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Slam Poetry Part 4, Your Friends are Cute

Posted on Sun Nov 19th, 2023 @ 1:57pm by Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić & Ensign Annika Wiseman

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Deck 19
Timeline: MD C17 1930 hours

"Hey!" Lissa protested. "I am not the one who took us down the path of interspecies relations class tonight. I'm just thinking of you two though," she said to Annika and Sarah teasingly.

She shrugged. "I wouldn't make a very good nurse if I wasn't comfortable talking about those sorts of things." Lissa gave Mario a not so discreet wink. "Sarah's right the poetry is bad. But it's kind of fun seeing who is brave enough to get up there."

Sarah made a FACE at Lissa. "Well, it WAS just supposed to be us girls," and to be fair, at least she hadn't asked for position tips or something. Geez.

Mario looked back with a smile, "If we didn't have an early flight time tomorrow I'd say you ladies are more than welcome to come back with us to the hangar, but that doesn't stop you from visiting any time you want..." Mario paused to see Annika's hand on Strock's. "Right, Numbers?"

Without missing a beat despite the strange affections "Yes, it would be... Enjoyable to have visitors." Numbers replied

Kelly grinned "It would be nice too have someone besides from these clowns and the ground crew hang out, and we don't bite." followed by a trio of laughs.

Sarah smiled. "Well, Kelly, you'll have to come out with us next time," she said. "We usually try to do something once a week or so while the menfolk do sports or something," she said. "Sometimes a senior officer will tag along, Commander F'Rar is fun, but generally it's just us Lower Deckers," she said She noticed Annika, too. Well, apparently, her talk about Vulcan loving wasn't untimely after all.

Kelly smiled, "Sounds like fun, hey..." pausing too look around "Looks like the secret lovers snuck off." she said pointing to the far turbolift.

"I think you are all still need to check in for your onboarding physicals, so I'm sure I'll be seeing you in Sickbay soon," Lissa commented as she leaned back and twirled her long back hair through her fingers.

Mario thought he was getting the message, "Crunch and Buster have to small arms qualifications after the morning briefing, and I think Numbers wants to do some Number crunching so he'll be unavailable, so I guess I'll have to stop by..."

"Numbers crunching, seriously?" she laughed. Looking him in the eyes she added, "Well, I guess it's just you then."

Sarah had noticed as Annika and the strange Vulcan had snuck off. She turned her attention back to the others. "I've already had mine," she said, absently. "Oh! Sorry, I zoned out for a moment. Three Vulcans on one ship? Might need to talk to the Captain about Pon Farr nights at Ice," she joked. She was slowly relaxing, letting her inhibitions leave her as she grew more and more comfortable on the Columbia.

"Starfleet looks good on you," Lissa kidded in response to Sarah's comment. "You wouldn't believe she'd ever say something like that a month ago."

Sarah made a face. "It's TRUE," she said. "I wonder if it's like females. Will they all get it at the same time? Like a hormone thing?" She asked Lissa.

"Not really, but partners tend to link up," Lissa responded winking at Sarah.

Crunch spoke up "Buster and I are going to go check on the birds before we hit the rack, see ya at oh-seven right?" Crunch said as he and Kelly said standing.

Mario got that signal loud and clear, "Okay, make sure the birds are standby ready, I don't want the Captain to call red alert and we're not ready." he turned his attention to the remainder of the group, "Can I get you ladies anything?"

Sarah shook her head. "I should probably not have any more coffee, thanks," she said.

Bella quietly sipped her coffee, she'd grown up around 'flyboys', and the thrill was gone. Professionally, she could fly circles around half of them and personally their risk-taking nature made them fun for a night, but not partner material. Not that she was looking. So she sat and observed the conversations.

As the remaining crew left Mario found himself alone with the group that remained, "So I've got the munchies what's good around here?"

"What do you like for a late night snack?" Lissa asked. "Pizza, wings, a salad..." she let her suggestions linger.

He smiled "What would you recommend?" Mario said wondering where this would go.

Lissa moved over to one of the empty seats and was now sitting at a corner next to Mario, their knees close to touching if Mario dared to take up more space. "Like I said, it depends on what you are in the mood for." She traced her fingertips on the armrest of the chair she was sitting in as she looked at Mario. "If you wanted a nightcap, I've got a bottle of Tennessee Whiskey we could break out." She sighed and shook her head before she continued, "But you have such an early morning. I don't want to keep you up."

As the others sifted out, Sarah made her excuses to her friends, and went off in search of her boyfriend. Barring that, she'd just go to her quarters and hang out with her bunkmates. She was glad that Lissa and Annika BOTH had found some fun, even if it was just for one night. While she didn't quite understand the appeal of a one-night thing, she was still happy for them.

As the remaining crowd broke up Mario leaned over "Where did you say that bottle was?" hoping for a more private moment.

Lissa leaned into Mario, and smiled coyly. "My place. You interested?"

Mario took her hand "Lets go!"

Lissa stood up and led him away from the coffee shop. "This way."

Lt. J.G. Mario “Raven” Pranjić
Recon Flight Leader
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Isabella Rodriguez
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia

Ensign V’lal
Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia


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