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Starfleet's on First... Diplomatic Talks Part 2

Posted on Wed Nov 22nd, 2023 @ 10:42am by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Dramin
Edited on on Sat Nov 25th, 2023 @ 7:38pm

1,663 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD: C15, after Diplomatic Talks Part 1

Dramin returned to his seat. The murmurings outside the door told him that the drinks he'd hastily arranged for their guests had arrived, presumably on grav sleds pushed by Operations personnel. Where'd they be without them, eh? It wasn't all bloodwine or Romulan ale, since they'd all need clear heads to make sure these talks happened without anyone killing each other, but he'd done his best. What was left now was for him to sit and observe - and interject if need be.

Now that everyone had gathered, Ryhl looked each guest over from eye to eye. "HoD Vurla, Chancellor Brok'tan", he nodded to the Klingon executive officer before moving to the Romulans. "Commander Rutrauka, Commander Naleema.. Commander Chalan and I would like to welcome you to our ship. I think these talks are long overdue. We just wanted to call your attention to the fact that there have been a rash of incidents, all across Campor III. Our team has been looking for a pattern." Ryhl paused as he leaned forward, shoulders bending inwards as his antennae writhed.

"The incidents are looking pretty widespread. Our medical and science divisions found a very suspicious toxin which seemed specifically targeted to affect the pyrocytes in Ferengi blood. Our medical team worked hard with Ferengi scientists, sourcing antibodies from a resistant individual. Here is the question I think we must all consider. Is there organization between this rash of incidents. And who is behind it, if seemingly every settlement has been attacked. To answer that question, I'd like to hear more about incidents relating to attacks on your settlements. But first. Do either of you have any concerns?"

Ryhl looked to Kendri, exhaling a quick breath and looking for her input. He wanted to make sure he didn't forget anything.

"Captain, if I may?" the First Officer spoke up before the delegates began interjecting. Seeing the Captain's look, she continued.

"It's more than just a toxin, there's a nanovirus embedded into a biological toxin. A literal machine that is extremely difficult to detect, but not impossible. I believe that whoever is poisoning the Ferengi wanted them to find it, and realize it was not natural and place blame. Likely on one of your colonies," Kendri added.

"But there is more to it than that. When my team was investigating the outbreak we were attacked by drones. Our intelligence department is still analyzing it, but they are fairly certain the technology did not come from any of the governments represented on Campor III." Kendri looked at the parties sitting at the table.

"Both of your settlements have had ships sabotaged. That much we know. I believe it is time to consider that there is an outside force that wants to start a war between your settlements." Kendri placed her arms on the table, open, to show she wasn't hiding anything, and paused to let the information sink into the two delegations.

"I fought against the Romulans many times in youth," Brok'tan began. "I've seen Romulan drone attacks, the drone that attacked my settlement is a Romulan weapons..."

Kas gave his mentor an inquisitive and held a warning hand up to the Romulans.

Feeva, for her part, remained quiet, listening, thinking. IF the Romulans were behind this attack, which they denied, it would be disastrous for peace in the quadrant. If they weren't, then...who?! She had some ideas, but kept them to herself for the moment.

Ryhl listened, giving Brok'tan and the others before him time to speak.

"However that honorless attack lacked the ruthless Romulan efficiency and cunning I've come expect. Those drones could have killed all of us, if a Romulan had done this surely none of the Klingons sitting at this table here. The blood feuds between us are well known." Brok'tan laughed. If Naleema had programmed that drone I would be toasting to Melor in Sto'Vo'Kor! This was not them."

Kas sighed he sometimes wished Brok'tan would be inflammatory, but the old warrior would do things his way.

The three Romulan delegates had remained seated with perfect posture, their faces revealing no reaction throughout the Klingon's dramatic show.

Commander Naleema spoke calmly, "It is true, there would be no trace, and no one left to track us down. We would be sure of it." Naleema looked at Brok'tan coolly in the eye.

"Just as surely as you would rather bring an army to our Capital, bat'leths in hand, and beg our people to come to streets to fight you. It is not the Klingon way sneak through the night and not let their victims see who their enemy. Is it, Governor?" Naleema asked.

Feeva cleared her throat, and spoke quietly to Kendri. "Commander, ma'am, I think we're getting off topic again," she said. "Anything I can do to help?" She posed it as an innocent question, a need to be helpful, but she knew that everyone in the room knew better.

Kendri leaned in to the counselor. "I know it doesn't sound like it, but they are actually complimenting one another. This is progress."

Feeva nodded lightly. "I am glad I misunderstood this time," she said, quietly. A bit louder, she spoke up. "Pardon me the interruption," the small Vissian said. "Who else often patrols this airspace? Star maps aren't my specialty," she said. She looked to Commander Razka and then Chalan. She had a point, she just wasn't making it right away. She wanted them to come to it naturally but she would, if she had to. "Captain, do you know?"

"There are a few major players that need to move through this region. There are the Lurians and Lissepians. The Typhon Expanse is just across the border in the Beta Quadrant, right on course from sectors." Ryhl thought for a moment before continuing. "There was also an incident where our Chief Intel Officer was attacked during a scouting operation. The weapon used wasn't consistent with Romulan or Klingon design. Some sort of old surplus blade."

A thought came to Ryhl. "Besides the Ferengi, one other major player comes to mind. The Breen. Right now we don't have a solid link. Any number of organizations could be looking to gain influence in this sector. Whoever is behind this must be hiring locals to pull this off. Likely through intermediaries. We need to clamp down with a massive investigation, but can't make it too obvious. Between all of the settlements on Campor III, there must be at least one person out there willing to share something they've seen."

Feeva smiled lightly. Quick. He was very quick. She simply nodded, though. "Thank you, Captain," she said, quietly.

"I've been talking to a Ferengi, Mister Nez. He has a contact he keeps referring to as 'connected'", Ryhl continued. "I can't expect you all to put your trust into this Ferengi. Unconventional methods might produce unexpected results however. Analyzing every detail of the sabotage to the fighters, as well as the nanovirus are the true key to solving this conundrum. The point of inviting you all here is to bring light to the important of us being on the same page. If we don't work together, we'll never figure it out. What say you all?"

Brok'tan paused, "I have people I can count that might know something... What bothers me is how the drones got there undetected. Was there a cloaked ship? I can't of how the drones could have been on the planet without us knowing."

"This seems to be point to surface based equipment." A thought struck the Captain as he spoke. "If we can trace the flight path of these drones, we should be able to see where they launched from. A ship seems unlikely. They were probably launched covertly from the surface. Maybe even built there. What do you think Commander? Think we can narrow down any potential launch point?"

Vurla spoke up, "The KeQ'Pul was in orbit at the time of the attack they registered energy signals over the settlement by for the attack, they may have been transporter signatures. If the drone were beamed in it couldn't have been a cloaked ship and the Columbia of one of our vessels would have detected an intruder."

Kas nodded. It made sense.

Feeva interrupted. "Shall I call Engineering and ask her to join us? And security? Maybe Intel?" She asked, wanting to be helpful. "It's difficult to hide a Breen, from what I know-which is admittedly very little-so..they have to be working with someone on the inside, right? We find that person, or persons, and...well...." She trailed off. She was just a diplomat, but she DID have a head for numbers. She always had.

"Not just yet Counselor Drylo", Ryhl responded. "We'll meet with the senior officers later. Right now, the powers at be need to agree and start a deeper investigation together. We need to look over all of the files and reports in detail. Our departments will need to look over the notes, break down the diagrams and really put in a lot of hours on the ground. The Breen are one player in the region, but there's not enough evidence to point towards them just yet. It could be the Syndicate or the Maquis for all we know. A big part of this meeting was to ease tensions. If the parties don't talk, nothing will be solved. We've spoken, that's step one."

"I do agree, counselor, that people within the settlements are likely tied to the attacks", Ryhl continued. "It's unlikely that an outside power is putting people on the ground with access to all of this equipment. How does everyone feel about the idea of this expanded investigation?"

Feeva simply nodded. It made sense to wait, actually.

Captain Rhyl th'Zheles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant J.G. Feeva Drylo
USS Columbia

Ensign Dramin
JAG Officer
USS Columbia


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