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Falling Out of Trees

Posted on Fri Oct 13th, 2023 @ 5:06pm by

1,619 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: CD--

Leena was excited. She was being allowed to play with the older children today-she was the youngest one at the school anyway, and the other person in her "class" was absent that day. She followed the older kids-most a bit taller than she was, though she was bound to be tall, as while her mother was small, her maternal grandfather was tall, as was her father. She found a seat on the bench. She wasn't very familiar with the older kids-she knew their names but they didn't play with her much-they didn't want to be seen with "babies."

Keena came in with her classmates she still didn't really fit in with the other children so she went straight to a tree and started to climb. She looked at the child sitting alone on a bench. "Why aren't you playing with the other kids?"

Leena put her head up from the little book she was looking at. "Oh. Some of the kids are mean," she said. "They call me a little baby," she said. "I usually play with Alan Turner, but his father had the day off so he stayed home," she said. "Alan is six, but I am almost five," the little girl held up five fingers.

"Do you want to come up here with me?" Keena asked.

Leena thought for a moment. Her mother would not like it, but her mommy was at work, so would she even know? If Leena was careful and didn't get hurt, it would be ok. She looked at the other kids and teachers. They were all busy with each other. She looked back to Keena. "Ok, Keena. I am coming," she looked at the tree, and started to climb. She was wearing sneakers today. Good thing.

Keena helped her younger friend up onto the branch below her. "Let's see how long it takes the them to see us," Keena giggled.

Leena giggled. "Are we not supposed to be up here?" She asked. "Mrs. Turner is busy with the boys over there anyway," she said, pointing. Climbing the tree hadn't been that hard. "Do you want some of my crackers?" She reached into the pocket of the pants she wore, and extracted some cheese crackers. "Unless you're allergic to cheese."

"Cheese is good," Keena smiled. "I wanted to bring my doll, but Papa says I have to leave it at home."

Leena handed her a cracker and then made a face. "Same with my mom!! She let me bring my wocket ship, though," she said. "It's in my backpack." She said. "My daddy got it for me before he died. I don't like to leave it at home," she said. "What's your daddy like? What's your doll's name?"

"My Papa is the strongest man on the ship, he can pick me up with one hand," She said proudly. "He sings really good too."

Leena smiled. "My daddy was the best. He used to take me tot he Promenade and let me eat ice cream for breakfast! Your papa sounds nice. My daddy is dead now, but I still have his picture in my woom," she said. "What's your dolly's name?"

"GoBo, Gran said my Mother made him," Keena answered.

"Oh!! Nice. My Grandmother got me a holoplayer for my birthday," Leena said. "Why isn't your Mother here with your papa?" She asked, munching on more crackers. Her mother never sent her with enough snacks!

"Gran said Mommy got sick and she died," Keena looked sad.

Leena nodded sadly. "I am sorry. Maybe your mommy is with my daddy in Heaven," she said. "My mommy said that Humans believe in a place called that where dead people go to wait for their family. Maybe they're playing up there. It's far away." She said. "My mommy doesn't have her mother, either. Maybe you could talk to her. She's a good listener. Most of the time. Sometimes she's tired and doesn't listen to me, though."

"Papa says mommy returned to the stars," Keena said. "I talk to stars sometimes."

Leena nodded. "I talk to my daddy like he's still here. Mommy has a photograph of him at their wedding by the couch," she said. "Mommy says he can hear me. I don't know if he can, if he's so far away from Sol," she said. "That's where he is buried."

"Papa says people die they can hear what's in our hearts," Keena told the younger child. She put an arm around her.

Leena smiled a little. "I think that is true. My daddy talks to me sometimes, in my heart. I can hear him," she said. She gave the other little girl a small hug. "Do you want to come over after school to the Turner's? I am sure Mrs. Turner won't mind..." she said. "My mommy is away right now but when she gets back, maybe she'll take us to the holosuite to watch a movie."

"That sound like fun," Keena smiled. She saw one of the teacher aids walking near their tree. She put a finger to her lips and suppressed a giggle.

Leena nodded. She moved to get out of the way of the teacher's vision. She lost her footing, though, and before she knew what was happening, she had slipped. "Help me!" she cried out as she fell.

Keena dove forward and grabbed he friend, as she did her leg slipped off the branch. As two girls fell Keena wrapped her arms around Leena and landed on the ground hard cushioning the smaller child with her body. Keena opened her mouth and all the air rushed painfully out of her lungs.

After a moment, Leena opened her eyes. Mrs. Turner was standing over them. "Are you ok?" The older woman asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Turner. Keena saved me," Leena said. She rolled over, and stood up. She wasn't very hurt. "Are you hurt, Keena?" Leena's small, reedy voice asked.

Keena blinked and it took a moment for the air to re enter her lungs, she coughed and sat up. "I think I'm okay."

She gave Mrs. Turner a sheepish look, "Are you going to tell ma Papa?"

Mrs Turner sighed. "I really should, but luckily for you, he hasn't returned yet for the evening," she said. "I will let him know what happened but that you are ok, and protected your friend," she said. "I will also need to tell Lt. Drylo," she said. "Leena, I am surprised with you. You don't usually behave like this. Are you missing your mother?" She asked. Counselor Drylo was on the away team, but she, Commander Razka and a few others returned nightly if possible to collect their children.

Leena hung her head a little bit. "I am sorry," she said. "I wanted to play with Keena today."

"It was my idea," Keena said. "We should have played on the bench. I'm sorry Leena should be in trouble."

Lynda Turner shook her head. "No one is in trouble. Let's get you to Medical. I'll ask one of the older kids to take you. You MUST follow them directly there," she said. She moved away, motioning for one of the high school aged kids to come over. "Escort Ms. Drylo and Ms. Razka to Medical. They know they are supposed to go STRAIGHT there. I will send Mrs. Harrison up when she gets her class settled," she said, referring to the higher-ages teacher. "Thank you, Mr. Chan," she said. The older boy was Andrew Chan, the son of one of the ships Doctors.

Keena nodded and took Leena's hand, her Papa had told her not to climb trees without an adult watching. So she knew he would be upset. She followed the older boy with Leena in tow.

Leena nodded. "I am sorry," she said, looking at the floor. They followed Andrew to the Sickbay. She knew that if her mother found out, she was busted.

They made their way into sickbay and the older boy told the Nurse what was going on. She paged Lt. Turner and Officer Eason to come to Sickbay.

Leena knew that she was in BIG trouble if the nurse had to call Lt. Turner to pick her up. The man wouldn't be happy about having to leave work, and her mommy would hear about it, she knew. Still, the nurse was nice, and took care of her minor wounds-a scrape on her knees and a cut on her hand-and gave her and Keena some candy.

Maya Eason entered the sickbay and moved over to the girls, "What happened here?"

"We were climbing a tree and we fell," Keena said looking ar the floor.

"Keena, you know better!" Eason scolded.

Right behind Eason was Andrew Turner. "Leena! So do you," he said. "Officer Eason, Lynda advised me to bring Leena back to the class if they are cleared to go. I will check," he said. He returned a bit later. "The nurse said it was fine for them to go back," he told the other woman. "I can walk them both back if you need to return to duty."

"That would be great, thanks Andrew." Eason turned to Keena. "It's good that you're playing with the younger children Key, do so on the ground and be safe."

Keena nodded sheepishly.

Leena sighed. "Are you going to tell my mommy?" She asked the Lieutenant as he led them back to the school room.

"I will have to," the man replied.. "Just so she knows, in case you are hurting later." He explained. "Mrs. Turner and I will try to explain so that you won't be in trouble," he said. "It was an accident."

Keena sheepishly followed Leena and Turner out of the sickbay.


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