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Satisfying Honor

Posted on Sat Oct 14th, 2023 @ 4:24pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Sat Nov 4th, 2023 @ 10:04am

1,746 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement
Timeline: Directly after "A Matter of Honor"

Most of the Klingons began making their way up the hill to their arena. There were warriors lighting large torches that illuminated the field of honor. There was a current of excitement and Kas could sense a good deal of contempt and disdain, but Kas paid it no mind.


Back on the bridge of the Columbia, Ryhl paced within the wide central space between the command chairs and conn section. He had faith that Kas could find his way out of this situation.

He tapped his commbadge once again. =/\= This is Captain th'Zeles to Commander Razka. Fight with honor and come back in one piece... That is an order. =/\=

There was a fire in Ryhl's voice. He hoped the message would help motivate him before his bout. Ritual combat was a large part of Andorian society. The Ushaan was a duel that often resulted in mortality. He hoped more restraint would be shown in the upcoming fight.

=/\=Understood Sir.=/\=


Now that Kas had the Captain's permission, it was time to set things up Kas took Save to the side as they moved to the arena. "Lieutenant. Officially I am ordering you to observe the warriors for potential threats, unofficially I am asking you to fraternize with them and build a good rapport. They need to see us as allies."

Her. Fraternize with Klingons. She'd seen how they treated Kas as a half-breed. Part of her was a little incredulous, in fact. "Okay." She replied, numbly. She surveyed the crowd. Get along with this lot? She had a huge job ahead of her, for sure.

The Warriors began making their way to the arena, somewhere up ahead Brok'tan was with Governor Melor and the council members. He spoke to the council about the political implications of this duel. The old Klingon called his nephew Vorak to him; they spoke before Vorak moved to Kas and Kendri. He had a solemn look.

"The council has instructed Kormak to only kill if necessary, the warriors need to see a show." Vorak showed his sharp teeth. "I warn you, Kormak has a habit of making such things necessary."

Kas nodded, "They’re using this duel to symbolize the conflict in the settlement. Old tradition versus new ideas."

Kendri stood by and observed the interactions between Kas and Vorak. She tried to stay out of the way.

A Klingon woman walked up to Kas with a large box that he recognized and smiled. She presented a set of armor, "My father Brok'tan would be honored if you wear this, it was made for his son."

"Of course," Kas said, "I accept this honor." Kas removed his uniform coat and donned the armor. The Hybrid then opened a container with a dark-colored pigment and used his fingers to apply the paint across his cheekbone and cranial ridges. Between the paint and the armor, he looked almost primal.

Kendri looked up at him, her crisp Starfleet uniform in stark contrast to the battle attire and war paint that Kass was adorned with. “Be careful, Kas.”

Kas stepped close to Kendri and touched his forehead to his in the tradition of his people."You are here to bear witness," The Hybrid said in a soft tone. "Forget Nothing."

“Don’t worry. I won’t.” Kendri said solemnly. And she knew she wouldn’t.

Kas did the same with the Klingon woman, she kissed his cheek as he backed away. T'Lura observed silently she had seen this before. Kas stepped up to her and she turned her back on him. "I will be prepared when I am needed, Commander."

Kas took the Bat'leth from Lieutenant Sava, "Regardless of what happens here, do you know what I need from you?"

"Of course." Sava replied. "But you'll be safe, I know it. So, with all due respect, sir. Don't tell me that you'll probably die in battle. Not here, at least."

"I plan to win," Kas smiled. "I also plan for the unplanned."

Kas raised his bat'leth over his head as he entered the Arena, he saw Kormak entering from the other side. The crowd of warriors cheered Kormak and jeered Kas. The Hybrid took a deep breath and blocked out the roar of the crowd. Kormak snarled at Kas and swung his Bat'leth at Kas. He dodged the blow easily, his face still passive. Kas thrust his blade toward Kormak and he sidestepped the attack. The crowd roared and Kormak hissed.

"Starfleet! You shall fall", one shouted. As Kas dodged, the warriors became more restless. They began to push each other, some Klingons holding the rest back.

"Rip his head off", an older, gaunt warrior yelled.

The benefit of being nearly seven feet tall: is being able to see over the heads of most of the crowd. Sava watched patiently (and admittedly a bit worriedly) from a distance in her seat; she didn't see the need to get involved with this rowdy crowd, at least, not until they began to actually threaten Kas' safety.

Kormak charged at Kas and blocked the incoming blade with his own, the two men were locked in position for a moment before Kas took a hand of his Bat'leth and backhanded Kormak across the face. As Kormak stumbled back, Kas's blade cut into his opponent's armor, The crowd let out a shout at the sight of blood, it was a superficial wound that enraged Kormak. There was a flurry of attacks and blocks. Kormak drove the horn of his Bat'leth into Kas's torso. The Hybrid shouted and dove his Bat'leth deep into the warrior's thigh. Kormak moved for a headbutt that was a mistake! Kas dove forward and drove the top of his head into Kormak's face. There was a sickening crunch as the warrior was knocked backward.

Kendri sat in an arena seat, her hands clasped together and pressed to her face in the nook between her bottom lip and her chin. Most of the spectators stood, roaring, cheering, or booing at the action. She sat mostly still, just waiting for the fight to be over. Hoping there would be two survivors.

Many gasped as Kas took the injury and reversed the attack. "He is a Klingon", shouted a voice from within the crowd.

Kas wobbled forward he was bleeding heavily the emerald colored lash around his waist was turning red. The Hybrid hooked Kormak's Bat'leth with his and sent it clattering to the ground, then put the horn of his Bat'leth straight through the warrior's shoulder. Kormak fell to the ground and Kas raised his weapon in a victorious gesture. Then Brok'tan began chanting Kas! Kas! Kas! The crowd joined him. Kas felt dizzy as he turned to leave the arena.

"Remember this day", a warrior shouted amidst the chanting.

T'Lura put a hand on Kendri's shoulder, "He needs to walk of out of the arena on his own or they will call it draw." The Vulcan explained, "Kormak will be able to demand another duel."

Kendri stood up and began walking briskly toward the exit where Kas was headed. Kendri had the hospital’s emergency call communicator, in her hand and ready to go as soon as she and the doctor were with him.

Kas stumbled and used his bat'leth for support, his vision blurred and his ears were ringing dulling the din of the crowd. The Hybrid made it off the platform, he felt nauseous he coughed and tasted blood in his mouth. T'Lura moved to help him, she pressed a coagulation bandage against his wound. Kas' eyes rolled back and his knees buckled.

As Kas began to fall, a KDF warrior approached his side opposite of T'Lura and helped steady him. "Q'apla! Kas, son of Toq... Of the clan Yo'uhee. Your honor proves your truth!" Others gathered around, still cheering.

Kendri pressed the communicator, “Three to transport to emergency surgery.”

The three materialized into an emergency surgical center. Medics and nurses were already scrubbed in, and sprang into action, placing Kas on a surgical table as soon as the three arrived. T’lura began calling out orders for the different staff to begin working on various aspects of Kas’s care.

Kendri quietly let herself out.


The crowd's reaction was a mix of confusion and realization as they saw Kas stumbling out. Some of the traditionalists looked disappointed, while others understood the message he had sent by winning the duel without taking Kormak's life. Brok'tan's chanting of Kas's name continued, though, and the atmosphere was charged with uncertainty about the settlement's future. Koth stepped forward and ordered two warriors to bring a stretcher and get Kormak to the hospital.

"Let's break out the bloodwine!" The Warrior called out with a laugh.

Chants began to ring out, hailing the "son of Toq." Some Klingons realized that Kormak had also called declared himself to be of the house of Toq. These people seemed confused by the chants at first, but soon spread the word to their comrades.

A Klingon party. One of the last things they needed. They were on a mission, right? Sava had only just begun to stand to leave when the crowd behind her surged forward, jostling her down the stands in their eagerness. Oh, boy. What had she gotten herself into, she wondered. The pop of a bottle being uncorked somewhere nearby sounded, and soon enough mugs of bloodwine were being shoved into hands, including hers.

The only problem? Sava didn't drink bloodwine, and she knew better than to do that right now and risk being sucked irreversibly into the crowd. She maneuvered her way through, inch by inch, apologizing to the people she bumped into along the way...

Vorok put a hand on Sava's shoulder, "Stop apologizing woman! That's more likely to get you in trouble! Kas taught you anything about us!? If you leave now the elders will be offended."

The Klingon woman who gave Kas the armor stepped up beside Vorok. "My cousin is right, you can easily avoid the drinking." She handed Sava a bottle, "It's Vootth juice nobody will know," she lowered her voice, "That's what my father does, he hates bloodwine."

Klingons that didn't like bloodwine. Now that was something quite unusual. Sava accepted the drink and sipped at it, finding the somewhat sweet-tangy taste of it to be quite pleasant. She had promised to befriend these people, too - leaving would indeed have been pretty rude. She turned back around, surveying the crowd in silence.


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