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Campor III Mission Planning

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 8:56pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Jorel Torin II & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,993 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Executive Officer's Office, Deck 1
Timeline: MD: C18 1000 hours

The plan to coordinate with the Romulan and Klingon settlements was moving slowly so the Captain had determined that sending teams to each of the settlements may have facilitate communication between the two camps, as well as ensure that Starfleet was in the best position to put appropriate security measures in place before the next attack occurred. Commander Chalan had called the officers who would be heading up these missions as well as key personnel who needed to kept in the know to her office so they could begin preparations to execute their orders.

Jorel arrived early and hit the button on the door for the chime. He waited for a response and once he heard someone say 'enter,' the doors parted and allowed him access to the XO's office.

Walking inside, Jorel realized that he was the first person to arrive. Jorel took the PADD in his hand and handed it over to the XO, saying, "Commander, here's my plan for the diplomatic department before we decide to head down to the planet. I've read some of the reports and can't wait to beam down to the planet. It seems like a rather interesting planet, especially since the Klingons and Romulans are down there together."

Kendri smiled at the new Chief Diplomatic Officer. "Please have a seat. It's a shame the Mendocino didn't arrive just a few hours earlier. It would have been nice to have you here when we had them both in the same room."

Jorel took a seat at the desk and asked, "Why? Hopefully, nothing bad happened before I came onboard."

"Well we stopped the Klingons and Romulans here from starting a war. I just know that when I was in your shoes not that long ago, I would have been disappointed to have missed that kind of opportunity," Kendri responded. "But don't worry, we're going to get you right in the thick of this soon enough."

"Well, I'm excited to see what can come out of the meeting and going down to the settlements for both the Romulans and the Klingons. I just hope that we're not too late," Jorel replied, tugging lightly at his uniform collar.

Kas entered and got coffee from the replicator, he wasn't happy about have to work with his cousin Kormak. He looked at the XO and the Diplomatic Officer.

"What's the plan?" Kas said sipping his coffee.

Jason showed up for the small gathering, "Hopefully nothing to insane, I'm running out."

"We want to get our teams in place a little sooner than anticipated, nothing too crazy. When Commander Tomm gets here we'll go over the details," Kendri explained.

Commander Tomm hurried into the meeting, hoping he wasn’t late. He adjusted his tunic as he greeted his colleagues and settled in. He nodded to Kendri, Jason, and his old friend Razka. He also noticed the new Diplomatic Officer. “Commanders, Lieutenant,” he said.

“Sorry if I appear a little rushed. I was running some simulations in my office. Did I miss anything?” Tomm asked.

"Not all, we were waiting for you," Kendri said. "I'll try to keep this as brief as possible, but you can stick around for questions if you like."

"Long story short, we need our people inside the Romulan and Klingon settlements to help facilitate our plan to show them working together and to try and draw out the hostile players in this game."

"Kas, if you're up for it, we thought you'd rather take a team to the Klingon settlement yourself, rather than see someone else do it," she turned to Jorel, "Jorel, I'd like you and Kobi to take a team to the Romulan settlement, I'll beam down with you to make introductions, but I'll leave you to it. Marines are going to start setting up undercover camps outside of the settlement, so if either team gets into any trouble they will be nearby."

"Jason, you're welcome to send an officer with each team if you'd like. Otherwise, just let Kas and Kobi what kind of information you'd like sent back and how often."

Kendri looked around the room. "Questions, comments, concerns?"

Jason looked at his notes, "It's safe to assume that Lieutenant Zh'kahlol is already going down, Ensign Wiseman will be available, Lieutenant Pranjic is more valuable with his recon flight over being on the ground or behind a desk, I'd like to recommend the recon fighters move to two minute readiness, there equivalent of yellow alert, along with a couple of runabouts in case things deteriorate." Jason looked up knowing he'd gone from advising against military style action to preparation for it, "It might also be advisable to up the security status aboard ship, in case we have any unwelcome visitors."

"We've got Pranjic and a few other pilots earmarked for a scout mission soon, so he's out," Kendri agreed. "I'll forward your recommendations to the Captain, but I don't see it being an issue. I don't disagree, we need to be as alert as we can be without actually being on alert."

Jason sat back "Scouting mission?"

"I suggest Lieutenant Rodriguez pilot the Holana and lead the roundabouts," Kas said confidently. "I will be going over the Klingon data as a native speaker of Klingon I may pick up on things the universal translator might miss. As for the Marines, they can be posted at the Federation Clinic, we don't want the Klingons to think we're sneaking around. Remember most of the Klingons follow the code of honor, even their assassins announce their presence. I will be guarded by trusted warriors from the biological father's house."

Kas didn't make eye contact with anyone, he hated the idea of being under Kormak's protection. However, he needed to allow it for the good of the mission. He trusted Kormak to keep him safe, but not for his sake; If he were to be harmed it would be a grave dishonor. He trusted them to protect their honor.

"There will be a marine contingency outside of each settlements, this has already been discussed with the Klingons and the Romulans. They are the first line of defense for any potential ground strike against the settlements. Sgt. Jecksyn will be with Kas and Lt. Zh'kahlol will be with Kobi and Jorel, and there will be constant radio contact with the teams outside," Kendri explained.

Looking at Jason and Kas, she continued, "Captain th'Zheles is taking lead on getting the scout mission put together. But, we've been talking about sending some of our pilots out on a scouting mission. Once he's finalized the plan and team, I'm sure you'll both be called into the meeting to hear more."

"Anything else?" Kendri asked.

“At least they’ve agreed in advance to have us down there. It makes me hopeful that any surprises will be at a minimum. Commander, will the Klingons and Romulans look kindly upon our teams being fully armed? I’m sure they have to understand that security is paramount,” Tomm said.

"As long as we aren't pointing phasers at anyone, sidearms shouldn't be a problem. Among the Klingons you'd be expected to armed. Customs may be more nuanced than that with the Romulans, so you may need to use your judgment," Kendri answered.

"I will brief the Marine and Security staff on Klingon protocol," Kas said dryly. "Due to political tension, things will be a little more complicated."

"I'm sure they can handle it," Kendri responded, looking at Kas. "We need to be able to trust our crew to handle difficult situations. You are not a one man team down there," she warned.

"Honestly, as long as we have a security team and a few marines down there with us, I think I'd be a happy man," Jorel replied, glad that there was going to be a presence of them down on the planet just in case anything went awry.

"You will, and I've put together a list of recommendations for your alpha, beta, and delta shifts. Since you are newer to the crew, I thought that might be helpful. You and Commander Tomm can make your selections together." Kendri handed Jorel a PADD.

Commander Tomm acknowledged Kendri with a curt nod and said, “Agreed.”

“Mr. Torin, if you’d like to peruse the list, I’d be happy to answer any questions regarding duty assignments. I’ve got a good team aboard Columbia. Any insight and input would be welcome,” said Tomm

Jorel took the PADD that was handed to him and began to look everything over. "It looks like we've got a good team onboard! But, I'll make sure to look everything over with Tomm and we can have the team ideas ready before beaming down," Jorel replied, heading over to the replicator and ordering up a bit of tea.

"Before you all leave, there's one more thing that you may have heard by now, that's pretty important," Kendri said stopping the men from getting up. "There is some mixed information about some rogue Romulan involvement. A couple of Jason's people convinced some Ferengi security officers to tell them they believed that a few Romulans arrived here a few months to infiltrate their own camp. A faction that is against the Romulan Free State and wanting to rebuild the Empire." Kendri took a breath. "It seems plausible. These men seemed fairly certain that they did not know what happened at the Klingon settlement, but didn't believe it was the Romulans that sabotaged the Klingons or their own settlement."

"However, you know how rumors spread," Kendri warned them. "We may be fighting a propaganda war as well, which is another reason the Captain wanted to dispatch teams early."

"It doesn't help that we don't know which side the Romulans are playing for, too many factions to sort through the mess." Jason said having not made anymore headway with the web of factions within the surviving Romulan populations.

"Commander, I can reach out to my contacts in the Diplomatic Corps to see if there have been any rumblings of anything from either the Romulans or the Klingons. We've known both sides and how they feel about each other. I don't want a diplomatic incident to happen, especially on my watch," Jorel said, offering a curt nod to the XO and the rest of the team assembled.

"The two settlements here were leaving one another alone, live and let live, until someone started pitting them against one another. The Breen is still the most solid evidence we actually have. The rest is just talk. As always, You are always encouraged to gather and bring whatever information you can to the table," Kendri stated looking at Jorel. "Consider that a standing order."

She looked over at Jason. "I know it's messy, but we're getting close."

Jason was feeling the pressure now, "The clock is ticking down to..." he said raising his hands "Something."

"Well, lets hope that we can minimize it all to something less than all out war," Jorel said, hoping to avoid anything nasty like war.

"That is our goal," Kendri agreed. "I'd like you to have your teams ready to establish contact the day after tomorrow. We expect to have a presence there for several days, so the shift approach, with everyone beaming back to the ship after their shift makes the most sense to avoid burnout."

"That's all I have for you," Kendri stated. "You can be dismissed, but I'm happy to stick around for questions or thoughts."

Jason was standing and leaving the room before anyone could speak to him, he didn't want to answer anymore questions let alone discuss anything, he wanted to be left alone right now. He made his way out of the XO's office.

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Kobi Tomm
Chief Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jorel Torin II
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Columbia


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