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A Call To Family

Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 7:36pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles
Edited on on Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 6:41pm

1,792 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 2, Captain's Quarters, USS Columbia
Timeline: Day 2, 1520 hours

=/\= On =/\=

In the dimly lit quarters of the USS Columbia, Ryhl th'Zeles reclined on a comfortable chair, his legs stretched out in front of him. The soft hum of the starship's engines provided a soothing background noise, and the subtle glow of the console added to the tranquility of the room. With a simple voice command, he ordered a traditional caffeinated Andorian beverage from the replicator, a warm brew that he often found comforting during moments of relaxation.

As the aroma of the freshly brewed beverage filled the air, Ryhl took a moment to reflect on the events of the day. The challenges and responsibilities of his position as a starship commander could be demanding, but now, in the privacy of his quarters, he relished the opportunity to unwind and find solace.

As he picked up the cup to sip the revitalizing drink, the console on the desk flashed. It signaled an incoming communication. Curiosity piqued as he set the cup down and approached it. The name on the screen indicated the caller, and he activated the communication channel.

“Hello, my first born”, Ryhl said proudly. His daughter was returning a call he placed yesterday after he spoke with the doctor.

“Dad, my name is Thrita”, the Commander’s 19 year old daughter replied. Her embarrassed voice was full of angst. “I work security for mining vessels now. Don’t treat me like I’m a child.”

“Thrita, you’re still my first born”, he said in an overriding voice. “How are your mothers?”

Andorian families were made of bond groups of four genders. Zhen and Shen are the two female genders. Chan and Thaan are the two male genders.

“They’re doing well. Syette is here. Zilla is on Andoria”, Thrita said.

“How are things on the Mobir?” Ryhl was truly curious about his daughter’s life on one of the family’s mining vessels.

“Everything has been fine”, she replied flatly. “We haven’t left the Andorian sector in months though.” She sounded frustrated.

“Where’s the ship now?” Ryhl was curious about the ship’s movements. Thrita lived aboard the Mobir with one of his former bandmates, a woman named Syette. The Commander was truthfully curious about what she’d been up to.

“We’re mining planetoids near Malcor III”, said Thrita. “The only thing I’m doing is monitoring nearby conflicts.”

Ryhl couldn’t contain his excitement. “Really? We’re headed not far from there. Why don’t you spend time with your old dad? There are civilian quarters aboard the Columbia.” He laughed for a second before saying, “It will be like when you used to camp out on the Cairo.” The USS Cairo was the first ship Ryhl served aboard.

“I don’t know… That sounds awkward”, she admitted reluctantly. “What? Then everyone will go ‘aww.. it’s the Commander’s daughter’ and treat me like a pet.”

“It wouldn’t be like that at all”, Ryhl said desperately. “This ship is so large. Everything is spread out. You would have much more personal space here than on the Mobir.”

“Dad, I don’t want to just sit around. I have a career here.. I think.” She sounded hesitant on her last words. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to work mining security for all of her life. It was usually uneventful, a formality.

“Okay so then I’ll make this offer to you..” The Commander paused, knowing it would draw her attention. “Enroll in Starfleet Academy while you’re here. Then I can offer you a cadet internship. You could study aboard the Columbia. Attend the Academy afterwards.”

“But Dad, Earth is too humid”, she said in a whiny tone.

“You won’t be living in Miami”, Ryhl replied. “San Francisco is much more tolerable.”

“It’s too hot”, she said immediately. The truth was that she was making excuses. Ryhl and Thrita had not lived together since Ryhl transferred to a posting at San Francisco Fleet Yards. She also did not have much experience living outside of Andorian culture.

Ryhl understood. He felt like he barely knew her. The split happened when she was only 7 years old. They remained in contact over the years. Thrita resented Ryhl for a few years afterwards. They’ve since begun rebuilding their relationship.

“Give it a try. If it doesn’t work out, you can always withdraw. But try, sweetie.” After another dramatic pause, Ryhl added, “It will get you out of the Andorian sector.”

“Ugh, I don’t know.” Now Thrita was the one to pause between words. “I can’t figure out what I want to do with my life. There’s work for me on the bridge, you know.. After I put more time in with security. One day I could command a vessel.”

“That path will always be open to you”, Ryhl advised in a calm voice. His voice was softer than many of his crew normally observed.

“Sometimes I ask myself”, Thrita said thoughtfully. “What would my future be then? Cruising circles around the Andorian sector for the next thirty years?”

“Your adventure would start right away here.” Ryhl hoped to seize the moment to convince her. “We’re heading way to the edge of the Alpha Quadrant. If you joined us, we’d fly past the Omicron sector… Far away into the Outlands.”

Thrita paused for a moment in thought. She had to admit that it was an opportunity. The trip would also make for a nice change of pace. She still hadn’t decided if she wanted to live on a ship with her dad.

“You would have your own apartment on an Odyssey class starship”, Ryhl continued. “You would do more than just security. You would probably work with greater Ops, including Security and Engineering. I saw a Vulcan propulsion officer the last time I walked through Engineering. He could probably help you with your math.

“Dad!” Thrita did not want to speak with her dad about academics. She wanted to be an adult, free and living her life.

“Okay.. Okay”, he said carefully. “Forget the math. We’re headed to a planet.. Campor III.”

“Is it hot?” She interrupted her father as he spoke. Thrita was less climatized to alien climates than her father.

“It might be a little warm”, Ryhl replied.. “But there are little critters which only come out at sunset. I bet you’d like to study them.”

“I don’t know”, she said hesitantly.

“The sky is a turquoise, blue-green. They say there are lakes where purple algae blooms. Imagine that sight. You would see countless things in a Starfleet career.”

“Yeah, but also terrible things”, she said.

“There was a time when I too worked family mining vessels”, Ryhl said. “I didn’t go to the Academy until I was 23. I just knew there was more to life. There’s something to be said about exploration. Give it a try. What is there to lose?”

The last statement struck a chord with Thrita. Life as it stood for her seemed full of tedious, mediocre tasks. One day it would culminate in her commanding her own mining ship. Then she could take it wherever she wanted. Her thoughts slowly began to spin up.

If Ryhl could become a Commander and his brother Thov was a retired Commodore, she should be able to also work her way up to command. By that time, it would be the distant future. She wondered what challenges would lie ahead then.

“Fine!” Thrita’s tone was one of acceptance. “I’ll tell my moms. You’ll have to call them to set the ship rendezvous though.”

“Right”, Ryhl said. He hadn’t spoken much with his former bondmates recently. “It’s going to be just like when you camped aboard the Cairo”, he told her.

“Dad!” Once again she scolded him.

Even though he didn’t want to admit it, Ryhl had his own concerns. Some could see her appointment to the internship as nepotism. He didn’t just want the best for her. Thrita had skills Ryhl knew would be useful for both the Columbia and for Starfleet.

“How’s your little brother”, Ryhl asked.

“Tath is okay”, she said in a voice that could almost come off as jealous. “He’s studying a lot.. His plan is to attend medical school on Kir province”, she said about university on the Andorian territory.

“Yes, he told me about that”, Ryhl said happily. “I’m so proud of you both.”

“I don’t do anything spectacularly”, she said sheepishly.

“You are my first born”, he said reassuringly. “Don’t doubt yourself. Just watch and see what your future holds.”

“I guess”, she said, finally giving into his kind words. Ryhl knew this was the closest she would come to ever agreeing with him.

“We’re going to have so much fun”, Ryhl said excitedly.

“Just don’t do anything embarrassing”, before accidentally letting a laugh escape. She closed it off quickly as if trying to hide it.

“Thrita, I am the Commander of a starship. It’s not like I’m going to play games or something.”

Another voice could be heard in the background of Thrita’s comms. She seemed distracted by it, before saying, “They’re calling me, Dad. We’ll talk later. See you soon.”

“See you soon”, Ryhl replied before the channel was closed. He let his wide grin push to the corners of his mouth and punched the air in a happy grin. There was so much to be excited about. Not only would his daughter finally start working towards a career in Starfleet. He would see her soon.

“Computer… Play Heavy Metal”, Ryhl said as he lifted his warm Andorian mug. The sounds of Iron Maiden blared loudly over the apartment’s sound system. Ryhl moved over towards his collection of instruments, still sitting in their cases. He gingerly bobbed his head to the music, white hair flailing to the beat.

Tonight was a night to celebrate. Ryhl leaned down and slid one of the guitar cases to the side. After undoing its latches, he opened it. Inside was a sky blue guitar shaped somewhat like a mix between an X and a Star. A darker ring of blue surrounded the lighter finish, also covering the back of the guitar and up along the neck. An exotic, antique wood covered the fretboard in a flamed pattern.

Ryhl lifted it with his free hand and walked towards his sofa. If his daughter was joining him on the Columbia, he’d have to brush up on the human music she hated so much... Just to annoy her properly.


Commander Ryhl th'Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia


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