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Eight Crazy Nights/Snowball Fight pt. 4

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 8:34pm by

2,207 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission Zeta: An Eerie Evening
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Christmastide

And for the Continuation....


Kas smiled seeing that six of the Junior Officers were distracted by his friends. He made his way behind the large barn. He could see that their opponents were taking cover behind obstacles unaware of his movements.

Kas saw two piles of chopped firewood covered by tarps, smiled and pulled off the tarps scooping of snow and signed for Keena to take the tarp into the barn and make snowballs. Then he scooped up the other trap and filled it with snow and swung it onto his back, he climbed onto the top of the barn and prepared to spring his trap.

The young officers were being driven closer to the barn, Kas let out a battle cry and landing at the front edge of the barn causing a small avalanche on the young people. That was Keena's kill to open a window from inside the barn and begin pelting Ensigns with snowballs. 

Feeva was now engaged with the others as Kas and Keena moved on to address the group of junior officers. She tossed a tightly-packed snowball at Kobi Tomm, watching as it sailed in the air.

Kendri saw the snowball lobbed toward Tomm. "Whose side are you on, Fee?" She called. "We came out here to help Kas."

Feeva laughed. "Would you like one?" She said, extending a densely-packed snowball to the XO. "It's good fun! Let's get them," she said. She paused a moment to look around for Keena, making sure the child was still with her father, safe. She was with Bella, and then she smiled. "You two are the tacticians here. What'll we do?" She asked.

Kendri shrugged. "Actually it looks like Kas has it handled now," she said laughing.

Fee nodded. "Aye, he does. I trust he'll take care of it," she said, watching the scene carefully.

Ryhl and Jorel shut the door of the ski bar. In the distance, they could see snowballs being launched from a myriad of angles. It appeared several Ensigns were caught in an ambush. Ryhl laughed as he turned to Jorel. "We've got to arm ourselves. I'm not exactly sure who's on which side..." He bent at the knees and rapidly began scooping the show into neatly round shapes. His hands moved with precision, as if his method of making snowballs was tried and true. "But we can't miss out on a good ole-fashioned snowball fight."

Jorel just looked a bit shell shocked for a moment before he realized that he had been hit by several pelts from snowballs. He looked down at where he had been hit and wasn't quite sure who had hit him. But, for him, that meant WAR....snowball war, of course. He leaned over and picked up some fresh snow and balled it up before he threw it at anyone that was nearby, including the captain. But, he was having fun and enjoying himself.

Feeva saw the Captain and Jorel join the party, and, without missing a beat, she launched a snowball each at them. She turned quickly to Tomm and Chalan. "Shall we?! I'm small enough that it'll be a fairly even game," she said. She might be small, but she was actually fairly strong, and had the fiery passion of the fight in her.

Ryhl tried to doge the snowball, but it hit him in the collarbone as he leaned forward. "Uff!" Laughter rumbled as he reached down and popped up with two snowballs in his left hand. He tossed one foot forward into the snow and let momentum carry his body forward with his arm. The spherical shape sailed towards Feeva's thighs. Despite being a bred for this weather and an early life spent mostly on the frozen world, Ryhl still slipped in the snow as he ran. He lifted his arms to steady his balance as more snowballs pelted him.

The Captain wasn't aware of teams. He just saw bedlam, winding up the second snowball and tossing a high arched lob towards Kendri. He bent over alongside his stockpile and quickly began to roll more. His head bobbed to avoid a hit as he sidestepped, moving away from his ammo.

Kendri was starting to step away from the snowball mayhem when a snowball thrown from left hit her in the shoulder, barely missing the side of her face. She turned to see where it had come from and saw the Captain making more snowballs.

"Fee, the Captain just threw a snowball at me," Kendri said softly, grabbing her arm to get her attention. "Kobi, you in? Three man assault team? I can't do it without you both."

Feeva nodded. "Of course. He got me in the shin!" She exclaimed. It didn't hurt, but she was mad at herself for not dodging it. She pulled up some snow, and quickly compacted it in her small hands.

Kendri was already working on her snow ball arsenal, cradling several in her left arm so that she could with her right. "Come on guys, let's go."

Feeva got to work, making a pile of snowballs in quick order. A moment later, she'd placed one in Kobi's hand. "Commander, throw it like you hate it," she said.

“Alright, this is getting serious now. I don’t give a f….damn. Frontal assault on my mark. Kendri! You wanted to go on the offensive? The time is now. 3-2-1- mark!” shouted Kobi

Tomm charged toward Rhyl, discharging snowballs fed from Feeva. He hit the Captain in the waist and on the legs and knees.

Ryhl laughed and threw two snowballs rapidly towards Kobi. They hit him on opposite sides of his chest, forming two mounds. He raised a leg as he was pelted, chuckling at the visual. He tossed another as he covered Jorel.

"Part of our assault team just got himself KO'd," Kendri commented to Fee before running after him.

Laughing, the redhead nodded. "Indeed," she replied. Louder, she shouted. "Commander Tomm, are you alright?" She asked him.

“Dammit! Rhyl!! Yes, Kendri I’m fine and you can stop laughing. He caught me when I wasn’t looking. One thing a weapons expert is good at is a counterattack. Are you with me?” Tomm asked Kendri.

"You should have waited for us!" Kendri exclaimed as she launched a snowball back at the Captain. "Let's go around."

Jorel heard something from across the ways and tapped the Captain on the shoulder, whispering, "I think I heard something about a three man assault team coming our way with snowballs. You with me on trying to keep them at bay until we can get some reinforcements?"

The smile could be heard in Ryhl's voice as he spoke. "Definitely! We've got to set up an ambush.. Let's run off to the woods and set up." Ryhl could see the trio gathering snowball and looking in their direction. "This is what we call a tactical retreat.." He scooped his snowball arsenal and cradled it with one forearm. He took one and held it like a baseball as the pair jogged towards a sparse patch of trees. They were open to attack as they moved, laughter rumbling from the suited Captain.

Jorel just looked over at Kobi and smirked before he grabbed a few snowballs, throwing them at the ones that were trying to ambush them. Jorel followed his Captain into the woods, letting him lead the way to the clearing, so that they could regroup and plan out their snowball attack.

They didn't go too far, taking cover behind the first wide tree they found. Ryhl popped up from behind it and lobbed one towards the group.

Rhyl revealed his location by launching another snowball, and Kendri and Kobi started launching more in their general location.

Feeva, for her part, was small enough to be quite fast and aerodynamic. She could dodge the snowballs faster than the other, bigger people. She could also launch them in particular places for maximum impact. She launched one directly at Torin's midsection, sucking air in as she hit him solidly in the lower stomach. It had to hurt a bit!

Luckily enough, Jorel had turned a bit to his side before the snowball plowed into his side. While it still stung for a moment, it would've stung worse if it hit him straight on. Jorel began to plan a way for him and the Captain to return fire with a good amount of snowballs.

Kendri ran across the yard toward the windows of the cabin, launching snowballs at Jorel and Ryhl as she went, careful to keep herself moving, and therefore harder to hit.

Ryhl tensed up as he saw Feeva rocket a snowball. Kendri caught him off-guard then. One of her snowballs hit him between his neck and the collar of the shirt under his suit. Despite his heritage, the snow was still chilly against his body. As he shivered from the snow, he turned to chase Kendri. He aimed a lighthearted toss towards her lower back as she ran. A snowball fell from his cradled left arm as he turned. His supply was dwindling.

Part of the reason Ryhl was running was to escape retribution from Feeva. He laughed to himself at the thought.

While Ryhl was distracted by Kendri, Feeva moved forward with a pile of snowballs. She had packed each one tightly, and was ready to go. She launched one towards the Captain, and then Jorel, in rapid succession.

While Kendri and Feeva moved forward, Jorel gathered a few snowballs and when the two of them made their shots towards the Captain and himself, Jorel threw a few good pot shots of snowballs at them and managed to get some traction in hitting both of them.

The Captain was struck in his ribcage, buckling to one side a the tightly-packed ice's sting. A goofy laugh escaped as he turned to see an aggressive looking Vissian chasing him. Ryhl almost dropped his last two snowballs, tossing his arms to catch them as he turned. He faced Feeva, letting Kendri escape. Ryhl shuffled his shoulders and hips, as if preparing to juke and dodge one of her throws. A wide, crystalline smile spread across his pale blue features.

"And now we dance", Ryhl said somewhat teasingly to Feeva as he began to circle, waiting for her next throw. He took a snowball in each hand and prepared to respond, saving his ammo to catch her off-guard. He turned to watch for Kendri and others.

Feeva was having a good time, for once in awhile. "Alright. Give me what you have," she said. She may have had a few...friendly dinners with the man, but she was in combat mode now. Everyone was a foe or a friendly-depending. Quietly, she tossed a snowball to her right, hitting Jorel-he wouldn't have expected it, as she appeared to be in conversation with Ryhl. She laughed when it made contact. "Got him. And now...for you," she said, pulling back and hitting the Andorian right in his shoulder. She ran away quickly.

Ryhl was waiting for her throw, bobbing his shoulders and shimming as he tried to juke and dodge. The feint and throw to Jorel meant his movements were wasted. He chuckled and began to chase her, tossing a snowball that just missed her shoulder. His next toss patted against her back. He chased after her, feet slipping in the wet snow. He tried to time a leap to catch her, but fell just short. He fell into a fluff of snow, crawling towards Feeva. He reached towards her calves and attempted to slow her down.

Ryhl was now unarmed and crawling around in the snow. He felt warmth towards Feeva, who had reached out to him long ago.

Feeva saw the Captain's panic, and reached down to help him up. "Alright, time for you to go back inside," she said. She raised her hand and tapped her Comms badge, which was under her coat. "Kas, I am taking the Captain back inside. Send Keena when it's safe. It's getting colder," she said, dragging the man inside behind her. "Let's get you a hot drink, and you can help me entertain the kids."

Ryhl walked quickly in the snow as the shorter woman pulled him surprisingly quickly. He couldn't help but laugh, having felt younger for a moment. "Sounds good to me. I want to try a festive drink. I'm sure we'll find something.." As he thought of the children, he added, "I've been working on my Santa voice...." It lowered an octave and he bellowed, adding a bit of grit for good measure. "Merry Christmas everyone!"

Ryhl and Feeva's voices drowned out alongside the sound of their boots crunching in the snow.

Kendri backed off the assault and looked at Kobi. It seems like things are winding down here. "You wanted to talk. Maybe we should head out, grab a bite in one of the lounges?"

Kobi's reaction was one of relief and surprise as he took her up on the offer. He'd been ready to drop it after the way she reacted early. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Kendri nodded, and gestured with her head toward the exit.



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