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Argo Training - Part I

Posted on Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 6:51pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Crewman Yaves Lasa
Edited on on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 3:57pm

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 11, Holodeck 3, USS Columbia
Timeline: MD2, 1808 hours

=/\= On =/\=

In the holographic rendition of the Columbia's shuttlebay, Commander Ryhl th'Zeles, Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa, and Ensign Sar stood side by side. The holodeck had expertly recreated its details, from the sleek starship to the hum of activity that permeated the actual shuttlebay. Ryhl's blue skin was faintly illuminated by the holographic lights, and his antennae twitched with anticipation.

"So, Ensign Sar, are you ready for this?" Ryhl asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Sar nodded, Vulcan features showing no visible emotion. "Affirmative, Commander. I have reviewed the mission parameters and simulations. I am prepared for any scenario."

With a chuckle, Ryhl patted Sar on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Ensign. This is just a simple familiarization run with the Argo class runabout.”

The three of them stepped toward the holographic craft, its exterior shimmering in the starlight. As they boarded, the holographic environment adjusted accordingly.

Ryhl moved to the co-pilot seat next to Sar. Yaves shifted to a station just behind them. "Alright, Ensign Sar, let's go through the preflight checklist together," Ryhl instructed, accessing the shuttle's controls from his console.

Sar's expression remained stoic, fingers gliding over the control panel as he followed Ryhl's guidance.

"Preflight checklist initiated," he stated in his signature Vulcan rhyming speech.

"First, check the power distribution," Ryhl said, guiding Sar's hand to the appropriate control. "Make sure all systems are functioning within optimal parameters."

Sar quickly confirmed the power distribution, his gaze fixed on the readouts. "Power distribution balanced and functioning efficiently," he reported.

"Next, check the life support systems," Ryhl continued. "Ensure oxygen and environmental controls are set within acceptable ranges."

Sar nodded, adjusting the life support systems with precision. "Life support systems functioning at optimal levels. Oxygen and environmental controls within acceptable parameters."

Yaves couldn't help but interject nervously, "You know, I'm not so sure about this”, she said weakly. “Are you sure we'll be fine, sir?”

Ryhl chuckled, reassuring her, "Don't worry, Yaves. The Argo class is designed for these types of missions. We'll be just fine. After all.. This is just a holodeck.”

Sar proceeded to run through the rest of the preflight checklist with efficiency, performing each task flawlessly. As they approached the takeoff sequence, Ryhl explained the steps to Sar.

"Engage the inertial dampeners," Ryhl said, pointing to the control on the panel. "Prepare for lift-off."

Sar nodded and activated the inertial dampeners. "Inertial dampeners engaged."

"Alright, now release the docking clamps," Ryhl instructed, and Sar skillfully operated the controls to release the clamps.

As they prepared for takeoff, Yaves couldn't resist making a quip, "If we end up stuck in some asteroid field, I'm blaming you, sir”, she said to Sar. The Vulcan ignored her.

Ryhl grinned, "I promise, no asteroid fields today, Crewman Lasa. Now, Ensign Sar, initiate the thrusters and slowly lift off from the shuttlebay floor." He tapped a control on his panel to request clearance for launch. It was quickly given.

Sar operated the thrusters, and the Argo class runabout smoothly lifted off from the holographic floor of the shuttlebay. "Thrusters engaged, and lift-off sequence initiated," the Vulcan reported.

The Argo class runabout soared gracefully from the Columbia into space. Its sleek design glided effortlessly towards the exceptionally green planet in the distance.

Ryhl turned to Crewman Lasa and instructed, “Miss Lasa, let's scan the planet for any signs of intelligent life or potential hazards. Ensign.. Start plotting an appropriate landing site.”

Crewman Apprentice Lasa quickly initiated the scans, her fingers dancing across the console. "Scans are underway, Commander," she reported, her eyes focused on the data streaming in.

Meanwhile, Sar worked diligently at the helm, programming the computer with the coordinates for a suitable landing spot on the planet. He calculated the planet's weather patterns and terrain, seeking an area with pleasant weather and ease of access.

"Programming the landing coordinates," Sar stated, his voice calm and collected as he input the data.

"Scans are complete," Crewman Apprentice Lasa announced. "There are no signs of any advanced civilizations, and the planet appears to be free of any immediate hazards."

"Good work, Crewman.” Ryhl commended her with a nod. "Sar, are we all set for landing?"

Sar confirmed, "The landing coordinates are ready, Commander."

"Alright, take us down, Ensign," Ryhl instructed.

As the Argo class runabout departed from the vastness of deep space, the scenery around them underwent a mesmerizing transformation. The black canvas of space surrounded them, speckled with countless distant stars.

As they approached the green planet, a gentle gradient of colors emerged on the horizon. The inky darkness of space gradually faded into the deep blue hues of the upper atmosphere. The transition was seamless, and the crew could see the curvature of the planet becoming more pronounced as they descended.

Atmospheric reentry began, marked by a fiery glow enveloping the craft’s hull. Its shields expertly handled the intense heat generated by the friction, providing a smooth and controlled descent. The cerulean blue of the atmosphere deepened as they journeyed further down, surrounding the runabout like a protective blanket.

Inertial dampeners worked hard to fight the increasing resistance from the thickening atmosphere. The hum of the shuttle's engines became more pronounced, echoing throughout the cabin. Vibrations resonated through the hull, a testament to the incredible forces at play.

As they descended even further, the atmosphere gave way to stunning vistas of the planet's surface below. The deep blue of the sky transformed into an ocean of emerald green, with lush forests and verdant landscapes stretching as far as the eye could see. Wispy clouds floated gently in the sky, casting soft shadows on the vibrant terrain below.

The final phase of the descent was marked by the shuttle's deflector shields activating to protect against any obstacles that might pose a threat during landing. The scenery outside the windows seemed to rush by as the runabout glided gracefully towards its designated landing spot.

With Ensign Sar's computer-assisted piloting, the runabout touched down smoothly. The crew could feel the gentle bump as the landing struts made contact with the ground. The transition from the vast emptiness of space to the breathtaking beauty of the green planet was a remarkable journey that filled the crew with awe and wonder.

The crew stepped out of the silver-gray runabout onto the lush grasslands of the alien planet, eyes widening at the sight before them. The vast open space seemed to stretch endlessly, interrupted only by peculiar jagged tree-like structures rising sporadically from the ground. The structures resembled giant golden-amber crystals, each glimmering in the sunlight like facets of precious gems. The crew was captivated by the otherworldly beauty of the landscape, finding it both awe-inspiring and mysterious.

Commander Ryhl th'Zeles turned to his companions, a sense of wonder evident in his eyes. "It's so unique. it's like stepping into a work of art."

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa nodded in agreement, her fingers tracing the outline of a nearby crystalline tree structure. "I wonder what forces shaped these structures over time."

Ensign T'Sar, the stoic Vulcan, observed the scene with an air of scientific curiosity. "Indeed, the geological and environmental factors responsible are quite intriguing. This may be a holodeck. However, this landscape is based on a real planet.” The engineer wished he had brought his tricorder.

Ryhl held a small control in his hand. “Watch this”, he said as he toggled a knob and pressed several controls. The ramp dropped, revealing a silver 4x4. An open canopy was met with Spartan roll-bars that ran from the car’s roof to it’s hood and down along the rear bed.

“Wow”, Yaves exclaimed. “I knew the runabout was automated.. But the ground vehicle is too?!”

“Fascinating”, the young Vulcan replied with a raised eyebrow. His skin appeared even more golden than normal in the planet’s light. His complexion had an almost metallic quality that differed from any human’s.

“I guess I’ll try to drive first”, Ryhl said while he turned back towards the others. “I’ve never driven anything like this before”, he added before sighing out a deep breath. “This will be an experience.”

Commander th’Zeles truthfully wanted to practice with these junior crew members so that he didn’t embarrass himself trying to drive in front of the senior staff. Now he had time to figure the Argo out.

Commander Rhyl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Crewman Apprentice Yaves Lasa
USS Columbia


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