am...being reassigned. I don't know for how long,'s effective immediately.

Paisley blinked. No wonder he didn't want to tell her. "I see..." she said. "And I suppose you said yes?" She bit her lip to avoid raising her voice. It wasn't his fault, per se. Just...she wished he had the ability to say no. To pick her. To choose THEM.

Yes. He had anticipated this response-or something close to it-from Paisley. She ran as hot as she ran cold, her passion unpredictable. A good thing in bed, a bad thing when you're trying to have mature conversations about a future.

She sighed. "Right. Work. I understand," she said. And she did. She was about to ask HIM to make some sacrifices. Now it wouldn't have to.

I leave soon. What did you want to tell me?

She paused, seeing if the tears would start. Not yet. She sipped her drink, and then looked at him.

"I had dinner with Kendri the other day. We talked about some things...I want to apply for the Command track." She paused a beat. "I think it's a good career move."

She watched Jason nod.

I think you'd be good at that.

She nodded this time. "Me, too," she said. She stood up, to pace the room. It helped her to think. "But...I think it's time for us to break up whatever this is," she said. She looked at him squarely. "You're gone a lot. And if I am going to be an Admiral by the time I'm forty, I am going to need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bonehead." She sighed deeply. She watched him look away, but nod again.

You're probably right...

She strode across the room then, and placed a kiss firmly on his face. "I DO love you. We just don't work well right now. But if you're ever in the area...look me up, Ok?" Lame. She wasn't good at hiding her feelings, even if she desperately wanted to be. The tears came, but she kept them in for a moment.

"When do you leave?"

In about an hour. He smiled sadly. "I didn't...want to hurt you, but...

She nodded. "I know." She said. Still, it didn't feel like that. Not yet.

A bit later, she was dressed again, this time in a more casual outfit of sweatpants and tight-fitting tee shirt, and sandals. She followed him out into the corridor, and to the Turbolift to the Hangar.

From the Observation deck, she watched the scene unfold. Jason handed off his gear, and turned. Waved. Climbed into the shuttle that would ferry him away. was over.

She watched longer, feeling the wetness on her cheeks. For a long moment, she considered following...but didn't. Instead, she turned away, and took a moment to collect herself before she headed back to her quarters, dabbing her face and daring anyone who might say something or look at her sideways with just a cold stare.

She collapsed into the bed, and let herself cry for once in a long time. She wasn't a crier in general, but sometimes? A girl needed it. She'd be OK tomorrow, but for now she wasn't.

She didn't know when she'd fallen asleep, but she had...and when she woke up, her throat was raw and sore from crying, and her face was still red and swollen. She felt...alone suddenly, more alone than she had in a while.


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