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Argo Training - Part II

Posted on Sun Jul 23rd, 2023 @ 2:47pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Crewman Yaves Lasa
Edited on on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 4:00pm

1,619 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 11, Holodeck 3, USS Columbia
Timeline: Following Part I

=/\= On =/\=

With a sense of excitement, the three crew members boarded the Argo’s 4x4, ready to explore the alien grassland. Commander Ryhl th'Zeles took his place in the driver's seat, Ensign Sar sat beside him, taking a controller off of the dashboard. Crewman Yaves Lasa settled into the back seat, her eyes scanning back towards the horizon.

Ryhl glanced at Sar, a playful smirk on his face. "Alright, Ensign, you're the navigator. Let's see how this thing handles."

Sar's Vulcan demeanor remained unchanged, but his eyes held a hint of curiosity as he observed the controls. "Acknowledged, sir.”

The futuristic hum of the Argo's 4x4 filled the air, hinting at the advanced power source within. As the vehicle began to move, Ryhl's initial enthusiasm waned as he struggled with the controls.

"Whoa, slow down!" Yaves called out from the back as they jolted forward. "This isn't a warp jump!"

Ryhl tried to ease the speed, but his attempt resulted in the 4x4 crawling forward at a snail's pace. "Okay, okay, I got this," he muttered, trying to find the right balance. His hands gripped the wheel so tight that turning felt difficult.

Sar glanced at the speedometer, raising an eyebrow. “Sir, you are currently traveling at approximately walking speed. Perhaps a slight adjustment is needed."

The Commander gritted his teeth, trying to suppress a grin at the Vulcan's dry observation. "I'm on it, Ensign. Just a minor calibration issue."

Finally finding the right touch, Ryhl increased the speed, and the Argo class 4x4 picked up momentum. However, he quickly overshot the mark, causing the vehicle to lurch forward. "Whoa, easy there!" Yaves exclaimed, holding onto the railing for dear life.

Sar managed to keep his composure, but his grip on the controller tightened slightly. "Commander, may I suggest a more gradual increase in speed?"

Ryhl chuckled nervously, trying to regain control of the 4x4. "I'm getting the hang of it, I promise." As they continued their bumpy journey, the 4x4 bounced along the trail, occasionally swerving around the jagged tree-like structures. Ryhl's struggle with the controls turned the ride into a rollercoaster-like experience for his companions.

"Commander, if you could make the ride less turbulent, it would be appreciated," Sar said with Vulcan poise.

"I'm trying!" Ryhl replied, now determined to show some competence. He adjusted the controls, and the 4x4 steadied itself.

Gradually, the Commander found the right balance, and the Argo class 4x4 glided smoothly along the trail. The scenery around them became a blur of vibrant colors and sparkling crystalline formations. Sar and Yaves exchanged amused glances, now able to relax and enjoy the ride. "Nice work, Commander," Yaves said, her voice tinged with relief.

Ryhl grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you. It's all in the wrist, you know."

Sar's eyebrow arched inquisitively. "Indeed."

As they continued their exploration of the alien grassland, the crew couldn't help but laugh at the bumpy start to their adventure. Together, they navigated the uncharted terrain, filled with awe and wonder at the unique beauty of the alien world before them.

As the Argo class 4x4 reached the top of a hill, the crew members were treated to a breathtaking view of the alien grasslands below, with sparkling crystalline structures spread out like a magnificent tapestry. The sight was truly awe-inspiring, and even the stoic Vulcan, Sar, couldn't help but be impressed.

"Wow, would you look at that!" Yaves exclaimed, leaning over the back seat to get a better view.

Ryhl smiled, enjoying the sense of wonder in his crew's eyes. "It's quite a sight, isn't it?"

Sar nodded, his gaze fixed on the landscape. "Fascinating."

Not wanting to miss the opportunity for a bit of fun, Ryhl turned to Sar. "Ensign, why don't you take the controls for a bit? Practice flying the Argo runabout from here."

Sar raised an eyebrow, his finger resting on the directional touchpad of the handheld controller. "Commander, I shall attempt it."

Yaves grinned mischievously. "Come on, sir. It's just like playing a holo-game. You'll be a natural!"

Sar's fingers moved with precision, and the Argo runabout on the screen responded accordingly. However, as he tried to stabilize the airborne transport, it started to wobble.

"Easy there, Ensign," Ryhl advised, trying not to laugh. "Gently adjust the touchpad to maintain stability."

Sar nodded, determined to master the task at hand. "I understand. It requires precision and finesse." As he continued to practice, T'Sar gradually gained more confidence, and the Argo runabout soared smoothly over the grasslands.

"See, you're a natural!" Yaves cheered, giving him a playful pat on the shoulder.

Ryhl smiled, pleased to see his crew members having fun together. "Alright, Ensign, I think you've got it."

Sar looked to Ryhl with a nod of appreciation. "Thank you, Commander. “

"No problem, Ensign," Ryhl said, patting him on the back. "Just remember, you've got the best teacher on board."

With the Argo class 4x4 back in motion, the crew continued their journey through the alien grasslands, with Sar occasionally practicing his piloting skills from the passenger seat. Laughter and camaraderie filled the vehicle as they marveled at the wonders of the alien world around them.

As the Argo class 4x4 came to a stop on a flat plateau along another hill, Ryhl turned to Yaves with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Alright, Yaves, time to have some fun. Let's practice firing the weapon at those glowing crystals over there."

Yaves glanced at the crystalline structures in the distance and then back at Ryhl, looking a bit uncertain. "Um, are you sure, Commander? I mean, I've never fired this kind of weapon before."

Ryhl chuckled, trying to ease her nerves. "Don't worry, it's just a simulation. I'll guide you through it. First, take the weapon out of travel mode. That way, you'll be able to aim it freely."

Yaves nodded, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for the controls. With Ryhl's guidance, she deactivated the travel mode.

"Now, you can use this dial to adjust the direction," Ryhl explained, pointing to a dial on the control panel. "Rotate it left or right to aim, and up or down to adjust the angle."

Yaves cautiously turned the dial, and the weapon's barrel swiveled, aligning with the glowing crystals in the distance. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves.

"Alright, now press this button here to fire," Ryhl said, pointing to a large button on the control screen.
Yaves hesitated for a moment, her finger hovering over the button. "Here goes nothing," she muttered to herself before pressing it.

The weapon fired with a loud blast of white light, and the beams of energy streaked toward the crystals. As they struck the crystalline structures, they emitted a soft glow and began to audibly vibrate, absorbing the shots.

Yaves gasped in surprise, her eyes widening with wonder. "That's incredible!"

Ryhl smiled, glad to see her enthusiasm. "The crystals have an energy-absorbing property.”

Feeling more confident now, Yaves fired a few more shots at the crystals, watching in awe as they reacted to the energy blasts.

"This is actually kind of fun," she admitted with a grin. "It's like playing a futuristic laser tag."

Ryhl chuckled. "I suppose you could look at it that way. Just remember, it's all part of our training. As my yeoman, you must be prepared for anything."

Yaves nodded, taking her role as gunner more seriously now. "You're right, Commander. I'm ready for the next challenge."

Ryhl patted her on the shoulder, proud of her determination. "Alright, let's finish up. Just remember, when we find ourselves in a real combat situation, try to stay calm. Breathe.”

As the Argo class runabout hovered in the distance, T'Sar brought it towards them using the handheld controller. With precise movements, he guided it towards their location on the plateau. Its stubby wings folded upward as it gracefully approached.

Yaves and Ryhl watched as the runabout touched down gently next to them. Sar deactivated the controller, a wisp of pride hidden within his usually stoic Vulcan demeanor.

"Excellent piloting, Ensign," Ryhl commended, giving Sar an approving nod. "You've really gotten the hang of this. It's quite an impressive feat to fly the runabout from the passenger seat."

Sar nodded in acknowledgment, his Vulcan poise not faltering even in the face of praise. "I am simply fulfilling my duties as the designated pilot, Commander." Ensign Sar often works on shuttles as a propulsion specialist. From his point of view, it is only logical to learn how to fly them.

Yaves grinned at Sar's matter-of-fact response. The 4x4 approached the ship’s opening ramp. It drove up and into the little vessel, front bumper and wheels latching onto a thick black backstop.

With the 4x4 safely secured, the ramp closed smoothly behind them. The crew moved through a tight passageway into the main shuttle and towards the cockpit. Ryhl took his place at the helm while Sar settled into the co-pilot's seat. Yaves secured herself in the Ops station.

"Ready to head back to the Columbia, everyone?" Ryhl asked, glancing at his crew. He figured he’d take a little flight practice of his own.

The crew-members responded eagerly.

With that, Ryhl activated the runabout's systems, and the hum of the engines filled the cockpit. Heskillfully guided the craft off the plateau, and they ascended gracefully into the sky. The scenery below them changed rapidly as they rose through the atmosphere. The grasslands and crystalline structures gave way to the vast expanse of space, and the green planet gradually faded from view.

Commander Rhyl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia


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