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Strike a Pose

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 7:56pm by

2,054 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: J.R.'s Quarters

It'd been a couple days since the Counseling session with Feeva and J.R had taken some time to get some ideas together for some outfits he'd hope would look good on him. He'd invited Feeva and Lissa over for a afternoon of clothes, wine and cheeseboards so he could get an honest opinion on the outfits and clothes he'd selected before he went for full replication of them.

He brushed his fur to a glistening shine, making sure that he accented what feline curves he had and got the food and wine set out on the coffee table in his living room while he waited for the girls to arrive. He hoped for a fun afternoon but his nerves started to talk and he was nervous, his heart racing in anxiety of what they would think.

Lissa wasn't sure how she was selected for this project, her own fashion choices were to grab whatever was clean and in reach. She didn't really keep an eye out for trends. Nevertheless, she accepted the invitation. When she arrived at J.R.'s quarters she pressed the door chime and waited.

J.R opened the door, and stood there in a T shirt and shorts.

“Hi Lissa, I'm glad you came. We’re just waiting for Feeva to show up. You wanna glass of wine or some snacks? I’ve put out meat and cheese tray to make this an afternoon," J.R rambled as he stepped aside to let Lissa come in.

Feeva wasn't far behind the Orion. She was coming from the other direction, though, having had to drop Leena off with Keena and Kas while she spent the evening helping J.R. She rang the chime, and then waited, smiling at herself. She'd brought along a few accessories, too, that JR might or might not be interested in. When the door opened, she smiled again.

"Hello! I am here. Sorry, I had to drop of Leena with the Razka's and it took a bit longer than I expected," she said.

J.R smiled softly as he let Feeva in.

“It’s quite alright. I’m glad you both were able to make it. I’m glad you suggested to me to make an afternoon out of trying on clothes there, Feeva. To tell you the truth I’m a bit nervous but excited to get y’all’s opinions on some of the clothing choices I made.”

They could tell this was something that weighed heavily on J.R, though his body language that he was both, terribly excited for this afternoon and also a bit nervous on what the others might think.

"Hello, Lissa. I asked JR to ask you to join us for a therapy project, I hope that was OK," she said. "I am trying to help him explore his identity and how he chooses to express it more, in a safe, caring environment," the petite redhead explained. "This part was his idea," she said. "Are you alright, Doc?" She asked him, looking J. R. in the face.

"I'll do what I can," Lissa responded softly. The counselor seemed concerned about J.R., so Lissa stood by somewhat tentatively while Fee waited for a response from the doctor.

"I'm fine, just a case of nerves. It's a big step and I'm glad both of you are here to help me. I think of you both as some of the closest people I could call Best Friends, which I don't have many." J.R. smiled softly.

"Aww, that's nice. Alright, let's get started. I brought a couple of things with me. What's your size?" Feeva took charge. She didn't have any siblings, but she'd always been a mother-hen type. "Computer, please replicate one skirt, pencil style, perhaps lavender, in the size that Dr. J. R. McEntyre wears." A moment later, the skirt appeared. "Try this one," she said. "Computer. This time, a dress, please. Make it shirt-dress style with three-quarter sleeves and a full skirt. Crinkled faux silk in a pale yellow," she said. A moment later, the Counselor placed it in his arms, as well. "Go change and see which one you like best," she said. "We can do a top for the skirt next or shoes."

J.R took the offered clothes, retreating into the bedroom suite to change, first into the pale yellow dress. It took him a moment but he came back out with a twirl of the dress.

“I like the style, but what about the color? Does it go well with my fur color?” He asked as he looked at himself in a tall standing mirror he brought out for this occasion.

"I don't really keep up with trends, but I do know a thing about color theory - having green skin and all," Lissa responded. "That yellow looks good. But, I would stay away from dull yellows, to be honest. You want something bright and warm to it pops against the gray of your fur."

She looked at Feeva, "I don't know about green either. I don't look good in gray, so green might not be his color. It might be worth a try though."

Feeva looked thoughtfully at the Caitian. "Hmm, I think Lissa is correct. A brighter yellow might work, but I DO like the style. Do you think Kevin might like it?" She asked JR. She turned back to the computer, telling it to replicate style two in a more bright, neutral-toned yellow, and a dress the color of sunshine appeared. She also had the computer replicate a top for the skirt-floral print slim fit tank top. "Maybe a jacket or cardigan with the tank top. It will look like a whole set, you know? Like in the old movies from Sol." Twinsets, she thought they were called. "Go on," she said. After JR trotted off again, Feeva looked at Lissa.

"I hope we didn't pull you away from something more fun than this," she said. "I offered to help, but I hadn't meant for him to bring everyone yet," she said. Truthfully, she was a bit concerned about how quickly he'd moved through this exercise. It could be a good thing, but it could also be a bad one. If he was moving too quickly because he was simply excited, that was one thing. Another thing together if he felt like he had something to "prove" or "show". Only time would tell.

Lissa shrugged. "No this is fine. I wasn't sure why me. I'm not exactly the most sharply dressed of the crew. But I'll do what I can." She grabbed a piece of cheese. "You know what might work, if he even likes the color, a lime green or something really bright. Otherwise I see jewel tones working really well."

J.R stepped back into the room with another twirl. “This one is cute, I do like the cardigan too.” He paused in front of the mirror.

“I do also want something that will hug what curves I have. I think my hips are one of my better features, I know they’re a bit…wide for someone who identifies as masculine but I think something to highlight them would appeal to Kevin…I hope.”

"Form fitting pants," Lissa said. "I feel like they do more for my shape than any skirt or dress does. But again, I'm no fashionista."

Feeva nodded. "Lissa, that is an excellent idea," she said. "And Lissa also suggested something in lime green. Let's combine them." She stood up and crossed again to the computer. "Computer. Replicate a pair of fitted pants, in lime green. Flared legs, please. Also. A blouse to match, cream colored, short sleeved." A moment later, both pieces appeared. "We'll do shoes next."

J.R took the pieces and went back into his room to change and came back a few moments later to strike another pose for the girls. “I can see the appeal. They do look nice.”

J.R smiled softly as he turned around.

“Shoes?” He sat down on the couch to show the girls his feet with prominent toe beans. “Anything fitted for Caitians?”

Feeva smiled. "You look great. Oh...hmmm. I hadn't considered that." She looked at Lissa and then at JR. "Maybe boots?"

“I like boots. I do like those knee high boots from the old Uniforms from the 2290’s. Always wanted to be in that era. All the history of that era, entering Starfleet’s Golden Age of Exploration. Plus the Medical Uniforms were cool too.”

J.R thought for a moment.

“I know that it’ll be winter on Earth soon. Do you think we could try something like sweater dresses, and similar outfits, maybe those old earth UGG boots I saw my sister wear once?” J.R sat back on the couch with that look of…forlorn. “I’m not trying to rush things am I?”

"You should wear what you are comfortable in," Lissa said. "I don't think anyone will think it's a thing. So to answer your question, what are you comfortable in?"

J.R pondered a lot about this question.

"I like...I like wearing skirts. That was something I always loved to wear growing up before my father made me repress. I liked what my sisters wore, they used to wear tshirts that hugged them with old video game prints on them, old style skate shoes. I like wearing things that make me stand out with my feline gracefulness."

"Yeah, I mean just wear what you like now. Don't overthink it. But if you're wanting to show off your hips, I think full skirts hide them more than show them. But I'm not telling you what to wear," Lissa said casually. She was having a hard time understanding what the big deal was over clothes. Not many people really cared about that stuff.

"Miniskirts then? It would be cute"

J.R smiles softly

"I did also want to do something...romantic for Kevin. A fancy date than Boomerangs. I know Ice is supposed to be really upscale but I'm not sure if I could handle the near freezing temperatures in there."

Feeva was busy replicating some outfits while Lissa and JR talked. She agreed with both.

A bit later, a pair of leggings, a flannel, fitted shirt, and some furry boots appeared, as did a few more skirts. The skirts were short, and had a bit of fullness but weren't a-line style. More like a tutu. She had also replicated some fitted T-shirts in a retro style.

After she sent JR off to change again, she sat down, and helped herself to some of the snacks.

"Ugh, I am tired," she said. "I am glad to help JR. My daughter was asking me about him earlier. I just tried to explain that people express themselves in many different ways, and that one way was no better or worse than the other. I hope she understood."

J.R took some time, trying to find the right combination and style. Eventually choosing to wear a fitted shirt, the flannel, the leggings with a skirt over it and the fuzzy boots. He comes out to show off to the girls before sitting down on the couch next to them, getting a glass of wine.

“I like this outfit the best. Very comfortable and fem.”

J.R smiles, sipping from the glass.

“I haven’t felt this way in…well forever it seems. Not since I was a kid. Why do I feel like I lost out on something?”

He asked sipping on his drink.

Feeva smiled. "I am glad you finally found something that makes you feel good," she said. "It's important that you feel like that all the time." Feeva continued. "Probably because you did. You weren't allowed to explore a more feminine side of your being, and that can, at times, have devastating consequences to one's wellbeing." She sighed. "I am just so upset that that kind of intolerance is still prevalent. I was just telling Lissa that I was telling my daughter how you wanted to dress more feminine sometimes to express yourself. She's four and she understood it fine."

Finally, it was time for the two women to leave the Doctor alone, and Feeva headed home.


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