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Finally to the Ferengi Settlement

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 9:59pm by Commander Chalan Kendri & Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad

1,598 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Grabok Settlement, Campor III
Timeline: MD C11 0700 hours

First Officer Chalan Kendri stood in front of her away team in Shuttle Bay 1, senior staff members Chief of Security Kobi Tomm and Chief Science Officer Johanna Lyngstad standing to her left. Behind them crewmen loaded their shuttle with the equipment and supplies they would be bringing with them to the Grabok settlement.

Kendri held a PADD in her left hand but she didn't look at it. "We don't have much new information since our last formal briefing. The illness is still spreading, it only appears fatal for a small percentage of people that get it, but those that do contract it don't seem to ever recover. Per medical's advice, we'll wear bio-hazard gear until we are certain the contagion is not airborne," Kendri ordered. "Lieutenant Foley," Kendri commented, giving him the floor.

He looked at his boss, Commander Lyngstad for encouragement, and then spoke up. "No one eat or drink anything. Don't even touch anything and then touch your face until we figure this thing out. Even water should come from the shuttle after decontamination." He spoke in a serious voice looking around at each of his crewmates.

Johanna nodded. Foley was a great asset in this situation.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Kendri stated. "Let's be smart down there. We've already seen some significant security issues on other missions. Watch each other's backs, and lets make this just a routine issue for Commander Tomm. He doesn't need the extra paperwork."

Kendri looked around at the group. "Any questions or comments before we load up and get on our way?"

Sarah simply shook her head. "No, ma'am," she said, settling in quietly with her kit.

"Alright then, let's get going, come on," Kendri said gesturing to the shuttle they would be taking. The senior staff sat in the front, Kendri at the helm, with Tomm co-piloting and manning weapons. Johanna was manning sensors, Foley sat across from her reviewing what information they had of the pathogen. The three ensigns sat in the back together.

Kendri gave a sideways glance over at Tomm as the shuttlebay doors opened and she fired up the thrusters. "Alright, here goes nothing. Keep an eye out for anything that wants to shoot us, okay?" she said only half-joking.

“Is that all? Don’t make it too easy, Kendri. Long range sensors and proximity detectors operating perfectly. I’ll keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. I can divert power on your order if necessary.”

"So far so good," Kendri responded, taking the shuttle out smoothly. It would be a short flight to the settlement. "Gratagg wasn't lying, it's a rainy day down there, and it doesn't look like it's going to be letting up."

Foley spoke to Johanna, "We need to test local water sources obviously, but I think we also need to look at local game and wildlife to see if any of them are vectors. Insect or other mammal bites, something they are eating."

"Excellent, Lieutenant. Very thorough." Johanna's specialties were Chemistry and Sensors, though she had minored in Zoology and Botany.

"Thanks, Commander. I might be a little over-excited. I didn't expect a mission like this to land in my lap so soon," he admitted. "That's why I brought so many research projects with me."

"Virologists are not common amongst Science School graduates. Most of the grads I knew specialized in either Warp Drive Tech or Computer Operation. With your virology background and my Zoology and Botany background, we should be able to solve this mystery." Johanna smiled and nodded at the Lieutenant.

* * *
Brad was one of the new medics who had joined the crew when Sarah had come aboard. Lissa, Brad, Ivitha, and Sarah huddled in the back. "I can't believe we're all on a mission together. I wish Annika and the guys were here too," Lissa pondered excitedly. "We get to work together!"

Sarah smiled. "I know. It's kind of scary, though. What if I mess up?" She said. "I would be so embarrassed!" She sighed. "I guess we just rely on training. What are you two doing down there?" She didn't know the other two women well yet.

"You'll be fine," Lissa said brushing off Sarah's concerns. "You're here to keep the equipment running," she told Sarah. "totally your wheelhouse," she laughed. "Then there's the field lab, and collecting blood samples. If Brad and I get all that done, then we may all be getting orders to work with science if they are still tracking down the source."

Sarah nodded. "I can do that," she said. "Do we know if they have computers that need updating?" That was really her forte. "What do I need?" She asked.

Kendri spoke loudly enough for the shuttle to hear. "We have coordinates to land, sorry guys it's going to be a rainy one. After we suit up, I will meet with whoever is running this show on the ground. I want all hands on deck to set up our field lab."

Kendri tapped a few lights on her console. "Once that is established, Commander Lyngstad, you'll lead the science team and have Commander Tomm at your disposal. I'll work with Nurse Kerr and Ensign bet Ira on getting the hospital set up with new equipment and then we'll be yours to work with as well."

"Sound good everyone?" Kendri asked. The settlement was coming into view as Kendri brought the shuttle below cloud level. The sprawling layout of the settlement looked ... well dead for lack of a better word. There was no air and very little foot traffic to be seen.

Johanna nodded to the Executive Officer. They were going to be helping people and saving lives. She could not wait to get started. She kept her emotions in check. It was going to take hard work and brain power to solve this problem.

A large, circular building was distinct from other smaller structures spread remotely across the wide area. Light rain fell from clouds high above. The golden-amber star that bathed much of the planet in persistent twilight brought champagne-pink hues to the clouds.

Two Ferengi shuttles could be seen parked on a wet, paved tarmac alongside it. Most of the life signs in the area were in the vicinity of this complex.

"That looks like our hospital. Tomm, can you take over? I am going to open a channel." Kendri said handing flight controls over to him.

“I certainly can. Transferring helm control now, Commander. Everyone prep your suits, get your gear in order and prepare for approach and landing. Inputting coordinates for final

Kendri opened a channel, =/\= Ferengi Hospital this is Commander Chalan of the USS Columbia. We are preparing to land our shuttle. May I speak with our liaison? =/\=

Sarah stepped into the bio-hazard suit, and prepared to disembark. She wasn't sure what to expect. Where was Sar? He would know what to do!

The voice of a female Ferengi responded. =/\= Hello there, Commander. This is Medic Kephi. We were told to expect you. It appears your ship is approaching. We'll send the welcome party out immediately! =/\=

=/\= I appreciate the welcome party, Medic Kephi. If you will give us a moment to suit up before we exit our shuttle. There are certain precautions our medical staff has advised that we take until we can determine the origin of the illness that is affecting your people. =/\=

As the runabout drew nearer to the tarmac, several Ferengi could be seen sprinting from an open door. They quickly moved towards the shuttle, chatting to themselves under the engine's noise.

"Any other reason for being here, and that would be cute," Kendri commented, noticing the gathering Ferengi. "Tomm, go ahead and put us down."

"Alex, Lissa, Brad, Sarah, and Ivitha stay behind. This welcome party is going to make it difficult to set up the lab and detox chamber. "Stay back so that you can properly de-con us when we return and we can get things set up and close the doors behind us."

Sarah nodded. "Yes, ma'am, I'll start prepping the decon supplies," she said, happy to be staying put. She figured as she did more missions, she'd be more confident, but for now, she felt like a fish out of water.

She turned to Lissa and Brad. "Let's set up the supplies. We can chat, too!!" She said.

"Yeah, we're going to want to decon chamber ready to roll when they come back. Hopefully we find out that we don't need all of this," Lissa said looking for the right containers. "We should know by the end of the day if it's airborne."

Sarah made a face through the mask of the EV suit. Oh yeah. She HOPED it wasn't airborne. She didn't really have time to get a virus right now, and she definitely didn't have time to spread it other people!

"Johanna, Tomm, you're with me," Kendri said as she was zipping up her bio-hazard suit.

Johanna was getting her headpiece in place. She checked the seal. Air was flowing fine. She nodded to Kendri. Kendri and Tomm stepped forward joining Johanna near the shuttle doors. Kendri gave Lt. Foley the signal and he opened the shuttle doors so that the three could exit onto the landing pad, and quickly shut the door behind them.

The three Starfleet officers towered over the group of Ferengi who rushed out to greet them, jumping back at first at the sight of their suits, but then ignoring them as they began thanking them for coming and assuring them that they would be compensating for their assistance.


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