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Faulty Little Birds, Part II

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 7:45pm by Captain Ryhl th'Zeles & Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad & Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot & Lieutenant Sava
Edited on on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 7:48pm

1,180 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Campor III - Romulan Settlement, Duveek
Timeline: Following Part I

=/\= On =/\=

She had her personal sciences tricorder with her, as well as a standard Star Fleet first aid kit. She remembered her years on the Wayans helping out in Sick Bay. With her personal gear ready, she headed to the armory and checked out a small phaser. She then headed to the transporter room near the bridge. She knew how they worked, of course, but oftentimes wished they had never been invented. Arriving, she nodded to everybody.

Kas looked at the Captain. "My past experiences with the Romulans have not been favorable. However, the Romulan refugees have been trading with my people so that may be in our favor."

Paisley had a slightly different take on Romulans. She found them...attractive, and their logic was exciting. She liked the way their brains worked. "I have, but...each settlement is different, just like the Bajorans on Ordeve are different than those on Free Haven, and so on..." She offered. "I think it's a good idea to see first," she said, gently.

Sava opted to appear at the landing party armed only with a standard hand phaser. These people were civilians, innocent people. Showing up planetside with a rifle and full gear in tow might've been a pretty bad idea.

Ryhl was impressed at the readiness of the party. This was a team that knew how to prepare for an away mission. "It's good to see you all here", Ryhl said. "We're going to meet with our contacts close to their housing. I hear it's a little hike to the shuttle port. Our guides want to welcome us to their village first."

"Sounds good to me," Sava reckoned.

Ryhl turned to the transporter chief. "Okay, Mister L'Vek.. We are ready... Seven to beam down."

The young Romulan nodded. "Yes, sir. Prepping for transport. Five. Four. Three. Two..." And just like that, they were gone. "Good luck," he said. He radioed back to Kendri. ==/\==Ma'am. The Away Team has left without incident.==/\==

The party dematerialized particle by particle, blue and white fizzy light fading out of Transporter Room One and down to the southeast corner of a large continent. As the party rematerialized, the first thing they would notice were the colors.

Tall trees with dusty gold bark and branches carried foliage ranging from scarlet to amber. Tall grasslands surrounded the makeshift camp of pre-fabricated Romulan structures. The green buildings stood out against the rich backdrop of color surrounding them. Tall wildflowers rose among the grass between the trees and grass, growing jagged alien shapes.

Three Romulans approached the away team as they materialized. "Welcome to Duveek", the oldest was a woman, flanked by two younger males. "I am Kekana. These are two of my pilots, Valas and Irith."

All three wore clothing more rustic than many typically imagined. Kekana's brown clothing clued tight to her figure. Valas wore what seemed to be a flight suit, made of slick dark gray material. Irith wore a dusty olive jumpsuit, stained silver with the local soil's tint.

A closer look at the foliage would show occasional tall growths, large fungi towers speckled with bright patterns of pink, maroon and white.

Other Romulans could be seen in the background, some seeming less pleased than the others at the new arrivals.

"Thanks for the welcome", Ryhl responded. "These are several esteemed colleagues who serve with me aboard the Columbia." Ryhl took a step aside and nodded, motioning for the crew to introduce themselves if desired.

Irith approached the group, woven basket in hand. "Would anyone like to sample fresh local berries? They grow on the other side of the big river.." He walked down the line of officers, offering the bright yellow berries.

"Thank you." Sava accepted the berry, about the size of a grape and about the right shape, too. She proceeded to take a cautious bite. Flavor instantly exploded in her mouth, raw sweetness and a champagne-like taste that she found very enjoyable indeed. "These are delicious. I would love to eat more, if you can spare more." She said, smiling at the young Romulan pilot.

Johanna saw the small basket of berries. She took one and ate it. ~ Yummy! ~ "These remind me of berries from back home. I'm Lieutenant...Commander Johanna Lyngstad. Those are very interesting stains on your jumpsuit."

"Yes, well", Irith said with a laugh. "I often tend to the gardens here. The soil is very rich. It often stains clothing, when wet. I would love to try the berries you speak of."

A howling quack-like call reverberated far off in the distance, cutting through the formerly quiet air. A quiet crackling buzzed quietly from the surrounding grasslands. A chitter-chatter could be heard high in the trees in another direction.

"How are you all doing? It is only a short walk", Kekana said to the others. "Was the flight out here really long and tiresome? Ships almost never come out this way."

"Walking under something other than artificial gravity is a welcome change of pace," Jason paused accepting the berries, "I'm hoping we can both benefit from this venture."

As he looked around he saw someone off in the distance, looking their way, he paused trying to get a better look at the person in the distance.

"I would imagine so", said Kekana as she approached Jason. Her raven hair was cut short just above her shoulders. "We have twenty-two hour days, but the weather is pretty nice this time of year."

Paisley was a bit more cautious than her...friend. She looked at the berries with a bit of suspicion, but watching Jason eat one, she accepted one, and smiled. "Lieutenant Commander Paisley F'rar. Chief Engineer," she said, by way of introduction. It was still weird to refer to herself as "Lt Commander." "I can assist with any building or engineering needs you have," she said. She was carefully watching the horizons, though, but was careful to not make any moves that could be considered hostile. The Romulans were looking at her, clearly trying to work out her strange mix of looks. She wouldn't explain unless they asked.

Ryhl kept his eyes on his surroundings, but didn't think too much of the several other Romulans in the area. He noticed one seemed to be paying extra attention to the party.

"It's nice to finally put rivalries from decades long past aside", Ryhl said to Kekana.

Kekana twisted her head and looked to the side in thought. "I can't say that the past is totally behind us. Many of the other colonists judge us... Look down on us. We make the most of what we have and enjoy each other's company. There are many who help us make a better life."

Captain Ryhl th’Zeles
Commanding Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Paisley F’Rar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Razka Kas
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Commander Johanna Lyngstad
Chief Science Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Jason Elliot
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Columbia

Lieutenant Sava
Security Officer
USS Columbia

Petty Officer 1st Class Lumi L'Vek
Transporter Chief
USS Columbia


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