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Finding the Ferengi Water Source

Posted on Tue Oct 10th, 2023 @ 8:49pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Ensign Ivitha zh'Vaoreth

1,767 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD C12 0730 Hours, The day after Ferengi Market

The prior evening, and with the assistance of the Columbia's sensors, a waterway was located approximately 5 kilometers north of the tower where Ensign Kerr had collected the water samples the day before. Based on the late hour, and all the work that had been accomplished already, Commander Chalan had made the call for the crew to get some rest, and take the shuttle to the waterway in the morning.

Meanwhile, Ferengi investigators were looking into Chalan's theory about synthesized water being the common denominator among the healthy. Lt. Commander Lyngstad had also requested that if anyone had consumed local water and not become ill, that they identify that person so that they could sample their blood to work from for potential antidotes or cures.

Alex, Lissa, and Brad stayed behind at the hospital. Kendri and Tomm left supplies, including plenty of food and water for the day, and ensured everyone was wearing phasers just in case, before the rest of the team loaded into the shuttle to go to the waterway.

The water source was a stunningly clear pool of water, fed by a waterfall that was at least 30 meters tall. The waterfall cut over a silvery rock ledge. The pool of water fed into a stream, which appeared equally as clean, the shore and bottom of the steam - at least at this point - lined with silvery gray stones. The area was mostly clear, leading to some lightly wooded areas further back, though the trees were small, with twisted branches and bright flowers.

Sarah sat quietly at the Ops station on the Shuttle, watching the sensor data and systems information as it crossed the screens. Nothing seemed amiss and she was in for an easy flight to the newly-discovered water source. She hoped there'd be fish. She wished she'd borrowed Sar's "field manual" but alas, she'd forgotten to ask him.

"All systems are prepared to land, Sir," she said, blue eyes still trained on the screen but a certain calm to her voice. She preferred this kind of thing-computers. That's where her skills lie, and it was where she felt most at ease.

After a flyover of the higher ground and seeing no threats, the crew landed the shuttle around 50 meters off the shore, and stepped out into the open air.

Kendri stepped out first, her eyes quickly adjusting to the bright sunlight. "Nice day," she said. "It's beautiful out here, I wish we had more time."

Commander Tomm followed Kendri out, looked around and inhaled the fresh air. “You said it, Commander. It’s delightful. The air smells sweet, too. Must be fragrant wildflowers spread out over kilometers. It’s too bad we can’t stay longer. I’ve never been much of a camper, but it would be nice to sleep under the stars. Tajod used to love camping out even as he got older.”

Johanna looked around the area. This was a lot like rural Sweden in the summer time. She had been hiking with her family when she was little. Her grandfather would point out different wildlife and plants. She had seen her first reindeer on one such walk. She looked and saw a flock of birds fly over head. For no real reason, it reminded her of the stories of the passenger pigeon, which numbered in the billions on Earth of the 19th century. Until people wiped them out. Science brought them back. "This is a very nice area." she commented.

Sarah blinked at the intrusive sun until her eyes adjusted from the switch from the dim, artificial light of the shuttle to the outside sunshine. She smiled. "It reminds me of Romania a little bit," she said. "Transylvania has vast fields of wild flowers regrowing after Sol was destroyed," she said. "Particularly burnt-tip orchids," she said. She closed her eyes-she could nearly smell the purple-tinged flowers that smelled sort of like honey but with a wild, grassy hint. "They also grow in red, and aren't true orchids, because they don't host fungi," she said. Along with Lady's Bedstraw, both plants were common in her family's pastoral home. "Wonder what other sorts of wildlife we'll see..." she said.

"According to what Columbia charted out for us, the water downstream from here eventually feeds into a water treatment facility, and then to the tower," Kendri announced. "I thought we would start back here, and work our way upstream and try to pinpoint exactly where the virus is introduced."

"Reminds me of Risa. My mothers took me there once," Ivitha mentioned as she exited the shuttlecraft, walking down the ramp with her tricorder in hand. "I'd happily sit here and relax if we didn't have a job to do. Lay in the grass, kick off my boots and maybe take a nap." She smiled, antennae twitching. "For now, though, we have work to do." She nodded towards the small stream up ahead and began to walk towards it, scanning as she went.

Johanna followed Ivitha, scanning as well. The Andorian was right about the environment being very conducive to lying in the grass. She was glad that the Ensign was diligent and glad to have her on her team.

This time, Sarah had gotten Sar to show her a bit about the topography of the area they were in. They hadn't had much time to talk or eat a meal together, just a few minutes before they went their separate ways in the morning to chat. She was aware that the others were aware of the two junior officers, talking off to the side, dark heads bent close.

She spoke to the group, clutching the PADD where she'd uploaded Sar's map. "If we travel three clicks to the left, and then a mile or so after that, we should find the head of the stream," she said. "Ma'am, is there anything specifically I should be looking out for?" She asked Commander Chalan. She didn't want to mess this up like she had in the market, by eating the fruit and things. She had just needed more time, and Lt. Commander Lyngstad hadn't exactly been helpful. "I have a map, if you'd like me to lead the way. I can also send it your PADDs, in case we get separated?" Her voice rose in a lilt at the end of her statement, making it sound more like a question. It wasn't really.

"That's a good idea, Ensign," the First Officer responded. "The Columbia charted that the treatment facility for the tower is approximately two kilometers downstream from here. If the water is clean here, we'll work our way downstream. Our goal is to find out where the virus appears in the water," Chalan explained. "If it's contaminated here, then we go upstream."

Sarah nodded her understanding. "I got it," she said. She paused a moment to send the maps to everyone's PADDs. "Ok, I sent the maps to your PADDs, guys," she said, and then felt herself blush again. "I apologize. All necessary personnel -You all have the information you'll need," she said. "Commander Chalan, Commander Tomm, I sent yours in color," she said. "Sorry if some of the markings are in Vulcan," she said.

“Thank you, Ensign. Should we split up into teams? We could cover more ground, to be on the safe side,” Tomm said as he glanced over at Chalan and bet Ira. “What do you think, Commander?”

"If the virus isn't here, there is no need to go upstream," Kendri mentioned pointing at the large waterfall she added. "Not to mention upstream means taking the shuttle, I'm not risking anyone taking a climb like that today. We should mainly stick together but we can fan out along the stream as we walk. We also don't know what's out here, we need to keep our eyes open."

“Make sure your sidearms are charged and ready, those of you that have them. Stay alert for any local wildlife. And whatever you do—-don’t eat any of the fruit, flora, or fauna. We still don’t know the exact source of the virus. That’s an order, people. Let’s go,” said Commander Tomm.

Heading up to the water's ledge Kendri scanned it, she noticed Ivitha and Sarah doing the same. "Commander Lynstrad, I don't see any signs that the virus is here - at least not in large enough signs to detect by our tricorders. Ensign Ivitha, take two samples anyway and clearly label them and we'll move downstream."

Ivitha almost could've sworn she were scooping up liquid glass with the sample container in her hand. The water was so crystal clear and free of visible impurities that she was tempted to take a sip right there and then. She held herself back, though, as she labelled and scanned the sample. "No sign of any contaminants that'd be out of place in an area like this," She announced. "It's clean." She glanced to Johanna.

Johanna nodded. "I'm not getting it either. After getting these samples, we can press onward." Johanna turned to Sarah. "Everything all right, Ensign?"

Sarah looked at the Science officer. "Yes, ma'am, why wouldn't it be?" She asked, curiously. Her mind was focused-if the water here wasn't contaminated, then perhaps it stood to reason that maybe the TOWER was. "I was just thinking...if the stream here is clear, and the it is elsewhere on the planet, as no one else has shown signs of water intoxication or whatever you'll call it possible that the bacteria or whatever it is is in the tower itself? Like, I know on Earth, if you leave, say, vinegar in a wooden vat, it will absorb chemicals from the wood. Could something like that be happening here?" She was just guessing. There were no computers to fix here, so she was stuck making up scenarios in her head. She took a moment to look at the water. "It's interesting that the water here appears the Romulan settlement, it was reflecting blue. Different minerals, maybe?" She shrugged.

"That's an interesting hypothesis, Ensign. Once we get to the tower, we can check it out." Johanna was still getting used to being in charge of people.

As the crew moved on from the area no one had noticed that hiding in the rocks on top of the cliff where the waterfall came crashing over the ledge were two figures watching the Starfleet officers carefully through long range viewers.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, ma'am, that's a good idea," she said. They moved along, and Sarah made sure to pay attention this time.


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