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A Matter of Honor

Posted on Sat Oct 14th, 2023 @ 4:11pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Sava & Ensign Sar

2,117 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Klingon Settlement.
Timeline: MD C4 1900 hours

The sky was darkened by the smoke as the Holana landed near the clinic. Kas opened the hatch and the Klingon warriors filed out, some of them were burned and some seemed to be having respiratory problems. Kas called out to the medical staff, "Veers is hurt, I think the rest of the crew is unharmed."

Edwin hadn't been able to strap in before the shock wave had hit them, he blacked out and had just come to when Sava found him. His forearm was obviously broken and he was having trouble walking.

"Here. Up you come. We'll get you some proper medical attention." Sava linked her arm through Veers', helped him up and continued onward out of the shuttle.

Lissa pushed over an anti-grav bed for Ensign Veers. She gestured for Commander Chalan to come over. "I've about had it with the resources here, Commander. Either he goes back to the Columbia for treatment, or we need to have proper equipment beamed down."

Kendri put a reassuring hand on her back. "Understood, Ensign. Start your assessment and do what you can. I'll consult with Commander Razka, either way Ensign Veers will get what he needs."

Kendri went to have a word with Kas, while Lissa administered pain medication and began treating Edwin for a severe concussion.

A group of Klingons was there to meet them, they cheered as Koth' fighter landed. Some were interested in the Holana, but some were more interested in saluting the Warrior who'd 'saved' the Federation vessel. Kas didn't mind he was happy to see they were able to put out the fire with his assistance.

"Behold", a scraggly warrior shouted as the fighter touched the ground. "Koth! Extinguisher of fire. Savior of Starfleet."

Another Klingon greeted the arriving officers with wide arms. "The fire is no match for your spirit, Starfleet! I saw your sacrifice... Trying to confront the fire head-on, with little resources. Honorable!" The long-haired, stocky man looked to each officer with a toothy grin. Others gathered and shouted.

Sava smiled, but did not indulge the rowdy crowd around them. The buzz was rightfully Kas' for getting them here, after all.

Kendri caught Kas' eye for a moment and gestured to him. "Commander, I need to talk to you about Veers. Ensign Kerr wants to take him back to Columbia, or have some additional equipment beamed down. We don't want to offend the Klingons. I know they have their reasons for running their hospital in the fashion that they do."

"Not to worry Commander T'Lura has already ordered more equipment, I believe Ensign Sar has been installing some of what she ordered. I'm sure the Commander won't object to acquiring anything needed to treat Veers," Kas said. "Just have it transported directing to the Clinic."

"Understood, thank you for your insight," Kendri responded, leaving to tell Lissa to make whatever arrangements she needed.

Kormak made his way up to Kas, "Razka is not a Klingon name! Who are you!"

"Razka is my Bajoran Mother's surname, "I am Razka Kas, son of Toq. Of the clan of Yo'uhee and the vessel Yangteeze"

Kormak's eyes flashed with anger. "You not a part of Toq's house let alone his son. No Klingon would breed with Bajoran filth! You are a liar!"

"I've stated my lineage nothing more. I want nothing from my father's house." Kas sighed, "We have more important things to discuss."

Kormak spit in Kas's face and tried to take his Dk'tagh, Kas caught the man by his throat and threw him to the ground.

Some of the Klingons who had cheered the arrival quickly began to gather. "You must not take that, Starfleet", shouted the Klingon who had welcomed the crew.

The gaunt, unkempt warrior who had shouted for Koth watched from the opposite side of the gathering. "He is not part of Toq's house! He is a liar." Other Klingons joined in automatically taking the side of their comrade.

"We must not interfere", a loud voice shouted from within the gathered crowd.

"Let's settle this PetaQ" Kas growled.

The Hybrid turned to Sava "Lieutenant retrieve my Bat'leth!"

Retrieve my bat'leth? How was she to know where that was? Who even brought their bat'leth to a peaceful away mission? Many thoughts raced through the Kelpien's mind as she retreated into the shuttle. If Kas had the daring to order to get it in the face of a duel, the most logical place for it to be had to be on board. Again, who even brought such an unwieldy weapon to a peaceful mission like this? She couldn't help but wonder if he'd packed it along expecting to have an encounter like this one.

After a few minutes of ferreting around in the Holana's storage compartments, she discovered the bladed weapon in a vertical storage locker and brought it out. "With all due respect, sir, please don't do anything stupid." She murmured as she held the weapon out to him. There wasn't any point in asking him to back down - she'd served long enough to know that once a Klingon against Klingon spat got started, there really wasn't much use pulling either party back. This'd have to resolve on its own.

Kas nodded to Sava, He turned back to Kormak who was now standing ready for a fight, "I assume you have a place to settle such matters"

"Settle this in the high arena!" Another voice rang out from the crowd. Others seemed to join in, soon repeating the words. Some shouted for them to fight now, while most seemed to growl through the growing pack-based aggression.

The ceremonial pillars which marked the boundaries of the arena could be seen on a plateau in the distance.

Feeva pulled the Commander aside. “I can do some diplomacy… or call to the Columbia,” she said. “This is stupid. I’m not one to speak out against cultural customs, but it’s at best… conduct unbecoming an officer.”

Kendri sighed in irritation - not at the Counselor - at the pointless displays of violence. "Diplomacy rarely works when a Klingon challenges another Klingon."

"Rarely, but not...never," she said, but sighed. She knew it was likely pointless.

T'Lura stepped up behind the two women "Commander Razka would give up his commission before he would back down from this challenge."

"That may be, but I still can't stand aside and watch without making the Captain aware of what is going on. This is not the type of report you can just let him read later," Kendri said dryly, backing away from the women.

Feeva eyeballed the Vulcan. "I am less worried about his PIPs, and more worried about his daughter," she said. "What if he isn't victorious?" She sighed. "Men are illogical," she said.

"It is understandable to express concern for Kas's daughter in this situation." T'Lura looked at Feeva, "Klingon honor is a complex matter and not solely governed by logic. Political considerations often play a significant role in their decisions, and it is unlikely they will engage in a fight to the death in this context."

=/\= Chalan to Captain th'Zeles. I have a report. =/\=

=/\= This is th'Zeles. Is everyone alright after the fire? We noticed the Klingon's intervention from up here. =/\=

Ryhl and the bridge were still preoccupied with the fire, oblivious to the developing scene.

=/\= The fire has been extinguished, Ensign Veers was injured, but he's being treated here. We have another development, Captain. one of the Klingons has challenged Commander Razka, and spit in his face. The Commander sent Sava for his bat'leth and there are calls to move the challenge to a place called 'The High Arena.' I can order him to stand down, but Captain... I don't think he will listen to either of us. =/\=

The words came as a shock to Ryhl. He expected complications from the fire. His initial worry was that someone had gotten injured on the ground, or during the shuttle flight.

Captain th'Zeles knew the issue was delicate. As an Andorian, he viewed the issue differently then some might. =/\= I fear such an order would not be so simple. =/\=

There was concern is Ryhl's voice. One could almost hear his antennae spinning from the surface. He continued after a slight pause for thought. =/\= If we order him to stand down, he would lose all credibility with the local populace. I'm not happy about this situation, but in a way.. This is diplomacy. Just one thing.. Tell Kas to ensure he does not take a life over this. I think he should understand. =/\=

Sava let the first officer do the talking. She stayed behind with her arms folded and suppressed a sigh. They'd just saved these people's lives, and their chief concern was whether or not their savior was pure-blooded? Ridiculous.

Ryhl's anxiety rose even higher. He was already wound up over the string of events, including an assault on the Chief of Intelligence. He knew that the crew needed space to figure out and accomplish the mission, no matter how badly he wanted to intervene.

He put his trust in Kas to defend himself the way a Klingon would, just as he had faith in all of his crew to handle themselves in the dangerous situation.

=/\= Understood, Captain. I'll keep you updated. Chalan out. =/\=

Kendri nodded to Sava and made her way back to where she had walked away from T'Lura and Feeva. The crowd was beginning to cheer and shuffle their way to what Kendri assumed was the High Arena. "Where's Kas?" she asked.

"I'm here commander," Kas said respectfully. "I will try to satisfy honor without taking Kormak's life. That's a political complication we don't need. Both Quath'Mar and Klingon custom allows me, a representative. For our mission here it would be best if it was you."

"That's the message from the Captain. No lives taken, Commander," Kendri said firmly. "As far as a representative, what is that exactly?"

"Both cultures have a lot of overlap in the duties of the representative," Kas said. "Once honor is satisfied you will be expected to see to my care or funeral arrangements. You will also need to tell the tale to my people and my... family."

"By "you", you mean me," she said. She turned to the Commander. "Ma'am, perhaps I can transport back, and alert medical to prepare, and find the Commander's daughter? She and mine are friends, and she knows me and Ensign Kerr. I trust she will listen to me," Feeva explained. Razka had better not die because she had first dibs on killing him herself.

Kas nodded, "that will work, thank you."

“Keena isn’t going to watch this is she?” Kendri asked, concern spreading over her face.

"No," Kas said quickly. "I'd appreciate the Counsoler watching Keena until I return."

“Counselor, you mentioned tending to the children, if that is still your plan, I'll accompany the Commander to the arena,” Kendri stated looking at Feeva.

Feeva nodded. "I will make sure she's safe. I will figure something out," she said. "Let me know when he's stable. I'll bring her here to see him if he isn't dead." She made her way back to the Shuttle to prepare to transport back. She was going to make her unhappiness known to whomever would listen, adult-wise. In the meantime, she'd treat the girls to a pizza party in her quarters, and figure out what to say.

"I propose having him transported directly to the clinic," T'Lura said to the women. "My operating theater is customized for Klingons and I have experience with Lt. Cmdr. Razka's unique physiology." She pointedly avoided eye contact with Kas addressing the counselor and commander only.

“If there are any supplies or equipment on board the Columbia, that would be useful…” Kendri offered. “We just launched two months ago, and our equipment is up to date with the latest technology. We came here prepared to supply the colonies with whatever they need.”

T'Lura handed Feeva a PADD. "I'll need these items transported to the clinic."

"Alright, I'll let Dr. Takanashi know," she said.

She carried the PADD with her to the Transport. She'd pass it off to Medical when she arrived back at the Columbia. She had a pretty good ability to separate job from life, so the only thing the girls would see was her happy smile. She was truly happy to see them, anyway.

Kas was a little annoyed that they were talking as though his getting wounded was a given. He chose not to say anything, T'Lura was probably right and if having a plan made others feel better, so be it.


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