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Senior Staff Luau Part 4: Strange Earth Food and Other Adventures

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 9:15pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD: C17, after part three

Jorel walked over to where the food was and smiled as he saw everyone getting a few bites to eat. He looked around and said, "God, this food looks amazing! What is some of this stuff? I've seen it before when I was on Earth during my academy days, but can't remember the name of it all."

Jorel got some of it as he waited for a response.

Jason looked down the length of the tables then looked over to Jorel, "Looks like someone did their research, Potato salad, Coleslaw, those look like Hawaiian sweet rolls, and those are sweet potato fries, where's the whiskey bbq sauce?"

J.R. appeared behind Jason, and down the bottle of sauce he'd been using to baste the ribs and meat with. "Right here."

Paisley's Cardassian side could pick up the distinct smell of meat. Her mouth was already starting to water. "Let's get some food," she said, to Jason. She grabbed a plate, heading straight for the ham. It wasn't something she ate often, preferring her cultural dishes usually, but she DID like it. She helped herself to a bit of everything, and settled in. "Get me another beer, please?" She asked Jason.

Jason reached into the cooler with his free hand for a cold beer for each of them, as he walked over he ran the cold bottle down the small of her back, "I'm back...with your beer."

"AHhh, haha!" She cried-laughed out. "It's COLD!" She said. Not that she minded-she ran slightly coolerr than most, given the strength of her Cardassian genes, but not nearly as cold as Andorians. The balance of it come from the Bajoran side, though she was still sub-temp to them, as well. "Thanks!" She smiled and offered her face for a kiss, and then popped the top off the beer and took a swig. Nice. "What IS this, anyway?" She looked at it. Andorian Ale. Ew.

Jason juggled the full plate, "Haven't been too one of these in a few years, then again I didn't have the most active social life."

"I meant the beer, but yeah. Same. I don't think I even went to the one we had at the Academy just before our Senior practice cruise," she said. "I was too busy with my own things," she said. She left out the fact that she was actually busy sucking the face off of her Romulan classmate, but he didn't need to know that.

Jason's thoughts were in several places he came back to the moment, "Sorry, yeah this isn't a bad beer."

Jorel walked up to the table behind the rest of the senior staff with a new drink in his hand. He looked over everything, seeing a few things that he liked. So, Jorel grabbed an empty plate and started getting something to eat.

While Jorel was getting some food, he saw something he didn't know what it was. It looked like it was a meat product, but Jorel wasn't quite sure what it was. Jorel picked one up and asked Jason and a few people around, "What is this? It looks like a meat product, but I've never seen it before. It almost looks like it might be related to crab, but I'm not 100% sure." Jorel let out a small laugh as he was still somewhat new to Earth food.

A male server wearing a grassy skirt and a colorful lei smiled to Jorel. "This is pineapple shrimp, cooked with the authentic Polynesian flavors. Red pepper adds a little spice to the sweet flavor. It goes well with rice and should compliment other dishes as well."

Ryhl released nervous laughter. "Shrimp? I thought those were crayfish. They look so similar to me." Ryhl took rice, salad and a little bit of coleslaw. He added a small cut of steak and a small piece of ribs. A sweet roll was the finishing touch. "Now this is a plate", he said as he walked to a nearby table and sat down. The roar of the ocean's waves and the kiss of its briny scent met the officers as they prepared to eat alongside the sea.

He noticed Jorel sitting nearby. "So tell me! I'm curious. What brought you into the diplomatic field?"

Jorel was sitting down, looking at this...shrimp and wondering about the taste of the shrimp before he actually decided to eat it. He heard someone sit. down to him and quickly realized that it was the Captain.

Jorel smiled and listened as he heard the Captain ask him the question about why Jorel wanted to get into the diplomatic field. He waited and thought about it for a moment, replying, "Well, I've always wanted to help the universe around me and I wanted to bring people together...somehow. I thought that diplomacy might have been the answer. How about you? Why command, sir?"

Ryhl listened with interest. He answered with his arms wide open. "You do a great service to the universe, yes! Diplomacy is very important. Starfleet can never get enough diplomatic officers. The Columbia will spend quite a bit of time out here on the fringes of the Quadrants. You will represent the Federation to people who don't see us as much."

"But Command just sort of happened. I started as an engineer. Kind of had a rough go of it at first. But I had good mentors and things just sort of worked out this way." Ryhl turned to study the crowd. "My goal in joining Starfleet was definitely to make an impact on the Galaxy. Together we all will. I'm so grateful to be a part of this crew."

Jorel smiled and replied, "I'm glad to be apart of the crew as well! I just hope that we can have some good adventures in the next few days, weeks, and months!"

"Adventures we'll have! I can promise you that." Ryhl let off a boisterous laugh.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Paisley F'Rar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.R. McEntyre
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Torin II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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