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Posted on Sun Oct 15th, 2023 @ 9:10am by

799 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Memories...
Timeline: Directly after "Satisfying Honor" (and many years ago)

Kas felt the tingling of the transporter, he saw the bright lights of the operating room he could hear T'Lura giving instructions and felt people putting him on a table. He was cold... So cold... the sounds were getting farther and farther and farther away he was falling deep into his own mind... Deep into memories...

Kas opened his eyes, it was pitch black. He took a slow deep breath through his nose, the air was cool and dry. He could feel flesh pressed against his bare flesh. Her head was in the thick of his arm. Her scent was intoxicating, he still couldn't believe she was here. He could hear her soft steady breathing, he felt her shift her weight and her lips were near his ear. 

“Are you awake Kas?” She said in a low even tone. 

“Yes,” Kas breathed.

He didn't know why they were whispering. If it were up to him they could lie in the dark like this forever. 

"So this sharing of warmth is a bonding ritual of your people and not just a post-coitus activity?" She inquired in the same even tone. 

Kas smiled at her matter-of-fact speaking, "Yes this is a common custom. We often have more garments on?"

He felt her move and a small lamp illuminated the room. He was looking straight into her piercing blue eyes, she had an elegant nose and beautiful olive skin. Her face was framed with jet-black hair and her delicate-looking ears tapered into points.

"Should we get dressed?" She inquired.

Kas touched his forehead to hers, "That isn't necessary T'Lura."

T'Lura's parents were anthropologists from the Vulcan Science Academy. Her parents had seemed very cold when dealing with him, but T'Lura had been as curious about him as he'd been about her. He recently turned sixteen, the age when most of the young Quath’Mar were first allowed to join the Union Festivals post festivities. He didn't know what her story was. Perhaps Vulcans weren’t as different as he thought.

"Thank you for this experience, I was curious about your people's sexuality." 

"I was surprised you came back with me,"  he smiled.

She raised an eyebrow, "I thought coupling was common after one of your festivals."

"It is," Kas paused. "It's just that I didn't think Vulcans were into things like this."

"We are as diverse a species as any," she said. "You seemed to be fond of me, so I thought you'd be a logical choice."

She sat up, "I should go, my parents will be back soon." 

T'Lura's parents had been invited by the shaman to visit a shrine and observe one of their rituals. Kas was surprised she stayed behind and even more surprised when she approached him after the youth activities. 

"Will they come looking for you?" Kas asked with concern.

"They knew I was planning to go to the Union Festival to partake in all that was offered." She explained. “They just asked me to make a record of my experiences, should I redact this part?”

"I'd appreciate that," he gave her a nervous smile.

The fewer chances that his mother would discover his encounter the better. His mother had embraced a lot of Quath’Mar culture; she didn't like the idea of her children participating in the usual post-festivities. This reinforced his belief that he’d been conceived during one of these festivals. She was running supplies to a Federation colony and somehow he'd convinced her to let him stay behind and enjoy the Festival. 

He didn't know where his stepfather was, they rarely said more than a few words to each other these days... Things were so different with his stepbrother Tura gone... On the last shuttle run, he’d gone with him had been four hours of silence. This was the first festival without Tura and he couldn’t help missing him even now. He didn’t know what his stepfather was doing to fill the hole left by Tura’s absence. T'Lura saw the change in his expression.

"Is something wrong?" She inquired. As she began to dress.

"No I'm fine," he looked away. Their minds had joined briefly when their bodies had been together, he didn't know how far she’d seen into his soul. He felt a pang of guilt, had he just used her to ease his pain?

"Curious, I would have theorized that the endorphins from our activities would have kept you in a better mood."

He let out a nervous chuckle, "Just thinking about the way my life has changed."

"Fascinating." She said, drawing her hair back and securing it with a headband.

He moved in for a kiss, she accepted his affection and they wordlessly touched their foreheads for a few moments.

"This was stimulating," she said.


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