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Faulty Little Birds, Part I

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 7:35pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Edited on on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 7:38pm

1,167 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III - Duveek Settlement
Timeline: MD C2, 1015 hours

=/\= On =/\=

[Transporter Room 1]

The most prominent transporter room aboard the USS Columbia was a spacious and advanced facility, testament to the capabilities of the Odyssey-class starship. Located conveniently close to the bridge on Deck One, it allowed for quick and efficient transportation operations. The room itself was well-lit, golden-khaki walls adorned with the iconic Starfleet emblem. The large transporter pad dominated the center, capable of accommodating up to 8 personnel and their equipment. Its systems buzzed with a barely audible whirr on standby.

As Captain Ryhl th'Zeles entered the transporter room, he strode purposefully onto the circular transporter pad, his boots tapping lightly against the polished surface. His uniform freshly, adorned with the pips of a Starfleet captain. Ryhl wore a Captain's jacket over his uniform, concealing a compact Type 2G phaser underneath. This allowed him to also carry a tricorder holstered to his thigh.

With a steady gaze, he looked towards the transporter chief, who stood ready at the control panel. "We'll be taking a party of seven down to the Duveek settlement", Ryhl said to PO1 L'Vek. "Actually, we will be interacting with your people. Is there any advice you have for me while I'm working with them?"

L'Vek simply blinked. "None I can think of, sir," he said. "These people are not my countrymen," he said. He pressed some buttons. "As soon as the others are here, I am prepared to beam over seven officers," he said.

Ryhl stared deep into Lumi's eyes, antennae scanning him curiously. He thought the petty officer was being harsh on the Romulans planetside, considering most were simply refugees struggling to find a better life. They had lost their homeworld just like he had. These Romulans were also not hostile to the Federation.


"Very well", Ryhl replied tersely, adjusting the shoulders of his jacket which felt slightly bunched.

Jason walked down the corridor toward the transporter room, the long field duster just barely off the floor, the cowl rolled back, a field bag slung over his shoulder, a phaser on his hip just out of site. Jason had put a few essentials in the bag, tricorder, an old fashioned notebook and a small tool kit along with a Klingon d'k Tahg dagger, he looked around "I hope I'm not over dressed."

"Not at all, Mister Elliot", Ryhl said with a wide grin. "One never knows what they might encounter on a planetary assignment."

LCDR Paisley F'Rar arrived next, her full analytical kit with her. She sighed deeply as she walked in. "Captain. Jason," she nodded. She set the kit down, and adjusted her holster. Away missions usually meant that she, in particular, was running around like a crazy person. There was usually damage control involved, too.

Ryhl felt his cheeks swell with the need to smile at Paisley's demeanor. The Chief Engineer always worked hard and it showed. "I hope your morning is going well, Miss F'Rar.. A little atmospheric air should be good for the senses, yes?"

The Carjoran smiled. "Yes, sir. If nothing else, it reminds you you're alive and breathing. What are we looking forward to? I hope it'll be pleasant," she said, realizing she hadn't really read the briefing on her PADD. "I've been a bit busy, Ensign Sar is a bit particular about watching the cleaning crews and I have to refocus him on other tasks. He does pretty well, though. He will have a good future in the Fleet if he can learn to relax a little," she said.

Kas entered the transporter room and nodded to the Captain, he wasn't sure what he wanted him to do seeing as primary duties pertained to vessels they weren't taking. He assumed he was going for his diplomatic skills, if that was the case his Klingon heritage was going to make things interesting. He was wearing a pair of goggles to protect his vision once they got to the planet's surface. Growing up on space vessels had it's disadvantages.

Ryhl looked relieved once Kas entered. "Ah good to see you, Mister Razka.. The Romulan settlement of Duveek has been having trouble maintaining their shuttles. I really value your opinion when looking over the fleet."

"Same with you as well", he said to Paisley. "Ensign Th'kaasnik should also be able to help us look at the internal systems."

She nodded. "Thank you. Sir, I can call him up, if you'd like..." She asked. She could use the flashlight-holding skills, anyway.

"No need", Captain th'Zeles replied. "He's already been asked to join us." Ryhl had quickly gathered the officers after a brief call with the Romulan delegate. Some may have heard more about the upcoming mission than others. The topic of their unreliable shuttles had surfaced matter-of-factly.

Paisley nodded. "Perfect, thank you." She didn't say more, what was there to say? Seems like that had been pre-planned. She didn't know yet if that was good or bad.

The mission would also give the Columbia's crew a chance to get a close look at Romulan shuttles. Ryhl figured the Chief Intelligence Officer would be especially interested in studying them.

Shan followed almost immediately after the chief engineer, his black Starfleet jacket over his uniform, and a backpack full of equipment he might need to get any computers up and running: power cells, replacement wiring, various scanners, and adapter kits. His phaser and tricorder neatly holstered on his belt.

"Apologies, Captain. It took a little longer than I was expecting to get some parts replicated to make sure my equipment would be compatible with Romulan technology. I hope I have it figured out, sir," he said confidently addressing Captain th'Zeles.

"I'm sure working with this technology might throw us all for a loop", Ryhl replied. "It doesn't even sound like the Romulans have a grasp on things. Let's hope your equipment is indeed compatible."

The Captain smiled as he looked to Shanir, reminded of himself. "This is my first time working with Romulans as well. It should be an experience."

Johanna was happy; the ship had finally arrived at its destination, traveling the Mutara Nebula had been a little scary, but she had gotten some very interesting reading from it.

She had her personal sciences tricorder with her, as well as a standard Star Fleet first aid kit. She remembered her years on the Wayans helping out in Sick Bay. With her personal gear ready, she headed to the armory and checked out a small phaser. She then headed to the transporter room near the bridge. She knew how they worked, of course, but oftentimes wished they had never been invented. Arriving, she nodded to everybody.

Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Ensign Shanir Th’kaasnik
Operations Officer
USS Columbia

Petty Officer 1st Class Lumi L'Vek
Transporter Chief
USS Columbia


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