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The Boys' are back together

Posted on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 2:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić & Commander Chalan Kendri
Edited on on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 2:26pm

2,509 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: MD C14 1840 hrs


The artificial sun burned down on the simulated beach sand. There was music playing and holographic Bikini clad girls were cheering as Jason delivered another serve across the net to their opponents, the one male human dug his feet into the sand bumping the volley ball into the air for his teammate to jump up and try to deliver a spike of the ball.

"Got it!" A voice called out

"Go Mario!" Jason called back

Mario ran diving at the ball, knocking it into the air, Jason scrambled over pushing the ball into the air it's momentum causing it to drift over the net. the holographic opponents both scrambled to stop the falling volley ball only to come up short at it his the ground.

Jason let out a roar as he pulled Mario up out of the sand, followed by a high-five.

Mario reached for a water bottle "Too bad we couldn't get some real opponents hey?"

Jason downed his bottle some spilling out over his shirt, "Yeah, but putting together something like this on the fly isn't exactly always easy, but I'm sure we could get some people interested." Jason replied tossing the water bottle on to his gym bag.

"Hey Ghost...I think we have an audience." Mario said pointing behind Jason.

Paisley and Kendri sometimes played a little Bajoran baseball. Well, Kendri played while Paisley more or less enjoyed the sun beating down on her lizard skin. They were supposed to be here now, but they seemed to be interrupting something. She cleared her throat, an eyebrow cocked.

"Hey. Bikinis, huh?" She asked Jason, a small smile playing at her lips. She didn't mind, really, she just liked to tease him. "We're about to play some Bajoran baseball. Care to join us or you two going to go to the lounge and do dumb things?"

Mario smiled "Do we do dumb things?" pulling on a t-shirt, "Not counting..."

Jason held up his hand "Hey that doesn't count since I was the only one hurt that time, and the other one was all on you and that Orion girl."

"The girls are a nice touch. Do they help you with your serves?" teased Kendri.

Mario laughed, "I shoulda been more specific when I was programming this holodeck, then again Ghost and I haven't had a chance to hangout with a couple of lovely ladies in a while. Mario Pranjic, your recon pilot."

"I'm familiar with your file. Welcome aboard. I'm Chalan Kendri." Kendri looked over to Paisley. She wasn't sure if the two had met.

Paisley smiled. "Well. Next time you want a girl in a bikini, you should ask Annika," she said, with a grin. THAT would go well.
"Hey, Mario," she said. "I don't know if you do dumb things at the lounge, but Jason does," she said, tapping the man on his nose. "You two want to join us?" She asked. "We-I-have asked Commander Tomm to join us...but it was open-ended. We'll see," she said.

Kendri's head snapped to attention when Paisley mentioned Commander Tomm. She gave Paisley a confused look. they hadn't invited him, as this was the first Kendri was hearing of it.

Mario grinned "Ghost doing stupid stuff? nah...okay there was the fist fight with a Gorn, but he was being chivalrous that time."

Paisley shook her head, and then shot Kendri a cute smile. "I invited him," she said, in a low voice, to the woman. "So it wouldn't just be me and Jason making moon eyes at each other," she said, a little louder, laughing.

"You told me... never mind." Kendri picked up the volleyball and dusted the loose sand off of it, and tossed it into the air in front of her, catching it, and rolling the ball in her palms. She looked at Paisley. "Do you play?"

She nodded. "A little. Not since the Academy," she said. "Maybe I'll be the cheerleader," she said.

Jason froze, "Were we supposed to meet for dinner tonight?"

Kendri shook her head. "I hope not." Catching herself she added. "I mean if you do, that it's just the two of you." She tossed the ball to Paisley, she couldn't imagine what sitting through a dinner with Paisley trying to play matchmaker all night.

Paisley did feel a tiny bit bad, tossing them into her fuckery like this, but Jason should know by now that he was going to be roped into her ideas if they were going to be a thing. "Nah, you're fine. I might come by the office later, though," she said, letting the double entendre hang in the air. No one ever said she was subtle.

Mario clued in, his face felt a little flushed, "wait.." turning to Jason. "What?"

Paisley raised an eyebrow. Jason didn't tell his buddy about them? Awkward. She'd let him do it in his own time, but she really would have to insist eventually.

Kobi Tomm had some downtime between shifts and was on his way to the mess hall for a bite to eat. He wanted to see if Kendri wanted to join him. In the corridor, on the way there, Tomm inquired with the computer.

//^\\Computer, locate Commader Chalan Kendri.//^\\

The ship’s computer responded. //^\\ Commander Chalan Kendri is in Holodeck two. //^\\

“Holodeck two?”, he asked himself. There was some ship-wide gossip about a Holodeck adventure with some of the senior staff and officers. Maybe he would pop in and surprise her. Commander Tomm decided to head to the Holodeck to see what was going on.

Upon arriving at the door to Holodeck Two, Tomm entered his security code, prompting the computer to respond.
//^\\ Program is currently in progress. You may enter when ready.//^\\

The doors opened to reveal a seaside beach setting. He could see a volleyball net to the left and a couple hundred meters to the right, a baseball diamond. People were dressed in bathing suits and various warm weather attire. Kobi himself was wearing loose fitting linen slacks and cotton t shirt.

He found Kendri next to the volleyball net, holding the ball in her hands. “Well, it certainly appears that I’m overdressed, Commander,” as he smiled and approached her.

Paisley smiled. "Hey! You made it," she said. She had changed quickly when the plan switched to volleyball. For baseball, she usually wore sweats and a t-shirt. Volleyball required more summer gear. She was dressed in leggings in gold and black, similar to her uniform, and a tank top that resembled her tunic but was definitely more showy. "You play? You can play with Kendri. I will cheerlead from the side!" She smiled.
"After all, it'll be good for you two to bond.." she said, wickedly.

“Yup, I made it,” he told Paisley. “I have dabbled. Well, my second host had a reputation as an athlete when she was younger. I think I remember how to play.”

He began to unzip zip his pants and just as Kendri and Paisley were going to give Kobi an earful….he held a hand in the air, fending off any reactions from the beach goers.

"CHRIST," Paisley started, borrowing a term from the humans that was wayyyy more tame than her usual words.

“Ladies! Ladies! It’s alright-I came prepared. I saw what program was running and brought my bathing suit with me.”

Kobi peeled off his pants to reveal swimming trunks underneath. Both Kendri and Paisley seemed momentarily taken by Tomm’s physique.

“So, should I take the first serve? Come on, Kendri. Let’s show them how it’s done.”

"Big talk from some guy who's supposed to be our security chief but cries when he hurts a fly," she muttered.

Mario toweled off some of the sweat off his face with a towel, "Hey Ghost! I know your still busted up why don't you take a seat for a few." Mario said handing Jason a bottle of water.

"Okay, you win this time, I could use a rest." Jason said as he sat down, letting out a slow controlled breath, "Raven! why don't we just take a break."

Kendri looked at Jason and frowned. "Does Dr. Takanashi know you're playing volleyball?"

"She does NOT," Paisley interjected. "And neither did I," she said. Mario was right, he needed to rest. "You sit and be the cheerleader. I'll play with Mario," she said.

Mario looked over to Kendri "He said he felt good to go, I guess being behind that desk has made him soft."

"Nah, being with me has, though, and I don't mind," she said, giving the pilot a LOOK. "You serve," she said to Kobi.

Jason stood up, "Looks like you got your wish." setting the water bottle down.

"We don't have to play," Kendri said. "We can order up a Bajoran baseball game and hang out with Jason... "

Mario spoke up "Why don't we give it a break, let the ladies have some fun, last thing we need it to be taking Ghost back to sickbay, again." he said with irony.

"Nah, I am dressed for volleyball. You know how I get with the popflies," she said. "I don't really want to explain to Jason OR Takanashi why I have a giant bruise on my stomach," she said. "If I get any bruises, I want them from him," she quipped, jerking her head in Jason's direction. "Mario, come play. It's not fair-two against one! I'll replicate a player, if I have to!" She threatened.

Mario stood up, pulling off his shirt to find a dry one, "Okay, but winner gets the first round."

Kendri shook her head at Paisley as she kicked off her shoes. This was not at all what she had told her they'd be doing on the holodeck today, though Kendri really should know better by now.

"Alright, everyone ready?" Kendri called out.

Jason pulled his sweat soaked shirt off tossing it aside, the sweat was running down his face and back, "This should be fun."

Mario chimed in "I think he's ready..."

"He better not be," she retorted, shooting Jason a look. "Sit down," she ordered. "Don't make me make it an order," she said. "I am ready," she said. She took a stance to wait for Kobi to launch the ball. She was ready.

"Okay, nope." Kendri put her hands up and walked off the sand court. "I really didn't want to have to be a first officer this afternoon, but you are on light duty. Come on. Let's just get some beach chairs and go sit in the water? Paisley?" Kendri looked at her for support. Turning back to Jason, "You are on light duty, and probably already did more than you should. If I'm here and Sickbay gets called it's going to look bad for both of us."

Jason just smiled, it was a rare opportunity too just sit back, finally. he lofted a water bottle in the general direction of Kendri and adjusting his sunglasses so he could get a better view of Paisley. "C'mon Raven, little bit of pride on the line now!"

Paisley eyeballed Kendri. Really, she had this handled. She knew how to appeal to this man. Still, she wouldn't say anything, she just knelt to tie her shoes to hide the smile she had. It was nice when she wasn't always the one to tell him to sit down!

Kendri caught the bottle of water, and took a small sip before putting it back down in the sand. "Alright, Kobi. I guess it's our serve."

"You might have to go, Kendri, I am not sure that Kobi is up to it," she said. "Are you, Commander?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.

Jason leaned forward slightly, he looked at Paisley, her eagerness was almost amusing, and knowing Mario he would take it easy, for the moment.

Kendri took the ball and looked at the back right corner directly behind Mario, but aimed it low and between Mario and Paisley, hoping for a little confusion at the beginning of the game.

Paisley was aware that her friend and CO was as devious as she was, but only at sports. So when she aimed between them, Paisley stayed on alert for the ball. She might not hit it but she wouldn't be surprised by a fake out. She was too competitive for that. "Give us the mark, Jason," she said.

Mario made a gesture to Jason, "Take half a step back, and be ready to jump" He called out.

Jason's intent was two-fold, Paisley wouldn't have to take to many steps if the ball was served short, and he also got a look at her backside.

Kendri tossed the ball over her head striking the ball and sending the ball over the net, just inside the boundary lines, and to Paisley's left. She shuffled her feet and adjusted her hands to get into a position to return the volley.

"Come on Tomm, look alive," she called out.

Mario sprung forward in three strides eyes hyper-focused on the moving ball, his trained eyes following the ball. he jumped as the ball took an odd arc, he drilled the ball hard back into the sand, followed by a rambunctious cheer.

Paisley moved with a speed. She was QUICK and her reflexes were sharp-it was why she was a good engineer. Her blue eyes were trained on the ball, but Mario was a bit faster-damn it, if only she were a bit taller! "GOOD JOB," she hollered.

After forty minutes and a ball hitting Mario in the face, courtesy of Paisley, Jason stood up his legs were stiff again, and he was pacing a little bit.

Mario called a time out, "Hey ghost, you okay?"

Jason looked over "Yeah, I'm stiff."

"We can get out of here," Kendri said, flashing Paisley a you-deserve-this look. "I'm sure Paisley would rather have some privacy when she helps you stretch those muscles out."

Kendri walked over to put her shoes back on.

"You guys don't want to join us for a beer? The stretching part is true, though." She shrugged. "Unless you two are planning the same thing, then by all means." She sipped some water. "Jason. Do you need to go to medical?" Her tone had changed-more concerned and caring.

Mario elbowed Jason then spoke "I could go for a beer or two."

Jason smiled, "No wild stories or I'll tell the one about shore leave in Hong Kong."

"Tell me ALL the wild stories," Paisley said, standing up from putting on her shoes and a sweatshirt so she was *slightly* more presentable for the Lounge.

"Well if there are going to be stories," Kendri said with a smile. "I can't turn that down.

Paisley smiled wickedly. Excellent!!
"Alright. Well. Someone owes me a baseball game," she said. "Let's go!!" She led them out of the Holosuite and to the lounge.

"Yes I know I owe you...Mario is buying!" Jason said

"What!" Mario said as the door closed.



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