Lieutenant JG Mario Pranjić

Name Mario Pranjić

Position Liaison

Second Position Fighter Pilot

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 12 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 5:55pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 166 cm
Weight 82.35 Kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Mario has the trim physique common too most fight pilots, his deep blue eyes are often found to be tantalizing to attracted persons.


Spouse None
Father Richard
Mother Olivia
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Paula

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mario grew up on earth in the Croatian territory on earth, at first he flew shuttles with his fathers freight company, then upon joining Starfleet found his love of small craft translated into flying fighters with Starfleet. Mario while gifted has often shown a case of arrogance common to fighter pilots.

Callsign: Raven
Strengths & Weaknesses (-)Personality traits common to fighter pilots
(+) gifted pilot
Ambitions Mario likes to fly, and will do anything got get into the cockpit, long as he can fly.

Personal History Mario has a history with Jason.

Notorious for destruction of Hong Kong hotel that was near a martial arts competition.
Service Record Civilian Pilots license age 12
Fighter Pilot academy Age 18

218th Fighter squadron (Delta Flight)
118th Reconnaissance Squadron (Flight Lead)
Injured (Desk duty)
Recruited to "Rat Trap" Task Force
Fighter/Intelligence Liaison