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Gossip, Girl. Part 2, What about matchmaking...

Posted on Fri Sep 15th, 2023 @ 6:55pm by Commander Chalan Kendri

1,340 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: Campor III - Resupply
Location: Officer's Mess
Timeline: MD: 77 18:30 Hours After Part 1

"Who do you think would confide in the XO?" Kendri commented looking at her and shrugging. "Not many people," she affirmed for the second time, not that she would break the confidence of those who had. "Though before I met up with you the day the Orions were on board, I saw quite a few others entertaining our guests, and it seemed quite a few seemed quite interested in tours of private quarters," Kendri commented with a shrug. "It was an interesting day to go for a walk."

"I remember seeing bet Ira and Nurse Kerr leaving a table where Ensign zh'Vaoreth, and Ensign Wiseman were with Lieutenants Foley and Neil and there seemed to be some flirtatious interactions going on," Kendri shrugged. "I can't say for certain if anything is happening there. I haven't seen them since, but it's a big ship."

Paisley smiled, finishing the cheese and veggies-this time with a fork like a cultured Cardassian-Bajoran lady should. "I do," she said, with a laugh, to Kendri's question about who confided in her. "Interesting..." Paisley filed that away for future reference, just in case. "Do you know much about Ivithia?" Paisley asked. "We had a...thing after that party in Ice, but not since. We made out after my promotion but I didn't let it go further than that," she said. She sighed. Being a senior officer really cut into her lazziez-faire lifestyle. She really should get serious about things, but she was saving that for thirty, when sleeping around and being a party girl wasn't cute anymore.

"Ensign zh'Vaoreth? Really?" Kendri said with a surprised smile. "She was raised very much outside of Andorian culture, though from what I understand her father is somewhat strict about it. If that's so, he'll be expecting her join a bond group soon - if he hasn't already selected one for her." Kendri finally started picking at her sandwich. Paisley had made her a little nervous with the Kobi talk earlier and she had lost her her appetite, but it was coming back.

Paisley shrugged. "Odd, she didn't mention it," she said. " I mean, about the bond group. Oh, well, if it happens, it happens, and good for her!" Paisley said. She understood, maybe better than most, the pressures of meeting your parents' expectations, and what happens when you DON'T.

Kendri frowned. "Maybe she didn't mention it, because it's not her thing. For a long time younger generations of Andorians have been moving away from traditional mating practices. Growing up on Duo II may have set her down a different path. Could she be more serious about you than you are about her?" Kendri asked.

Paisley nodded. "Could be. Either way, I'll have to nip it in the bud. Between our rank differences now, and Jason...well. It isn't fair to her," Paisley hadn't considered that Ivy had feelings that were more than just attraction. Oops.

"And Lt. Razka? He seems very quiet, but his daughter was adorable," Paisley said. "And the Counselor is quiet, keeps to herself. I don't see her hardly ever, except in the corridors." She said. She pushed the plate away, having finished her sandwich. She wasn't interested in the fries. She picked up the large cookie-nearly as big as her hand-and bit into it.

"They both have young children, which presents some challenges," Kendri said. "I do spend some time outside of work with Kas, though I should make a point to get to know Counselor Drylo." Kendri laughed. "I don't know anything about the Counselor, so this could be a terrible idea," she started still laughing. But maybe if they got the kids together for a play date or something, I don't know. Do you think they might hit it off?"

Paisley shrugged. "A few of my friends have kids, and they all tend to have that in common," she said. "I was simply commenting that I haven't met either one formally," she said, her face perfectly poker. Kendri had figured out exactly what she was hinting at, though. "I could also see what I can do on my end. I am pretty persuasive. My friend Noxi says that people just agree to get me to shut up, though," she said, with a shrug.

"I'm pretty sure they know one another, maybe just let it play out. If it's meant to be there usually isn't a reason to rush things. Sometimes a slow romance is sweet, dont you think?" Kendri asked. Kendri knew that Kas had gone to the Counselor after the incident at school with his daughter. It wasn't something she had (or would) shared with anyone.

BORRRING. But still. She understood what Kendri meant. "I guess. Still, it's been what, four months?! I don't think Lt. Drylo has spoken to anyone else in that time, except her immediate colleagues," she said. Actually, Paisley herself was overdue for a check in with the Counselor. She liked to see one occasionally, just to make sure she hadn't finally fallen off the deep end.

"The Captain's daughter is expected to arrive soon. Have you heard him mention it?" Kendri asked.

Paisley nodded. "Yes, but only in passing. I haven't heard details, surprisingly enough," she said. "It seems a little...weird. To have your adult child come aboard the starship you command," she shrugged. Actually, she could see her own father trying to pull something like that. She recognized that the Captain likely had far different reasons-he didn't seem like a narcissistic jerk, anyway, like her father was, intent on controlling as many aspects of his daughter's life as possible.

She sipped the final remnants of her drink. "So...if you're not into Commander Tomm in that way...mind if I take a whack at him?" She asked, a sly smile on her face. "I need another lemonade. You want more chai?"

"Yes please on the Chai," Kendri responded. "As for Commander Tomm... what would Jason think of that?" Kendri teased.

Kendri's response just confirmed to Paisley that she'd mind at least a little. Interesting. "Well, considering we're not really a couple or anything, he doesn't really get a say in who I spend my time with, does he?" She said. She disappeared for more drinks, returning a moment later.

"Truthfully, I don't think Tomm could handle me," she said. "I take a certain taste," she said. "He is too nice, I'd feel bad," she said. Now that her suspicions were confirmed, she sipped the drink. "He can handle YOU, though." She smiled.

"What're your plans for after this?" She changed the subject.

Kendri gave her a playfully stern look as she brought up the idea of her and Tomm again. When asked about her plans after dinner she admitted, "Probably going over the day's reports. They roll in late, and it makes the mornings easier if I get them done in the evening. What about you?"

Paisley sighed. "Duty rotas," she said. "And seeing if we have any outstanding tickets," she said. People could request Engineering via PADD by issuing a "fix-it" ticket. She tried to ensure that they were answered in a timely manner. "And perhaps see what Jason is up to," she said. "I'm figuring out how to make sure that the two women on my team aren't on the same shift, and keeping apart the two males who don't get along. Mostly just so the others can MEET a woman," she shook her head.

"Senior officer's work is never done," Kendri laughed. "If you're that worried about it, ops is pretty heavy with women. Maybe on tickets outside of engineering you should make it a joint operation. Seems like you enjoy playing matchmaker..." Kendri said watching for a reaction.

Paisley smiled. "Perhaps. That's a good idea!!" She sipped her lemonade. "Anyway. I'll let you be now. Don't be a stranger," the tall Carjoran said as she stood up, and whirled out of the lounge.

Lt. Commander Chalan Kendri
First Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Paisley M'Frar
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia


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