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Bridge Duty Escalates: Part 4

Posted on Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 8:53am by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Ensign Sar & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Ensign Dramin
Edited on on Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 8:55am

2,137 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Timeline: MD C15

In the back of her head, Rachel found herself more and more concerned about the fighters both the Klingons and Romulans had. In the event weapons were turned against them, it would be like a swarm of bees attacking a bear. So her best bet was to mitigate as much coordination as she could. To the side of her panel she opened a holographic display and began prepping an algorithm to randomly rotate through frequencies with high burst transmissions to jam any and all communications around them. Sure they would be deaf, but so would everyone else. If she could kill as much communication between the fighters and their mothers ships as much as possible, it would give them a bit more of an edge to swat what would now be mosquitoes one by one.

Commander Tomm couldn’t help but see what Soros was doing and walked to her station to consult with her.

“I like what you’re thinking, Lieutenant. There may be a way to refine your plan. We need to be specific with who or what we target. I can tie in the targeting scanners to the deflector array. Pick a target, knock it down. What do you think?”

She gave a nod "Sure, I can route controls to your station, but I can't guarantee there won't be feedback and some minor disruption to our own systems, due to the amount of power we'll be putting out. I'll add a control to adjust the gain as well so you can control the output strength. I'll make sure there are controls in place so we don't risk blowing out any circuitry as a result."

"Brok'tan, Commander Chalan and I are here to listen to your concerns." Ryhl's voice and mannerisms were stern. "However we cannot allow any citizens of Campor III to be blamed or harassed for what appears to be a colony-wide problem. Any attempts to block a joint investigation will not be tolerated."

"This is something we can all agree on as a starting point.. Yes?" Ryhl looked from Brok'tan, to Kas, to Kendri and back to Brok'tan.

Fee was close enough to overhear, though she quickly busied herself with her PADD, appearing to do "work" whilst she listened. Truthfully, she was working, insofar as she was taking notes.

"If Romulan representatives were to beam over to talk, would your people engage in discussions?" Kendri asked. Much of her training and experience in Starfleet had been in diplomatic relations. "I would recommend three representatives for each the Klingons and the Romulans. We can mediate the discussions."

Brok' tan did not take a seat, "I am open too discussions with all parties. I cannot speak to Vurla- she is acting on her own."

A Romulan Warbird decloaked, visible on the screen. Ryhl looked over as it flew towards the planet. It angled away from the Columbia. Three small warp signature arrivals could be seen in the distance. The Snakehead fighters approached the warbird, eventually entering its shuttlebay. The Warbird sat perched in high orbit above the planet's northern axis.

"There's always another side to the story," Ryhl looked around the bridge. "Hold off on opening a channel to them just yet." Ryhl wanted to discuss things further before making contact with a visitor on the bridge. "It looks like we'll be talking to the Romulans sooner than we planned."

Ryhl bit his lower lip, top lip pursing to fall over it as he squinted slightly.

Brok'tan looked at Kas, "Vurla is following the old ways, there is only one way to stop this without war."

"You can't take her Oldman" Kas said there was affection in his voice that crewmates had never heard before.

"Neither can you Kormak's blows have not yet healed and you have a child who needs you," Brok'tan said. "Think, BOY!"

Kas turned to the Captain, "Sir, Vurla must removed from command the Klingon way!"

Ryhl considered the proposal, looking to Commander Chalan.

"Commander," Kendri said as she looked her friend Kas in the eyes. "You are a Starfleet officer. If diplomacy doesn't work, you may be right, but you cannot involve yourself as it would mean involving the Federation. Also," she gave him a knowing look, "Shouldn't it be her successor who challenges her?"

"I have no intention of challenging Vurla," Kas stated. "You are correct I would seen as an outsider. We would need one of her superiors to do such a challenge."

Feeva let out an audible sigh. More violence?! Did this man ever learn?

"Commander." Dramin's ganglia were squirming in his head; in fact they burst from his head and writhed almost painfully against his neck. He hadn't expected things to go from 0 to 100 this quickly - and he wasn't even sure if this predicament of theirs even counted as a 100. It wasn't difficult to guess what Kas wanted to do. No. No no no. They couldn't afford this. Never mind the paperwork he'd need to do if things went all the way south, the Admiralty would cut off his head first, then the Captain's - which was not ideal for either of them. He surged forward and placed a hand on Kas' shoulder. "Please. Listen to the governor - do not risk yourself. Can't we find another less violent way to solve this?" He protested. If he didn't say something, he had a feeling no one else would. "Or- convince another of captain Vurla's crew to do the deed, if it must come to that? Surely at least one of her senior crew must disagree with her course of action..." He looked pleadingly to the Captain, baby blue eyes wide with a mixture of desperation and horror.

Kas looked at the young officer's hand on his shoulder and let out a deep guttural snarl. There was fire in his eyes, this was a conversation of elders, Not boys who knew nothing of the Warrior's ways.

Ryhl looked to each officer as they spoke. Dramin surprised him the most... He was bold to approach Commander Razka as he did. Although Kas was uncomfortable with the junior officer's proximity, the Ensign did have a point.

The Captain knew something had to be done about Vurla. Even Brok'tan seemed to be cautioning Kas. "Your advice is wise, Mister Dramin. Still. You would be well advised to keep plenty of distance between yourself and the senior officers." Ryhl bit his lower lip to stifle a smirk. "From now on, send your observations my way."

Ryhl was surprised that the young JAG officer gave his input so readily. "I appreciate your willingness to get involved, Mister Razka. We're not ruling out such an intervention. I fear the crew of the KeQ'Var would not take kindly to outsiders intervening in such matters. I agree with Commander Chalan that we should set up mediation talks immediately. Surely you could think of two associates who could join you.."

Brok'tan moved between Kas and the 'brave but foolish young man.' He'd always had more patience than most of his people, that's why Kas respected him.

"I will bring others to the table only after we've settled the matter at hand. Vurla must be dealt with quickly before she gathers the others who can't see through their hate!' Brok'tan said. "I don't expect you Federation types to understand our ways, but you must respect them. I've put too much work into bringing my people to the table to let this woman plunge us into war!"

"Brok'tan, the USS Columbia will not interfere in your right to confront Vurla. I know for a fact there are other Klingon ships in the vessel. She speaks of the council. If you do not have her ear, others do. As the Captain of the Columbia, I do not speak for your crew... But I do speak for this crew," Ryhl said with conviction.

"And as the Captain, I must consider their safety. I personally allowed Mister Razka to risk his life once to earn the trust of your community. Now it is time for your community to work with us. Stop this however you see fit. We will still be contacting the Romulans within the next few minutes. Let's hope we can all choose ours words carefully... and try talking this conflict out of existence.

Ryhl turned to Kendri, "Maybe you could have better fortune talking with Vurla. It can't hurt to try." Ryhl turned back towards Ops. "Prepare another burst message for the X.O.. Stand by to contact the Romulans."

Feeva piped up, finally. "I can assist with diplomatic efforts if needed," she said.

"Your advice will be greatly needed", Ryhl said as he looked to the counselor. "Please join us."

When the channel was open to the KeQ'Var, Kendri spoke firmly and gruffly over the comm. "HoD Vurla, this is Commander Chalan Kendri of the Columbia. We shared bloodwine after the Battle of Kav'ahn. Does our shared victory not at least warrant an opportunity to discuss the situation before you start a war?"

=/\=To discern the truth I must look you in the eye. Beam over. Bring one friend if you like.=/\=

Brok'tan spoke up as Kendri answered. "I am Brok'tan. I speak for the council. Order your forces and crew to stand by, there is much you need to see before you can close to the circle of vengeance. Beam to the Columbia in five minutes, do not dishonor your house with rash actions!"

Their voices clashed yet both were heard.

The COMM was silent for a moment. =/\= I will speak with Chalan if I'm convinced we will stand down... VURLA OUT!!!=/\=

Kendri took a deep breath, pausing before she turned around to face the Klingon Governor who had dared to interrupt her on the Columbia's Bridge. She knew the Captain understood the dynamics at play, but she did not want to say -- or do anything to alarm the junior officers at their stations.

She walked briskly to where Governor Brok'tan was standing next to the Captain and Commander Razka. "Do you not think I can handle myself, Governor," she said calmly, the anger resting just under the surface. She stared at him coolly before turning to the Captain. Kas had let his thoughts about what should be done with Vurla known, but Kendri trusted Kas to respect the chain of command.

Ryhl approached Brok'tan just as quickly. "Dammit Brok'tan! Let's get something straight! You will not interfere with the operations of the United Space Ship Columbia. I want you to be a part of these negotiations, but you must work with us."

"I am working with you! I gave an order and Vurla obeyed!" Brok'tan said in a raised voice.

Ryhl let the words sink in, partially grateful that Vurla did seem to turn around. In the same way that he hoped the tough stance would work on the Klingons, Brok'tan's aggressive response resonated with the Captain. He turned to Lieutenant Commander Razka.

Kas stepped between them, "Do not shout at the Captain on his bridge Brok'tan. You taught me that!"

"I also taught you not to correct your elders Boy!" Brok'tan said with fire in his eyes.

"I'm not a boy,Sir! You know that! You bore witness to my rite of passage Old Man",Kas said in Quathteen he'd switched languages in the heat of the moment.

"Captain, if Commander Razka desires, I will have him join me in the discussion with HoD Vurla and her guest." Brok'tan would clearly be disruptive, and unwilling to let Kendri speak, much less draw on any common ground she had with Vurla to open up discussions.

Ryhl turned to Kendri. "Mister Razka will definitely be involved. He does have a deep connection to the local community... One which cannot be ignored."

"I need to be there as well," Brok'tan said.

"You need to go back to the settlement and prepare for the negotiations! We have this!" Kas said.

"You have great faith in your crew," Brok'tan said with a smile. "You've become quite a man."

"I had a good teacher, now go! Kas smiled. "Before I remove you from the bridge personally!"

"Brok'tan, HoD Vurla is coming to the Columbia to talk to me. Just because you interrupted the communication, interrupted ME, does not change the fact that she was willing to talk with me. You must think me a fool, to assume that I would not demand our discussion take place here," Kendri said calmly, her eyes still as cool as ice as she stared at the Governor. "The Federation is a neutral party here, you will respect our authority, and present yourself with decorum, you will not be allowed to participate. All you and Commander Razka have done since you got here is bicker. It needs to stop now."


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