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You and I Collide

Posted on Mon Jul 24th, 2023 @ 12:52am by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,977 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: A few days after the initial briefing.
Tags: Paisley

Kendri was drinking a very large cup of raktijino and going over next week's duty roster in an empty mess hall when the Chief Security Officer, Lt. Paisley F'Rar walked in. The two women made eye contact briefly. They were the only two Bajoran/Cardassian hybrids on the vessel and it had yet to be seen if they would be fast friends, or something else. Kendri was professional, she could work with anyone regardless of their race or upbringing, but she wasn't one to presume that just because they had similar genetics that the two of them would have anything else in common.

Kendri studied the engineer out of the corner of her eye, waiting for her to order her breakfast to see if she walk back by Kendri's table and show any interest in sitting nearby.

Paisley was the real go-getter type, and also a social butterfly. She wasn't the type to sit at the back of mess, hiding behind a PADD or book, trying to match the walls. She was one of the people you'd hear loudly laughing, starting a friendly debate about the merits of Kanar vs. earth spirits, or similar things. BUT now was breakfast and she was hungry. The first few days on a new ship were always difficult, but she was determined to make the most of it. She had heard (or seen, rather) that she wasn't the only mixed-breed aboard, which was going to be fun. Someone who might finally understand her was always good. She walked a weird line between Cardassian and Bajoran-not fully accepted into either society, though her father's decorated military career certainly helped things on Cardassia. But she had no interest in being like him. She only wanted to live her life, her way. She got her eggs and toast, and coffee-hot and black as the Devil's soul-and turned. She approached the woman. "Hello! Can I sit with you?" She asked, but instead of waiting for the answer, she just sat down, and began to dress her food to her liking. She'd gotten some hot sauce for the eggs but liked her toast dry-it wouldn't get soggy when she piled the eggs on top. Alongside this, she had a small cup of yogurt, too. She was in ops/engineering, she needed to make sure she was at her best all the time. "I am Paisley F'rar. Some people call me mUra, though. Well. Only my dad does. It means "paisley" in Kardasi, but the fabric. I am named for a city on Earth," she said.

Kendri smiled at the Chief Engineer, "I appreciate the introduction, though none was needed. The Captain and I carefully selected all of the senior staff, so I am quite familiar with your service record," Kendri replied setting her PADD aside. "I did not know about your nickname. Clever," she added. "Welcome aboard. I spent the latter half of my adolescence on Bajor, so I adopted my mother's surname during the move. You can feel free to call me Kendri when we are off-duty, or in less formal settings," the first officer told her. "Any first impressions of the crew so far?" Kendri asked.

Paisley just shrugged, but shoveled some eggs onto the toast with her fork before answering. "They all seem nice so far, but we're always on our best behavior the first day, right?" She chuckled a little. After a careful bite-she would end up with grease, critter poo, dust, and whatever else was in the Tubes on her uniform by the end of the day, but that didn't mean she had to start off that way-she swallowed and responded again. "I see, handpicked. Why did you pick me?" Straight from the hip was her way. She had no time for or interest in small talk.

Kendri gave a curt nod in appreciation of Paisley's bluntness. "In addition to your service record which applauds not only your engineering prowess, but also your ability run the department efficiently as a department head, your history - both during and before Starfleet exemplifies a certain ... resourcefulness that I appreciate, especially among senior staff." Kendri took a sip of her raktijino. "Not to mention that I was chosen because we expect to be spending a considerable amount of time in Cardassian territory. I wanted someone else who was qualified to challenge any insight I might provide. Two minds are always more productive than one. Wouldn't you agree, Lieutenant?" Kendri asked.

Paisley smiled a little. "Well, no one's ever said that about me before!" Many other things-she was accused of being flighty, outgoing, sometimes even a bit of a goer when it came to romantic relationships, but never "resourceful". Most of it was because she'd been forced to mostly raise herself while her father traveled the known Universe, seeking out fights to start and women to date.

"I appreciate that. And oof, I don't know. I avoid Cardassia as much as I can, but I am willing to share what I know. My father is a Legate in the military, so. And a senior advisor. I will likely be able to get any information we need." She sighed. She really hoped she wouldn't have to call him soon. He wasn't exactly excited that his only child was Starfleet.

Kendri laughed dryly. "After my mother died when I was 12, my father left me at a Bajoran orphanage. Contacts can be useful, but we wouldn't have brought you here to exploit those." Kendri tapped her temple with her two forefingers. "It's understanding how they operate, piecing together the bigger picture, communicating in their language that will be useful." As she spoke, Kendri's voice took on a conniving tone, one that let Paisley know that even though Kendri left Cardassia at a much younger age than herself, she had most likely picked up enough to hold her own in Cardassian discourse.

Paisley smiled sadly. "I am sorry that happened to you, might've been better off for it, really. Cardassia is a tough place for us mixed children," she said. She could still hear the taunts and the dirty epithets yelled at her occasionally. "But I DEFINITELY understand how they think. You can't be raised by Legate F'Rar and not come out of it without knowing how to kill your enemy with sheer gumption alone," she said. It was the bane of her existence-she just wanted peace, and instead, she got the Cardassian thirst for blood. On the other hand, she didn't even carry a phaser-why would she need to, as an engineer? "I wish I knew Bajor better. My father would never let me try to find my mother's family...and now that I am an adult, I worry that they wouldn't accept me," she said, quietly. She didn't have much of a social filter, she just said what she thought.

"You might be surprised," Kendri said sympathetically. "It could go either way. I know some Bajorans would prefer to not be reminded of why hybrids like us exist. But many Bajoran families adopted hybrid children, even Cardassian children who had been abandoned." Kendri paused as she thought for a moment. "I suppose the real question is if you don't try will you always wonder. We always think we have time, but we work in dangerous jobs." Kendri reminded her.

Paisley nodded. "I will. And feel guilty, too." She knew that. "I DO have a cousin who is in the fleet, too. I am not sure where she works. She's older than me. A science officer. I was going to start there, but...I don't know. It may be better to not bother someone who could potentially impact my career," she said. "And, yes, we do. Especially me, I guess. What was your speciality?" She asked. She ate a bit more of the eggy toast, eager to hear.

Kendri looked at the younger officer somewhat sternly. "I don't know why you think it would be a bother. You shouldn't think of yourself that way. And, I would certainly hope that someone in Starfleet would not try to sabotage another officer's career simply for reaching out." Kendri paused for effect so that her words would sink in. "And even if someone were dumb enough to try, I would think they would only be hurting themselves," Kendri said matter-of-factly. And she believed it.

"As for myself, I've more or less always been on the command track. Switched my major to control and command after my first year at the Academy at the urging of my professors. Minored in diplomacy and first contact protocols. I've more or less been doing just that my entire career."

Kendri laughed. "I think it was a perceived identity crisis that lead them to push me that direction. I spent too much time between worlds to be either Bajoran or Cardassian, so when I got to the Academy, I just tried to make friends with everyone. Took a Vulcan martial arts class. Went to Andoria with some friends who were going home on their break. I was all over the place," she said smiling and shaking her head.

"Why did you choose Starfleet?" Kendri asked.

"Maybe you're right. I have nothing to base the woman's actions or personality on other than her personnel file. It's interesting," she said. She wouldn't say more. "I see. You were born for command, then. Why I chose Starfleet? I couldn't NOT choose it. It was that, or the Cardassian militia. My father had already promised me in marriage to someone, but. It isn't a good match. He's...well, he's gay, and I am...not his type." She laughed. "Jalta Toddack was his name. Nice man, but. I mean, I am sure there were other men I could've picked, but. I didn't want to get married. I still don't. I am too young. So I left one night. Left a note for my father, and then took one of his shuttles. Was shot down not too far away from a patrol who thought I was Breen or something. Floated in space for awhile. A Federation refueler found me, helped to tow me to DS9, was all she wrote. It was meant to be." There was a bit more to the story, but that was the gist. "Have you always wanted to join the Fleet?"

Kendri took a ragged breath. "Always? I don't know, actually. My father was a Legate too. I actually didn't realize that he would be so keen to get rid of me once my mother died. I didn't put that much thought into it until I was left on Bajor." Kendri took a long drink, finishing off her rakijino. "Then, yeah. The next seven years of my life were making sure I was going to be ready for the entrance exam," Kendri stated.

"Anyway, I should probably get to the Bridge. The Captain and I have a meeting this morning," Kendri said picking her PADD up. "It was lovely getting to know you. We should have lunch sometime soon. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."

Paisley smiled. "That was a good motivator, I bet. If you wanted to find him, my father probably knows him. I could make a call..." She offered. "Personally, I'd go there in person with a phaser and a fake name, but most people aren't me," she said. Justice was an important character cornerstone to her. "Anyway, have a good day. I should probably head to Engineering. Prophets knows that there's ALWAYS work to do," she said, standing up herself to return her things to the recycler.

Kendri's heart skipped a beat at Paisley's suggestion. It wasn't something she'd ever really contemplated, but what if they did run into him unintentionally. How would she react. Her head was spinning now. Right before her shift too.


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