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Meeting the Boss

Posted on Wed Oct 11th, 2023 @ 9:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Intelligence Office

Vevi was still giggling as Annika left the room, and her boss came out of his office. The Andorian smiled.

"Ah, you must be Jason Elliott. Vevi Zh'kahlol," she said, "Your new Infiltration Specialist. Fleet Marines," she said. "Annika is just headed to talk to someone called Sarah bet Ira and Lissa Kerr," she explained.

Jason looked up from the computer displays, "Welcome, take a seat."

"So I gather this is more or less your first assignment with intelligence?" Jason said leaning back in the chair.

Vevi eyeballed him. "That's classified," she said. "It's not my first rodeo, anyway," she said. "You have any questions for me?" She asked. "If you don't mind, I prefer Beta shifts, I am a night owl," she said.

He decided to move along, "I can definitely do that, you'll have two comm techs who spend most of their night combing through subspace traffic and downloading reports that might have to be evaluated, Annika splits her time between the back half of the night watch day shift, I'll be in here at all hours depending on the mission we're on." Jason paused to chug back his coffee, "Just a warning though during missions where we're one of the main departments it's twenty four hours here, don't be too shocked if you find people sleeping on the couches in the break area or under desks, long as the coffee pots are full and the replicator doesn't give out it's pretty quiet." He pushed the cup aside "Keep a couple of uniforms handy too."

Vevi nodded. Just as she was used to. "Got it," she said. "Sounds like maybe I should train myself to like days," she remarked. "Keep the coffee hot and fresh, and going. Got it." She replied.

"Let's head out too the bullpen and I'll show you around, maybe some q n'a." Jason said standing with some difficulty.

Vevi noticed him standing up with a bit of trouble. "I heard about you getting your ass handed to you," she said. "Are you ok? Should I call that woman who keeps calling down to check on you? Commander F'rar, I think Annika said her name was?"

Jason steadied himself, "I'm good." then after taking a few steps to the connecting door into the main office, "The bullpen, comm bay is to the left, in the alcove there, the regular desks are here in the main area, the watch officer desks are behind the divider there, rest pod is there through the door." he said gesturing to an open doorway, "Smells like a fresh pot is done, want a cup?"

Vevi nodded. "Please. Black. Thank you." She glanced around, her mind recording everything. Of course, it would take her a few days to get used to things-this was her first ship-side assignment, and it was different from HQ and the Starbase she'd come from. "What is the protocol you use for the rest pod? At my previous assignment, it was first-come, first-served," she said. Her antenna had been twirling and whirling since the man had appeared. She was picking up on the pain he hid, but also the fact that he seemed to be a decent department leader, and maybe a bit of annoyance at her flippant personality. She couldn't help it, exactly-she hid a lot of her trauma through dark humor.

Jason lead Vevi into the pod, "It's pretty much whom ever works in the department, the couches are fairly well padded for a nap if the need arises, the replicator is full menu." Jason said pouring coffee into the cup with the intel logos and handing it off, "The two comm techs, Miller and Sanchez are fairly reliable. I think they'll like having someone to report to since they usually have to wake me up if stuff comes in."

She nodded. "Thank you," she said, taking the coffee."I got it. Miller and Sanchez report to me first. Ok. What should I expect for my first day? I am ready to jump in," she said.

Jason smiled, "there's generally a short hand off meeting, feel free to look over any daily updates from the sector command, the techs will start the usual sweep of subspace traffic for anything of consequence, if we were on a patrol or other mission there would be a more aggressive search for activity of consequence, and chances are there would be people sleeping under desks, on the couches or leaving to get a shower, generally intelligence is twenty-four hours during missions where we are one of the main departments, right now it's quiet."

Vevi nodded. "Ok!" She said. "Should I start getting everyone assembled for the meeting?" She glanced at her Chronometer. "Will there be a handoff meeting each shift?" She sure hoped so-she was mostly useless before 11 AM.

Jason chuckled "It's fairly informal like this, I'd tell you about what we've been doing, maybe to follow up on something, that type of thing, techs will do the same thing, you might have to go over the data collected from the previous shift to possibly develop your plan for the shift, that type of thing." Jason gestured over too the alpha shift duo, "Right now we're just doing some radio traffic scans looking out for more indications of some of the problems on the colony."

Vevi nodded again, but waved a blue hand at the two techs. "Alright, I can do that. If there's nothing else, I'll go find the quartermaster. I need to find my cabin so I can rest for tonight. Unless you're going to toss me in the chaos now," she said.

"Go get some rest, it's good to have you as part of the team." Jason said as he extended his hand.

She smiled and nodded, her antenna limp now. "Thank you. I will see you this evening," she said. She slipped out of the door, knowing that if she stuck around too long, work would be found for her to do. She made her way to Security first to get her things in order. Weird place it was, but she was happy to be here.


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