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The Pilot

Posted on Mon Dec 4th, 2023 @ 6:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,150 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Lower Shuttle bay
Timeline: MD C14 1315


Jason had made his way down to the lower shuttle bay, he wanted to meet up with the FCO mostly because he'd heard some good things and if he had the time he wanted to get his shuttle pilot's license recertified before it expired. He asked one of the techs who was working under a shuttle only to have a pointing gesture direct him over to two men doing a walk around of another shuttle.

"I'm looking for Lieutenant Kas?"

Before the tech could answer, a human woman stepped forward.

"Oh you mean Lieutenant Razka," a Latina said with a smile. The pips on her uniform indicate that she was of the same rank. "It's an easy mistake to make, Kas goes by Bajoran naming traditions rather than Klingon ones."

She held out her hand, "Bella Rodriguez. What can we do for you?"

"Lieutenant Elliot, I'm here for my flight requalification." Jason said extending his hand as well.

"So you're his next victim," Bella smiled. "He's set up in the shuttle at the end of the bay."

At the end of the bay, there was a shuttle with holo screens over the windows. It was on antigrav thrusters making it the most accurate flight simulator available to them. Kas stood next to the vessel with a PADD.

"Hello Lieutenant," Kas smiled. "I see your here for your requalification."

Jason caught the joke, "If it wasn't for the leave of absence it would be considered overdue, let's get going."

"Of course," Kas nodded as they entered the vessel. Kas took the copilot seat. "I've loaded the standard piloting test you'll be allowed to use all the automation."

Jason sat at the controls, "Preflight checks, internal power, engines, fuel, sensors, switching to internal power, waiting for clearance from flight control."

The clearance came and Kas nodded for Jason to begin taking off. The screen showed the shuttle bay doors opening.

Jason engaged the flight controls, the simulated flight began with a slow lift and the shuttle advancing out of the shuttle bay, Jason pushed the throttle to half power, "beginning banking to port moving the throttle to full impulse, entering the flight path, waiting three minutes to warp, board is green, warp engines are on standby."

Kas nodded, "You seem to have more than the basic training. How many flight hours have you clocked?"

Jason decided to have some fun "Officially about six hundred hours, unofficially much more." He pulled the shuttle yoke back slightly and turned starboard "How about we do a hot landing?" Jason smiled.

"I'll allow it" Kas grinned. He always appreciated working with a skilled pilot.

Jason pushed the throttle to three quarters aiming the shuttle for the, he changed the Heads-up display to instrument landing system. The display showed a series of boxes showing the proper glide path to have the craft in, below it was a 'too fast' warning as the approached the flight deck of the ship, he started a mental count as the shuttle passed over the outer lip of the shuttle bay Jason slammed the throttle back, allowing the momentum to carry it forward enough the firing the port side rear thruster just enough the shuttle did a hard one eighty into a full hover, he then eased off the hover and set down the shuttle with little more than the normal thump.

"So do I pass or do I need to do more?" Jason said with a crooked smile.

"You've passed the standard test." Kas grinned would you like a real challenge?"

Jason grinned, "Tempting, what's involved?"

"My people make the young pilots fly through GoothQee, it's a nebula full of hydrogen pockets and asteroids. the was a battle there over a hundred years ago and the debris from the vessel has never been cleared away." Kas explained, "I have it programmed into the simulator."

Jason had a hunch on this exercise "So you want me to fly on instruments and gut instinct?"

Kas nodded, "Yes. I did this for the first time when I was fifteen."

Jason smiled, "Twelve for me." he said as the simulation changed too the new challenge, he looked at the challenge course, "This is going to be interesting."

Jason advanced the throttle to half, as the shuttle moved forward, he saw the the sensor flight path generate on the heads-up display, he moved the lead time too the edge of maximum sensors and began his entry into the course he pushed the throttle too full, reducing the reaction time needed. Jason saw a stopwatch on the coplot display, he figured it was a wise move too be smooth with his moves, the first five thousand meters were easy, simple slip and slide moves that most pilots can handle, but as the simulation advanced he saw the density of the asteroids and the size of the Hydrogen pockets increase. "How much further?" he called out.

"We're about halfway through," Kas laughed. "Don't scratch the paint."

The flight path indicator showed a strange twist, he slid the throttle back as he rolled the ship hard over, then into a low dive clearing the larger asteroid by one and a half meters, seeing the next asteroid Jason jammed the throttle back to full then pulling the nose of the shuttle back to level Jason slammed the stick into a wide back to port, seeing the wide open run, "Here we....go!" the ship accelerated too full speed for the first time.

Kas grinned at the younger man's bold approach, he pressed a few buttons on the console. Kas made notes on his PADD, it was clear the man was a skilled pilot.

Jason looked at the sensor display, "Looks like we've picked up a shadow." Jason's eyes kept moving watching displays, as the seconds passed the contact closed matching them move for move while closing the distance between them. Jason unconsciously flexed his hand, he slid the throttle back a small amount allowing the pursuer to close slightly faster. Jason looked at the count down, making a mental count down and at a selected moment Jason jammed the throttle to idle resulting to fire and pitching the nose of the small craft up also resulting in it lifting upward, the pursuer flew right under them, Jason saw it a Romulan Snakehead fighter, smashing the throttle to full Jason flipped the safety off the weapons, the targeting display flashed red, "you're dead." he said as the phasers fired scoring a direct hit detonating the fuel tanks of the fighter.

Grinning wickedly Jason looked too the man seated next too him, "I don't think I need to prove much else, do I?"

"No, my friend," Kas smiled. "The next time I need a pilot of skill I will consider you."

Jason let go of the controls ending the simulation, "thanks, it felt good to get behind the stick again."



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