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A little music for morale, Part 2: It doesn't always work

Posted on Thu Oct 5th, 2023 @ 9:48pm by

1,805 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: 10-Forward Lounge
Timeline: MD C8 2100 hours, After Part 1

While Sarah was at the bar, she couldn't help but hear the last verse of one of Zeke's songs. What would be the last of the set.

Home can be in the Bajoran Badlands,
Betazed's early morning dew
High up in the hills of Andoria
Home is just another word for you

Well, I never had a place that I could call my very own
But that's all right, my love, 'cause you're my home

"I have been inspired", Sar said as he took a seat, "to increase my rate of social interaction exponentially into the realm of dating", he said as he looked from Lissa to Annika. He blinked three times, more than either had seen him in such a short period of time. "It has been... Fascinating."

His brow seemed lifted, yet his eyelids were pulled low as he meditated. "I find having a close companion.. or friend... to share thoughts with can be mentally soothing and stimulating."

Annika smiled "That's good Sar, it's difficult sometimes to socialize when your mission schedule gets busy, but if you have one person it makes it worth time time."

Lissa shrugged. "I don't know why Sarah's gotta be so shy about it. You guys make a cute couple," Lissa said. She saw Sarah at the bar and waved her back.

"It appears she keeps matters tied to emotions or relationships closely guarded."

Sarah returned with her drink, and one for Sar. She handed him the glass. "What do you need, Lissa?" She asked. "Is Sar being Vulcan-y again?" She asked. "I got you some Synthehol," she said to Sar.

"Thank you," Sar said as he took the drink. This type of drink would cause no effect on him, but he would drink it to fit in. Sar had been working on a moonberry-synthehol blend which might produce mild effects.

"I'm good," Lissa said, distracted by the fact that Zeke seemed to be walking to their table.

Zeke had stopped playing and put his guitar aside and walked up to the table of junior officers. He looked at Sarah. "You're one of the ops officers we picked up a few weeks ago right? bet Ira?" He said it if it were a question but then added, "I'm Zeke Ligan, Security. I saw you have a keyboard with you. Are you playing tonight?" he asked.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, sir, I am." She shut her eyes. Sir. Okay, she was going to do that tonight. "I mean, yes. That's me," she said. "I wasn't...originally planning to. Just for Sar, I mean. I mean..." Crap, she could feel herself blushing again. "Yes. I can play something if you all would like." She shook her head lightly. She took Sar's synthehol, and sipped it down. "Sorry," she said to her companion. "Um...what should I play? I know mostly classical stuff, but a little rock, too. But don't tell my parents. They think that good Jewish girls shouldn't play the keyboard, only violin or piano. Which I also play... And a bit of that twangy stuff. Um...the Humans-we-uh. Country western." She was rambling.

"I don't think it matters, play whatever your in the mood for," Zeke said. "It's a pretty supportive crowd, we're all friends here. I can do a little backup to get you started if you're nervous," he offered. "But, stage is yours if you want it. I don't have to go back up tonight," he said with a shrug and a casual smile.

Lissa smiled and slapped Sarah on the arm encouragingly, "Do it, Sarah. You were just talking about it. It'll be fun. I'd love to hear you play."

She nodded. "Oh, um. Ok. Sar, can you help me set up?" She asked. She picked up the bag of things she'd brought, and followed the Vulcan. A bit later, she was ready, and she watched...was he her boyfriend? She didn't know-walk away.

"Certainly," Sar said as he stood. He moved to take some of the items from her grasp, walking alongside her to the stage. The Vulcan checked the sound equipment, ensuring everything was set and working.

Sarah's refusal to admit they were dating confused Sar. His logical mind figured it was likely tied to her introverted nature. Vulcans did not date around. The pair had not rushed into anything. Sar only hoped he had made his desires clear.

Zeke smiled as Sarah went to set up hew equipment. He'd get the rest of the night off, and get to enjoy a little live music. "Hey Wiseman, glad to see you're still alive. You had us all worried there for a minute," he cracked.

"I got orders to stand down for twenty-hours." Annika said, "nice set by the way."

"Thanks," Zeke responded with a modest nod. "Take care of yourself." The conversation stopped when Sarah started to play.

Oddly, Sarah wasn't nervous when she was playing music. She played a few bars to get people's attention, and then spoke into the microphone.

"Hi! I am Sarah. I am going to slow it down a little bit. You can dance if you want! I am not much of a singer, but it's really the beat that matters!" She let out a breath, and then sat down. After a quick review of the sheet music, she started, on the low C.

Wise men say
Only fools, only fools rush in
Oh, but I, but I, I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be, would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things, you know, are meant to be...

She watched the audience.

As Sarah's voice rang out through the lounge, Zeke stood back and folded his arms, enjoying her melodic voice. She was a much better vocalist than he was. He was more about the guitar. After Sar had sat back down, he bent over and whispered in Sar's ear, "She can really sing."

"And you do as well," Sar replied with a nod and raised left eyebrow. "I do find Sarah's singing quite entertaining", he said quietly.

Zeke stood up and went to walk to the bar, Sava took the opportunity to come over and clap Zeke on the back, gently - by gently meaning that he didn't pitch over nose first on impact. "You sing well, mister Ligan. Have you ever considered a career in the entertainment industry?' She joked. "Well, perhaps after your career with Starfleet - assuming, of course, you decide to leave."

"I think, I'm where I belong. Why are you after my job?" Zeke joked, as he finished his walk to the bar and ordered a whiskey on the rocks.

Sar's sensitive Vulcan hearing took in the gentle nuances of Sarah's voice. He pondered the words, remembering the swim with Sarah under the golden sun. His eyes watched her intently, studying her as she played and sang.

Sarah watched the crowd-she was actually really enjoying playing for people. Music had always helped to calm her, even when it was hours of boring piano practice or modifying "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel" for violin instead of cultural instruments. It was always what she liked. She really should have gone into the arts somehow, but she was still very concerned about how she appeared to other people-most especially, her parents. She sang a bit more, catching Sar's eye as he watched her. She smiled.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

She changed the "she's" to "he's" in her rendition, and it was a bit slower than Elvis's but she thought she was doing ok. She even started to sway a little bit to the beat.

Her eyes fell on Sar's, and she smiled. She really liked him. They were still strangers, though. Kind of, and she was still concerned with others' opinions of her. But mostly, she was concerned with HIS opinion of her. She felt like if she acted too flamboyantly, she'd scare him. Or herself. Or both.

Sar was not the type to be scared away by any behavior or react negatively to any nuances about a partner's character. He was a Vulcan. Dating was not about a desire or a want, but an urge to build for the future. He did feel a great deal of concern for Sarah.

The Vulcan was highly curious about all manner of aspects relating to Sarah. This was as close as a Vulcan could come to being excited. He watched and listened, not seeming to touch his synthehol.

Annika found herself in a haze, the last few days had taken their toll on her, she looked around the room and found herself, struggling for the first time since things got out of control, she felt her chest tighten a bit, she finished her drink, and looked around.

Lissa was listening to Sarah, but caught something off with Annika out of the corner of her eye. She turned to Annika and put a hand on her forearm. "Hey, you ok?" she asked.

Annika looked blankly ahead, "No."

Lissa eyes scanned Annika for signs of illness, injury, shock. "Do you need to go to Sickbay?" she asked softly. "Can you walk?"

Annika stiffened, "I need to get out of here."

"Okay, let's go." Lissa took Annika by the arm, "We'll see you later Sar, tell Sarah bye for us," Lissa said. She held on to Annika firmly as she lead her out of Sickbay and into the hallway to find out what was wrong.

Sar watched with concern. He wished he could help, but understood it likely had to deal with the troubling events on the surface. Sar wasn't aware that Annika had been on the mission with Jason.

Annika's feet felt heavy, her pace was slowed, she started to lean on Lissa to keep steady, her knees felt weak and she started to shake.

Zeke was at the bar, having just been handed his drink when he saw Lissa practically carry Annika out of the lounge. He started to put his drink down to check on them, but stopped himself. He knew Lissa was a more than competent nurse and Annika was in good hands, and probably didn't want him meddling again.

Lt. Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Zeke Ligan
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. J.G. Isabella Rodriguez
Chief Support Craft Pilot
USS Columbia

Ensign Annika Wiseman
Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Sar
Propulsion Specialist
USS Columbia

Ensign Sarah bet Ira
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Daisheliss Kerr
USS Columbia


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